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Tell me how these Driven Days


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Hi all, please tell me how this works!


A 200 bird (pheasant & partridge) day for a team of 8 guns, 4 to 6 drives, including lunch - the cost shown is £850.


Would you say that is for the team or per gun? I know what I think it should be but after a debate with a friend on the clay ground this morning I need to get the correct answer!



Much appreciated




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Thats a bit much per bird i went on a 300 bird day on sat and we were paying £26 per bird ,we did not make 300 but were close . Most we have payed this year is 29 per bird but this is on a very good shoot :good:



How lucky you are up your way to be able to buy quality birds so cheaply.

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the real bug bear to me is you and yr mates have a great days shoot , pay shed loads and walk away with a brace ! i shoot to fill my freezer not line peoples pockets .

although we are up north in december on a 2oo bird shoot 8 guns (5 of them us) 400 quid inc two cottages for the 2 day stay . BUT i will be bringing home a pukka brace or two .



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Indeed, seems quite an expensive day unless its a well know shoot at £34 per bird even with lunch.




Well, if you think that's expensive try booking a days driven Grouse shooting.. :yes:


I can't understand why people moan about the cost, the going rate for driven birds is around £25 a bird upwards, if you can't afford it, don't pay it, it's that simple. :hmm:



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£850 for a days shooting? Anybody paying that has more money than sense. I dont care how much effort has gone into rearing birds and the price of feed. If you pay money like that, you are only making it more exclusive to the middle class toffs (and Mungler :hmm: ) . Id want to be shooting Unicorns for that price. :yes:

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If you have the money why not enjoy it?

I beat on a weekly basis for people who pay upwards of £1500 for a days shooting, a couple of them shoot 4 days a week, every week during the season.

They aren't middle class toffs, in the main they have worked hard and built up businesses that now more or less run themselves, so they can sit back and enjoy the profits of their hard work.

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Nothing wrong with the price of driven game shooting... helps keep the riff raff at bay :good:


Some of the Syndicates in these parts range from £100 - £25k a gun per season!



Ain't that the truth?


After all make it too cheap and everyone will be shooting, then who will beat for the landed gentry?

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It's hard to rear pheasants for less than £25-30 a bird we tried and failed! Some say shooting is the most expensive hobby but my mates wife keeps horses there pretty bad on the cash flow to! Mind you you can usually find something for each pocket. I salmon fish for £130 a year and shoot for £300 plus a couple of bottles at Christmas for the pigeons

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If you have the time, money, inclination and enjoy it, then why not? Besides that money filters down and into the shooting "industry".


I have witnessed 10x that much being spent in one night at Spearmint Rhino. I'm not saying it's right - it wasn't my money, they weren't my clients and like I said, I just saw it happen (whilst sipping a lemonade and reading a book quietly in the corner). Again, if you want to do that it's your money and your choice.


Incidentally, I am too much of a tight wad to pay £25 plus VAT per bird. It's much better to get into a syndicate and get your driven shooting that way

Edited by Mungler
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I part agree with some of the comments made, and about prices of rearing birds, but the bottom line is this.


If you want to pay thousands of pounds to shoot birds, go ahead, It just makes you (in my book) a fool. Their own hard earned money? So be it. My hard earned, not a chance.

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I think we have probably established they have more 'hard earned' than you or us, so it's up to them, it is probably a drop in the ocean to them, whereas it would be a significant amount to us.

However I doubt anyone who has built up their own £ multimillion business is much of a fool :good:



Nope, but they certainly spend like one :lol: . Anyway, im not debating it, just voicing a personal opinion. If i had 'their' money, i still wouldnt be paying it.

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Well I think I must be firmly in the fool camp. I'm not rich in fact I'm nearer the poor end of the scale but I do enjoy going to Scotland for a few days a year and shoot some fantastic birds in stunning surroundings.


I have paid £35 + vat and think it's worth every penny. Even though I'm in a syndicate which gives me 6 days shooting for £300 and all the pigeon shooting I could want.


The thing is I don't drive a big expensive car or go on expensive beech holidays, instead I work hard and save so I can have a few days each year that I will remeber for the rest of my life. I am not saying I am right and anyone else is wrong it's just what I enjoy and I'm willing to pay for it.

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Well I think I must be firmly in the fool camp. I'm not rich in fact I'm nearer the poor end of the scale but I do enjoy going to Scotland for a few days a year and shoot some fantastic birds in stunning surroundings.


I have paid £35 + vat and think it's worth every penny. Even though I'm in a syndicate which gives me 6 days shooting for £300 and all the pigeon shooting I could want.


The thing is I don't drive a big expensive car or go on expensive beech holidays, instead I work hard and save so I can have a few days each year that I will remeber for the rest of my life. I am not saying I am right and anyone else is wrong it's just what I enjoy and I'm willing to pay for it.




And good on you for it. The world would be a strange place if we were all the same. :good:

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It's hard to rear pheasants for less than £25-30 a bird we tried and failed! Some say shooting is the most expensive hobby but my mates wife keeps horses there pretty bad on the cash flow to! Mind you you can usually find something for each pocket. I salmon fish for £130 a year and shoot for £300 plus a couple of bottles at Christmas for the pigeons



A horse is simply a means for turning cash into dung! (Just joking - used to ride a lot).

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