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My eyeball aches


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:good::lol: Sorry Mungler - You really should have your own TV show.


I would pop to the opticians if its just aching, if its more than an ache I would get yourself seen ASAP.


My uncle had the same 6 months ago and didnt act on it - I wont say what happened to him, He is Ok now, but more by luck than judgement.


Dont screw around & get it sorted!

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The question is not will you die, rather it is when will you die and of what. I doubt a sore eye will kill you, but you might wish to have your pressures measured. Are you having any other symptoms, Do you see halos around street lights at night for example. Any optician can measure your pressures and have a proper look in the eye. Its a simple test, they blow a swift blast of air into your eye. Worth getting it checked.

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The question is not will you die, rather it is when will you die and of what. I doubt a sore eye will kill you, but you might wish to have your pressures measured. Are you having any other symptoms, Do you see halos around street lights at night for example. Any optician can measure your pressures and have a proper look in the eye. Its a simple test, they blow a swift blast of air into your eye. Worth getting it checked.


Yes or you can do it yourself with a high pressure line and a tyre pressure gauge pushed firmly into your eyeball, but be sure to remove the spoon from under your eyelid first.


Let us know how you get on mate.

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My left eyeball has been aching for two days. Like a headache / pressure behind the eye.


If it continues do I go to Optician or Quack ?


Am I going to die ? :good:


You might die,


if you are driving to the Optician and you rub your eye and take your other eye off the road you may crash into a cement lorry or simular. Be carefull i would leave it until you loose the sight in that eye, or you could try the putting a couple of drops of smoking olive oil into it.

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My left eyeball has been aching for two days. Like a headache / pressure behind the eye.


If it continues do I go to Optician or Quack ?


Am I going to die ? :good:


Go to your local eye infirmary up here you can just walk in to be seen,

my sister suffers bad migraine and gets a similar pain but best to get

checked over.





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I had the same problem a few weeks ago so went to see my GP as I had started to get slightly blurred vision aswell, doctor said it was probably down to stress as i was about to start a new role in my job and prescribed me a short course of mild anti-depressants. was told if it got worse to go to my local eye infirmary.

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prescribed me a short course of mild anti-depressants.


You should have refused them. They will come up in every variation that you do on your SGC and FAC. I was prescribed some once (it is a real cross to bear being as handsome as me), I didnt take them but EVERY time the FEO comes round he harps back to that.


Back on topic, I have no other symptoms but it has now jumped across to the other eye. I think that it is psychosomatic because I watched that interview with Russell Watson by Piers Morgan last week. :good:

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I had the same problem a few weeks ago so went to see my GP as I had started to get slightly blurred vision aswell, doctor said it was probably down to stress as i was about to start a new role in my job and prescribed me a short course of mild anti-depressants. was told if it got worse to go to my local eye infirmary.


Might consider a new GP if I were you :good:


If you are slightly stressed and he sends you to get investigated for potential glaucoma and its not then at the end of the day you remain slightly stressed. On the other hand if he treats your eye pain as depression and it turns out to be glaucoma the first you might know about it is going blind. Now which would you prefer ? :lol:

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If you posted for sympathy I think it backfired - - I would go to both - opticain or Doc which ever you trust first - - What you have could kill you - if you go blind you could get run over by a bus trying to cross road. - There again we don't know how much you have drunk today . - best bet is go lie down for a few hours and see what happens. :lol::good:



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You should have refused them. They will come up in every variation that you do on your SGC and FAC. I was prescribed some once (it is a real cross to bear being as handsome as me), I didnt take them but EVERY time the FEO comes round he harps back to that.


Back on topic, I have no other symptoms but it has now jumped across to the other eye. I think that it is psychosomatic because I watched that interview with Russell Watson by Piers Morgan last week. :good:


It's ok mate, I got my certificate took off me due to being diagnosed with mild Bi-polar disorder/mood disorder so as you might well imagine I have been on some serious medication luckily for me now though my life is back on track and have no interest at all in re-applying for my tickets as i sold up quite some time ago and was holding a empty certificate just in case i got back into it. For now though my main interests are still ferreting and carp fishing but i do go out with my friends shooting my air rifle and I have the odd go of the .22lr

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It's ok mate, I got my certificate took off me due to being diagnosed with mild Bi-polar disorder/mood disorder so as you might well imagine I have been on some serious medication luckily for me now though my life is back on track and have no interest at all in re-applying for my tickets as i sold up quite some time ago and was holding a empty certificate just in case i got back into it. For now though my main interests are still ferreting and carp fishing but i do go out with my friends shooting my air rifle and I have the odd go of the .22lr


I'm not sure you get mild bi-polar? Glad you're feeling better though.

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