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Is the world going mad?


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A good friend of mine mentioned today that both he and his girlfriend on separate occasions got asked for ID in Sainsburys when buying mouthwash, because it contains alcohol...


My girlfriend got ID'd two years ago for mincemeat (for Mince Pies) because it had alcohol in it. :yes:


What is the world coming to...


Anyone got a similar thing which you really shouldn't be ID'd for?!

Edited by Billy.
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I bought a small kitchen knife from Co-op a while back and used the self checkout to pay for it.Needless to say the screen started flashing red and an assistant had to verify i was old enough (im 40!).Odd thing is this knife is a little bit smaller than a potato peeler so not excally threatening.


Oh that reminded me.


Just before me and the missus went travelling, we stocked up on toiletries.


I used the self checkout in Morrisons and it flashed up after putting through some tablets.


In all fairness, I understood why, as kids could buy them and eat them, so I prepared to have to show my face to a checkout woman.


...Turns out you're actually not allowed to buy more than one pack of paracetamol. So I was asked to put one back. However I was allowed to walk out and walk back in and buy another pack. :yes: Madness.

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...Turns out you're actually not allowed to buy more than one pack of paracetamol. So I was asked to put one back. However I was allowed to walk out and walk back in and buy another pack. :yes: Madness.


lol-i've had that too,but was told i could do it as two seperate transactions! Strange though because last year i went into a pound shop in Cambridge and bought five packets all in one go no questions asked. :yes:

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:yes: My son 27 was stopped from buying his mam a box

of chocolate liquiers last christmas out of tesco because he

didnt have any ID,the girl who was serving him was a 20

year old neighbour who knew him,so he walked leaving 90

quids worth of gear on the checkout with a queue of about

40 people behind him. :yes:

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A few years ago I went with some mates to Cornwall , a bit of surfing, all that stuff. One boiling hot day we saw an ice cream shop so went in to get some. The woman said that there was real Rum in the Rum n Raisin..A couple of us bought em but she refused one of the lads cos he was only 16. We thought she was having a laugh at first but she was deadly serious. After we laughed at the lad for a bit we then turned to the lady and asked to see her licence as she was selling alcohol to be consumed off the premises. I don't think she sold many more Rum N raisn after that .

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The hospital near us had to stop using the alcohol gel in the reception as the drunks stole it and one died so I guess people drink anything these days.


Anyway I remember the world went mad years ago when a farmer had to get rid of his cockerel as an out of towner complained it was too noisy and the courts agreed so just one more for the list.

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I know in are village i dont know if its the same else where.

They wont sell anyone under the age of 16 flour or egg(I know they have good reason why not)But its a ******when am in mid baking

And need some.


And Josh couldnt buy the sunday paper when he was 15. Because it had the over 18 film inside it.


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and what about the one where one of the big supermarkets will not sell you booze if you have your kids with you just in case your buying it for them, even if there in their pram. so when your doing your weekly shop you have to leave the kids in the car so you can buy your Sherry


.. this was on tv the other morning.

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and what about the one where one of the big supermarkets will not sell you booze if you have your kids with you just in case your buying it for them, even if there in their pram. so when your doing your weekly shop you have to leave the kids in the car so you can buy your Sherry


.. this was on tv the other morning.


Yeah had that, but with the missus. I brought up the fact that a parent and child would be in a similar situation and they said "That's different"


Needless to say, we walked out with no alcohol.

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Lady Seagrave got ID'd for scissors not so long ago, and frequently gets ID'd when buying Lottery tickets.


Lady Seagrave will be 25 this month, and apparently still looks 10 years younger than she actually is... I refuse to take her on a mini-break lest anyone think that I've abducted a minor*. :no:




*and not just because I'm stingey. :no:

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Doing our christmas shopping in Tesco's three years ago my dad (who had just retired) was refused a bottle of Baileys because me and my other half were with him. I had ID and was 26, but the mrs didn't bring her purse (why would she if she didn't need it?). They refused to sell it to us so we left all the stuff in the trolley and walked.


It really bugs me when this sort of thing happens. The focus should be on the person supplying the minor, it's got nothing to do with the shop as long as the buyer is old enough.


Having said that I did get asked for ID when buying a bread knife last year. The checkout woman apologised for asking when she found out I was 29 but I just told her she'd made my day and left the shop smiling. I still have my youthful good looks!

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About 4 Christmas' ago the OH and I were doing our food shop for Xmas and to see us into the new year. We were at our local sainsbugs as they were open til midnight for the Xmas season. In our trolley we had a couple of packs of cream laced with liqueur (3 pots with a different liqueurs, 1 cointreau, 1 Ameretto & 1 Courvousier). We got to the checkout about 1130 pm and they refused to sell us these packs as it was past 11 pm. Totally unbelievable. Morons.

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I work on a checkout at my local Sainsbury's.


We have a think 25 policy, so if I think anyone looks U25 for any age restricted product I am expected to I.D them. There are mystery shoppers sent in that are 24ish and if they are not I.D'd and subsequently refused then a whole load of **** will come down on my head that I can't be bothered to deal with! The management of the store could end up in court as they are not upholding their store's policy of 'think 25'.


It is a real shame that there is more onus on the retailer to prevent underaged sales than there is on the person buying or supplying for underaged people.


As for the paracetemol, the limit at my store is 2 packs. You can buy 90 odd at the instore pharmacy but no more than 2 packs at the checkout. Which is fair enough as I would rather not have on my conscience somebody found dead after an overdose with the receipt I gave them still in their pocket.


As for the parent and child with alcohol thing, common sense applies. Bottle of wine with the weekly shop, fine. Mum flanked with half a dozen sons none of whom have I.D yet each of whom are carrying 2 crates of larger, not fine.


At the end of the day, requesting to see I.D and refusing a sale if they don't have it won't ruin my day, land me with a criminal record or have me hauled up infront of the police and management asking why I'm not sticking to the stores U25 policy. Whereas if I don't I.D somebody then I'm looking at a nasty fine at best.



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