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Teenage Pranks


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Friend of mine has called me and during the chat said he is having a few problems with his 16 year old lad. He has found out that he has been up to playing some kind of torture pranks with mates to see who is man enough among his mates to take some pain. Its not your normal stuff like dead legs and Chinese burns either!


They have been branding each other with heated pastry cutters and one of the lads has now lost his nipples as they froze them with lighter gas.......... bit scary and the lads mother is yet to find out, the lad seems oblivious to the self harm he will come to regret later in life.


We had a few japes and capers when younger but nothing on this scale... why the heck do they do it?


PS its not a Suffolk right of passage thing as far as I know :look:

Edited by pavman
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They have been branding each other with heated pastry cutters and one of the lads has now lost his nipples as they froze them with lighter gas..........



They should still be on the left and right of his chest above the middle though... :look:



on a serious note - WHAT? are they mental!!! :yes:

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in only 24 and when i was a lad we use to do smiles with lighters and some of the harder lads (thicker) use to burn them selfs with cans of lynxs etc like a frezze burn

the new thing to do is choke your self till you pass out


I remember a big fat lad once proudly displaying a row of 50p-sized healed burns all the way up his forearm. He was really, really proud of what he and his new "mates" got up to. :yes:


He was also ginger.





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Have you seen - The Dudesons, Jackass & dirty sanchez ??


These shows are more than likely the source for the stunts, crazy stupid fools.


I remember Jackass nutters jumping off a house roof into a bush - shortly after read a story about a teenage lad doing a copy cat stunt and ending up puncturing his colon as a branch went right up his '***** :look:

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Have you seen - The Dudesons, Jackass & dirty sanchez ??


These shows are more than likely the source for the stunts, crazy stupid fools.


I remember Jackass nutters jumping off a house roof into a bush - shortly after read a story about a teenage lad doing a copy cat stunt and ending up puncturing his colon as a branch went right up his '***** :look:


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Have you seen - The Dudesons, Jackass & dirty sanchez ??


These shows are more than likely the source for the stunts, crazy stupid fools.


I remember Jackass nutters jumping off a house roof into a bush - shortly after read a story about a teenage lad doing a copy cat stunt and ending up puncturing his colon as a branch went right up his '***** :look:



I'm going to sound old now but the kids do it outside our office jumping from one roof to another, did have to laugh the other day as one missed and landed half in half out of an industrial wheelie bin and must have hurt like hell :yes:

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Have you seen - The Dudesons, Jackass & dirty sanchez ??


These shows are more than likely the source for the stunts, crazy stupid fools.


I remember Jackass nutters jumping off a house roof into a bush - shortly after read a story about a teenage lad doing a copy cat stunt and ending up puncturing his colon as a branch went right up his '***** :look:


Dirty sanchez is easily a cause of a lot of kids injuries.


I saw them live once and watched Dainton shove a fishing hook through his foreskin and then watch Pritchard battling with a fishing rod to tear it out. It was pretty intense.

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Dirty sanchez is easily a cause of a lot of kids injuries.


I saw them live once and watched Dainton shove a fishing hook through his foreskin and then watch Pritchard battling with a fishing rod to tear it out. It was pretty intense.



and you paid to watch that :look: , I'm trying to work out whether thats classed as being a pervert with a really odd fettish or just plain strange :yes:

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and you paid to watch that :yes: , I'm trying to work out whether thats classed as being a pervert with a really odd fettish or just plain strange :lol:


I actually saw them twice. Both at Leeds festival. It was a bit of an added bonus to my festival ticket.



...Especially when I thought I'd won the jackpot when I got to the front row. Only to find out a 'Beer Enema & expulsion' was on the menu. It was actually worse than I expected, as Dainton proceeded to eat the **** which subsequently landed on the floor :good: :look: :hmm::no:

Edited by Billy.
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I remember dead leg competitions at 12 years of age. Not 16. But really painful or permanent stuff? Well, fortunately I just wasn't that daft.


Don't get me wrong, I did plenty of daft and reckless stuff, but nothing intentionally or permanent to myself.


In summary, it's just ******* stupid and they must be ******* stupid, end of. There is an expression, "doesn't have the sense to stand out of the rain". It's quite apt and could be altered to "doesn't have the sense not to freeze his own nipples off with Lynx or brand himself with super heated cookie cutters". Sounds quite catchy.

