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Always red for me and SL, the beam being cut down doesnt bother us as we only just use enough to get the reflection from the eye`s. Personally I dont like the white as I dont seem to see the bunny as clear as I do with the red filter !

Also Charlies eyes always appear to me to reflect better with the red light.


I wouldnt use a white light now through choice.

SL my laping partner has a lightforce with red filter which works very well but for what they are they ftch the money.


I have a few batterys and the car for lamp power but dont have my own lamp currently. But I think in the new year I may just get something scope mounted if i get my £`s together ! :good: Thinking of a cluson.

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There isn't a right or wrong colour!


Some areas and quarry may be happier with one colour or another, it's the way it is, a Red is probably quite effective in many areas, possibly just because it cuts the light down so much!


If a red light goes on and lots of bunnies friends and family don't go home, then the same happens the next day, etc etc, then bunny will learn!


Lots of colours are worth a try, but in my view more important than any colour filter is a dimmer switch!



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I have a selection of about 7 different coloured filters for my "Home Made Gun Lamp" most of which I have never had to use.For those of you that missed it here is the link to the video showing how I made the lamp and the set of filters I managed to buy for it ;


If I had to cut the selection down to two then I would give the amber forst choice and the red second choice. I never use the lamp without a coloured filter for rabbits or foxes but that is just my personal choice!

I was out last night (In the rain) with the Hummer, Lamp and Amber Filter (In the rain) and took 9 shots for 7 rabbits at ranges from (about) 30 yards to 100 yards - Only 1 rabbit did a runner when the lamp went on but I think that was my movements while we had a break in the weather and a bit of moonlight rather than the light caused that) and the 2 missed shots were just plain bad shooting on my part!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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