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Any way to find out car alarm frequency


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I'm a night worker and my wife has had a spat with the widow neighbour - they have never liked each other full stop.


Neighbours daughter has moved back home, a right fugly trollup of trouble and likes to slam the front door as she goes out about 10-30 AM knowing I'm 'effectivly' sleeping in the next room - we have adjoining semi's with a thin dividing wall. Our two houses were originally a five bed detached that was remodelled when they didn't sell very well for the builders - anyway I'm rambling on again.


So, the nasty daughter has developed a knack of bleeping and setting off her car alarm as she unlocks the car, deliberately I think.


I want sweet revenge by upsetting it while she is still asleep, and while she opens it sometimes if I'm awake. Is there a way to find the frequency and do the deed?

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There's a device you can buy which bleeps an annoying frequency at a random time, which makes it almost impossible to find. When you hear it, it could be 10 or 60 minutes before hearing it again.


Alternatively, buy a cat/dog scarer for your garden and set it up to be on constantly. If you're a bit past your prime, you'll hear nothing, whilst the girl will hear it and it's hard to ignore/detect.

Edited by Billy.
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I'm a night worker and my wife has had a spat with the widow neighbour - they have never liked each other full stop.


Neighbours daughter has moved back home, a right fugly trollup of trouble and likes to slam the front door as she goes out about 10-30 AM knowing I'm 'effectivly' sleeping in the next room - we have adjoining semi's with a thin dividing wall. Our two houses were originally a five bed detached that was remodelled when they didn't sell very well for the builders - anyway I'm rambling on again.


So, the nasty daughter has developed a knack of bleeping and setting off her car alarm as she unlocks the car, deliberately I think.


I want sweet revenge by upsetting it while she is still asleep, and while she opens it sometimes if I'm awake. Is there a way to find the frequency and do the deed?


nothing to do with car alarm but most people have wireless door bells with adjustable frequency /channel mode, i wonder if u could could get one so u could set yours up to ring thier door bell.


the bad chaps used to use a scanner to pick up key fob frequency and lock on to it, but now most alarms have a rolling code so it changes every time the fob is pressed.

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Is there a way to find the frequency and do the deed?


Yes, is the short answer, its 433mhz. However the digital signal sent along that frequency is the code for activating / deactivating the alarm, and it is a "rolling" code. That is, every time the remote is used to open the car, a new code is generated,so you will never find it.


So sorry - no revenge that way.


What you could do is find a nice piece of really loud and anoying classical music, put it on a timer to play in max volume, short & ramdom bursts.


That works, and you can't get done by the noise police because its not constant.

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You could ask nicely if they could be quiet :o - if they don't do what I did once - rawl bolted a piece of 3x2 x1/4" thick angle iron to dividing wall :good: - anytime they made a row I got my battery 24v SDS drill out and with masonry drill in it ran battery down drilling angle iron-- drill pilot holes first - stops bit wondering -- works well with head banging music - :o -- You must wear ear plugs AND muffs.


dave :good:

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You could ask nicely if they could be quiet :o - if they don't do what I did once - rawl bolted a piece of 3x2 x1/4" thick angle iron to dividing wall :good: - anytime they made a row I got my battery 24v SDS drill out and with masonry drill in it ran battery down drilling angle iron-- drill pilot holes first - stops bit wondering -- works well with head banging music - :o -- You must wear ear plugs AND muffs.


dave :good:


i can only admire your pure evilness lol :o

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Thank you I am honored.


Also if all else fails a squirt of foam up her exhaust pipe should immobalise car for a while. - Or do as a mate did - paid a couple of druggies to nick boom box car from next door. -- Plenty of solutions if you put your mind to it.



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not sure if still works for the keyfobs but the old "tv remote" watches had a "learn" facility on them and you could catch the frequency while she presses the fob on to the watch..hey presto, you now have a watch that with a power button controls her alarm...! sssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ :good::good:

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There's a device you can buy which bleeps an annoying frequency at a random time, which makes it almost impossible to find. When you hear it, it could be 10 or 60 minutes before hearing it again.


Alternatively, buy a cat/dog scarer for your garden and set it up to be on constantly. If you're a bit past your prime, you'll hear nothing, whilst the girl will hear it and it's hard to ignore/detect.


This sounds good to me - any idea of what it's called so I can Google it please? :good:


Thanks for all the other ideas chaps - keep em coming too. Liking the angle iron bit but that would wake my mrs up too. :good:

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not sure if still works for the keyfobs but the old "tv remote" watches had a "learn" facility on them and you could catch the frequency while she presses the fob on to the watch..hey presto, you now have a watch that with a power button controls her alarm...!



Nope - cannot work - Rolling code stops all that

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I have a phone jammer which knocks a huge frequency out. I'll check it when I'm back. However, if I dig deep enough, I'll get you the website and for about £40 you can knock out all comms within a 100m radius. :lol:



Won't work on the lower frequency bands such as 433mhz, but is a great idea and it would be really useful on those occasions when you are sat next to someone who is stupid enough not to realise that shouting down the phone does not improve the clarity of the conversation, or who is trying to get a wide an audience as possible thinking he is a very important person.

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or there's the Mosquito...



Mosquito works really well - kids used to hang around in a local off-licence doorway in the evenings intimidating customers - one mosquito in a steel cage at burglar alarm height made them all go away - well they moved down the road to the chippy doorway - the owner of that bought one as well - kids are now gone.

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Car alarms now all have Anti-Scan and Anti-grab so you will not be able to get any info off it :lol:

I too have done the hammer drill on the wall routine, very effective, or, when you are up and about and the witch is asleep, have a game of darts with the board hung on said party wall...the Thud, Thud, Thud, pause....Thud, Thud, Thud etc will drive her insane :lol:

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Mosquito works really well - kids used to hang around in a local off-licence doorway in the evenings intimidating customers - one mosquito in a steel cage at burglar alarm height made them all go away - well they moved down the road to the chippy doorway - the owner of that bought one as well - kids are now gone.


But really annoying for those adults who still retain enough of their hearing to pick it up. They are deeply anti-social and I hope they are banned.

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