Edited by Mungler
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My partner had some bad news last year , a brief message left on her phone from an old friend that her 16 yo son had died , that was it ,we speculated as to how , I thought he probably crashed his quad into a tree .

But last week another call and a chat , post the coroners inquest , he had been trying out this choking thing on the internet its a bit of a craze with the teenagers at the moment , she had seen the signs previously blood shot eyes and marks on his neck but thought he got them fighting or whatever crazy stuff he was into . Sadly he died accidently .

Very sad what they seem to think is fun these days .



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I really don't know what to say regarding this subject? Being blunt as I often am I guess I would say the kid is naive and obviously keen enough to go to these lengths to look cool and stay mates with his loser peers! If my kid was taking part in these antics I'd tan his backside, 16 or not! Why does the lad feel the need to join in with this stuff?


When I was about the same age a mates dad (of all people!) had this thing about testing how hard his sons mates were. He used to light a clipper lighter until the flintwheel was really hot and then hold their arm and press the wheel onto it. Well loads of my mates went through it and screamed to hold it there for as long as they could..... Me, I punched him in the face as hard as I could and told the guy that if he ever tried it again I'd **** him up far beyond what he thought a kid was capable of and show him how hard (perhaps crazy would be a better description?) I really was. Strangely enough I got more respect from him after that than any other kid he knew. To be honest I think it shocked him that much he really didn't know how to react to me?!


I'm not proud of the person I was when I was young, but to some extent it got the fairly small lad that I was through the toughest years of my life without being bullied or pushed into smoking, drink, drugs and all the other stuff a lot of the kids at my school did. I can count on one hand the number of fights I had at school and I went in that hard with that little respect for my enemy that I never lost once.


Tell the lad that there is a lot more to life than doing whatever it takes to stay mates with people who clearly don't respect you. I've seen far too many lads in my age group get ruined by drugs and other stupid things that they did to impress their peers. Some of them have even died. If you really want respect do your own thing and show people how hard you are when they try to make you do otherwise. Even now all the low lifes in my area step to one side and let me pass because they're not really sure what's going to come their way if they push me. In truth the chances are it will be nothing but they certainly aren't willing to take the risk and I like it that way.

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Mods feel free to remove this post if you think it is inappropriate. I realise it could give someone ideas but my intention is to warn people.


I've seen about these choking 'games' on the net and alot of people don't realise how dangerous it is. These moves cut off the blood to the brain and the person loses consciousness within seven seconds. Until the blood supply is restored then the brain is starved of oxygen. Even if the person regains conciousness quickly then there is still a risk of brain damage.

This is how so many people hang themselves by accident.

They put something round their neck and think that they can just put a bit of weight on the noose until they feel the effect and then they'll stand up again.

What they don't realise is that, as soon as the blood supply becomes restricted then it has the almost immediate effect of sending the person to 'sleep'. The result is of course that their full weight then goes on the noose and recovery is impossible.

Many accidental suicides by hanging still have their feet on the floor. :good:


The other stupid game is for one 'friend' to punch another so hard in the jaw that he gets knocked out. Their 'friends' all stand round laughing because the knocked out one is 'snoring'. He's snoring because he's unconcious and has swallowed his tongue. Unless he's quickly put in the recovery position and the tongue cleared from his throat then he's going to choke or suffer brain damage.

As a result of falling to the ground unconcious then he may also hit his head on the ground again causing serious injury.


If anyone knows of anyone playing these 'games' then please try to let them know that they're not games.

It's manslaughter. ???

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When I was about the same age a mates dad (of all people!) had this thing about testing how hard his sons mates were. He used to light a clipper lighter until the flintwheel was really hot and then hold their arm and press the wheel onto it. Well loads of my mates went through it and screamed to hold it there for as long as they could




these r called smiles

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When I was about the same age a mates dad (of all people!) had this thing about testing how hard his sons mates were. He used to light a clipper lighter until the flintwheel was really hot and then hold their arm and press the wheel onto it. Well loads of my mates went through it and screamed to hold it there for as long as they could




these r called smiles



Round here thats called "abuse" :good:

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