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What are you scared of?

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cows - i cannot go in the same field as them - infact - i have one field i shoot on that has some cows in the adjacent field - and i cannot go within 200 yards of the boundary, the only time i walked the boundary they all came running across to the fence (well - a couple of strands of barbed wire)

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cows - i cannot go in the same field as them - infact - i have one field i shoot on that has some cows in the adjacent field - and i cannot go within 200 yards of the boundary, the only time i walked the boundary they all came running across to the fence (well - a couple of strands of barbed wire)



Yeh I hear that one!


we have a dog walk near us that goes through a cow field, and as much as I try to walk past calmly I usually end up giving it whopper toes across the field to the nearest gate.


It's the stupid looks on their faces, and the fact that behind those big black dopey eyes, evil is being planned. :angry:

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cows - i cannot go in the same field as them - infact - i have one field i shoot on that has some cows in the adjacent field - and i cannot go within 200 yards of the boundary, the only time i walked the boundary they all came running across to the fence (well - a couple of strands of barbed wire)



I,ve found the same. I,ve tried to face my fear a few times but they definetly seem to pick up on something and come charging towards me so now I just give them a wide birth

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All of the above :angry:


It's a wonder i can summon the courage to get out of bed everyday..


on a more serious note, since my op i'm terrified of hospitals, i have really bad dreams leading up to when i'm due for a check up, also deeply concerned about crowds and confined spaces.

Oh yes.... Zombies, really hate Zombies...


And the dark fluff that gets caught in my belly button, i have visions of keanu reeves in the Matrix when they pull that tracking device out.

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wood whasps them thing are out to get you there like flying tennis balls.



wood wasps don’t have a sting, that long needle looking sting is for laying eggs in wood...bloody huge things I must say first time a saw one I ran for cover, then I trapped it and goggled it..


What am I scared of?


Wasps; only because I’m allergic to their stings.

Losing my family (wife and kids)

Drowning or burning to death, there is something wrong going either way apart from that not much springs to mind.


and people putting their hands near my throat, can't stand the thought of it...

Edited by bionicle
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The only thing that really scares me, is anything happening to my kids!





Me too.


There is NO boundary I would not cross to protect them.


Anything happening to them is my deepest fear, whatever form it takes, but I do not smother them and give them free reign.


I am sure, and can see, most fathers here are probably the same.

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Me too.


There is NO boundary I would not cross to protect them.


Anything happening to them is my deepest fear, whatever form it takes, but I do not smother them and give them free reign.


I am sure, and can see, most fathers here are probably the same.



I'll second that. I'd do time for them that's for sure..

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Heights - no problem , spend every day in a harness 60 + ft off the ground ,

Also spend a while as a tunneler in civil's work so confined spaces / darkness and a f### load of rats is no problem , the same for any creepy crawly /snake.

nothing else so far except for the dreaded dentist and anything happening to the wife and family .

Stems from a mobile dentist that used to come round the village school when i was about ten , had the jab ( which felt like it had gone through the roof of my mouth and out the top of my head ) and about thirty seconds for the stuff to kick in and i was back in the chair .Then the knee on the chest and out the tooth came , no decent anasthetic at all ! still makes me wince now . :angry:

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this one is weird..years ago i use to re glaze tower cranes...the heaters use to crack the glass so as you can guess heights dont bother me

but looking at someone else stood by an edge of a cliff makes me shiver..even though i can do it myself :yes:



and certain films will make me jump :good:

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I am very good at rationalising things. Don't like heights but I can deal with them. Not keen on wasps because they can sting me. Not keen on rats because I know what disease they carry. Nothing turns me into a quivering wreck.


I use cotton wool everyday and I'm very fond of cows. Fantastic stoic creatures.

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I am very good at rationalising things. Don't like heights but I can deal with them. Not keen on wasps because they can sting me. Not keen on rats because I know what disease they carry. Nothing turns me into a quivering wreck.


I use cotton wool everyday and I'm very fond of cows. Fantastic stoic creatures.

walking through a field with ozzy, start getting surrounded by cows. They start lunging forward, the keep advancing. Me to Oz, "is that a bull behind us"


Oh ****!! :good:

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walking through a field with ozzy, start getting surrounded by cows. They start lunging forward, the keep advancing. Me to Oz, "is that a bull behind us"


Oh ****!! :good:


:) and it happened me twice on tuesday night as well out lamping with richie! :yes: from now on im carrying a 12ga with buckshot any time im near cattle :hmm::lol:

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