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Shot my socks off!


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Well, after a week of watching a field of rape stubble, and having shot it twice, with a little success on both occasions, I thought I had finally found the best lines into the field and decided to give it a go :hmm:


Was set up by 8am, with some help from MPK (cheers mate :wub: ), as we were setting up a big flock of pigeons lifted from our end of the field, which made things look very promising :lol:


Just as soon as we were in the hide the birds started to decoy perfectly :P


They stayed in small groups of 2s and 5s and continued to come in all day. I missed some absolute sitters and a few high birds, but I also hit a fair few good-uns too :lol:


Had 6 L&R's, one of which, was 2 birds with the first barrel and then the second bird with the second barrel :lol: happy days :)


My previous PB was 108, today I smashed it :lol: I finished up with 211 for 350 cartridges. My best ever day to date :shoot:


Happy?. . . . . . . . . . . just a bit, as I shot my socks off today :yes:




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No worries mate cheers for having me along, I have only just finished prepping those birds took ages.!!! :lol::good: Ill post a pick in a min. I only just got it in my freezer and i think i now have enough pigeon to shake a pigeony stick at . You shot superbly today and that one that came belting over us that you hit and instantly dropped to my feet in the hide (so close i could have caught it in my game bag) will be something i will remeber for years. Cheers for a spot on day mate .Catch up soon :yes::good:

Edited by mpk
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Excellent shooting, thats one big bag.


Like the car particularly the paint job, is it a suzuki?


Yes mate, Suzuki Jimny :good:











I think there is 6-8 breasts in each bag and 14 bags all together. A dam lot of pigeon Yum Yum :lol:



Replace shrimp with pigeon :yes:

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