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W were chatting in the pub tonight (as you do) and someone mentioned 'Muhamed' (is that the right spelling?)is now the most popular name in the UK true?. what the * is happining to this country???


I for one will be persueding my kids to emigrate to Australia! I'm not at all racist, but these headers are out breeding us ten to one!


What do you guys think??

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W were chatting in the pub tonight (as you do) and someone mentioned 'Muhamed' (is that the right spelling?)is now the most popular name in the UK true?. what the f is happining to this country???


I for one will be persueding my kids to emigrate to Australia! I'm not at all racist, but these headers are out breeding us ten to one!


What do you guys think??


Reduce immigration and have more kids. Problem solved!

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Why do racists seem to think that if you start a sentence with 'I'm not racist but...' you can then be as racist as you like.


It's a bit like saying 'I'm not sexist, but I don't think women should be paid as much as men for the same job and you should be allowed to touch their ****** at work'.


Or, 'I'm not gay, but I like having sex with men'.


Or 'I'm not hungry, but I haven't eaten for days and I'm starving'.


Basically, you are racist or you wouldn't be saying what you're saying.


I hope the mods will stamp down on this. I'm sure its only a minority of PW readers who are racist. The rest of us don't want to hear it.

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I for one will be persueding my kids to emigrate to Australia! I'm not at all racist, but these headers are out breeding us ten to one!


What do you guys think??


I think you've spelt persuading wrong :rolleyes:


I'm not racist either, one of my best friends is black :yes:






And on that note.....................

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I didn't used to think of myself as a racist but maybe this post will show that deep down I am!

The government are constantly talking about ways of cutting unempolyment and penalising those that are out of work for more that a set time but how the hell are the "Brits" (And by that I mean the white British people) going to find work when there is such a shortage of jobs available so many of the few jobs that do become available are taken by non british imigrants. The problem has got even worse since joining the EU when the flood gates were opened up for so many more foriegn "workers?" to enter Britain and take whatever jobs the like (Expecting them to be given priority over British workers and when they are not shouting out "Racial Discrimination"). The same applies to housing as it does to jobs, they only have to come to Britain and they can claim Housing and Social Benefits which should be used to support true Britains.

I don't think that capping the amount of imigrants allowed to enrter Britain is the answer, the real answer lies in stopping them all together and those that are here already without work should be sent back to their own country!

I was led to believe that if you wanted to go out to Australia to live you had to have a certain amount of money saved to live of for a set period of time while you searched for work and if you had not found work within that certain time you had to leave the country, if this is true why can we not have a similar condition over in Britain for Imigrants?


That's my say and I will not be "drawn" into any further "discussion" on the matter on this thread!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Why do racists seem to think that if you start a sentence with 'I'm not racist but...' you can then be as racist as you like.


It's a bit like saying 'I'm not sexist, but I don't think women should be paid as much as men for the same job and you should be allowed to touch their ****** at work'.


Or, 'I'm not gay, but I like having sex with men'.


Or 'I'm not hungry, but I haven't eaten for days and I'm starving'.


Basically, you are racist or you wouldn't be saying what you're saying.


I hope the mods will stamp down on this. I'm sure its only a minority of PW readers who are racist. The rest of us don't want to hear it.



Im not racist either,but i wish all these whinging ethnic minorities who slate the UK off would **** off back to their own slums if they hate us that much.Check out the protests and racial hatred in the demos when our squaddies came home this week.If it was a white man spouting that **** we would be nicked straight away and all the coloureds would be playing the black man card.The countries not ours anymore and its time the government got a grip and sorted them out with a metal rod.

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I didn't used to think of myself as a racist but maybe this post will show that deep down I am!

The government are constantly talking about ways of cutting unempolyment and penalising those that are out of work for more that a set time but how the hell are the "Brits" (And by that I mean the white British people) going to find work when there is such a shortage of jobs available so many of the few jobs that do become available are taken by non british imigrants. The problem has got even worse since joining the EU when the flood gates were opened up for so many more foriegn "workers?" to enter Britain and take whatever jobs the like (Expecting them to be given priority over British workers and when they are not shouting out "Racial Discrimination"). The same applies to housing as it does to jobs, they only have to come to Britain and they can claim Housing and Social Benefits which should be used to support true Britains.

I don't think that capping the amount of imigrants allowed to enrter Britain is the answer, the real answer lies in stopping them all together and those that are here already without work should be sent back to their own country!


I agree.


Anything to keep the French out has got to be a good thing :good:

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Just my observation based what is happening locally …


I work alongside some eastern Europeans over the summer months on the game farm and are we have a large organic fruit & veg farm/shop alongside.


The truth is that the English boys and girls will not do the work, to dirty, to hard - they do not stick it out and most quit very early on, the last english lad we had lasted 1 month, during that time the whinging never stopped - bad back, too many hours!


The other immigrant lads are not frightened of graft, will do all the hours and still ask for more - they think it's easy and have a laugh!


Think pete is right on some counts, an aus style points entry system is the first thing I would implement. The next would be that if you live in our country you abide by our laws and

culture - if you can't/don't like it …the exit is open.


As for the scummy people who abused our troops (past and present) they should be deported asap


Just my opinions!

Edited by Hot-Shot
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Given it's in the off topic section I don't see any reason to pull the thread. Also, given that Muslims can have up to 4 wives, it's reasonable to assume that some kind of rapid breeding might be on their agenda. Easy to see therefore for those with their eyes wide open is that they have the means to produce many more soldiers children within our shores.


I put it that way as it seems Muslim hardliners dictate that the world WILL become Muslim. A quick Google suggests that because of war there may be many single women who could not honourably provide more soldiers babies unless they found a man to support them. That the UK tax payer probably pays them to build their army over here with a free UK passport is their human right innit. Thats four times the amount of benefits potentially going to a Muslim man than a Christian or atheist man for example.


No wonder the country is in so much debt. :yp:

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Given it's in the off topic section I don't see any reason to pull the thread. Also, given that Muslims can have up to 4 wives, it's reasonable to assume that some kind of rapid breeding might be on their agenda. Easy to see therefore for those with their eyes wide open is that they have the means to produce many more soldiers children within our shores.


I put it that way as it seems Muslim hardliners dictate that the world WILL become Muslim. A quick Google suggests that because of war there may be many single women who could not honourably provide more soldiers babies unless they found a man to support them. That the UK tax payer probably pays them to build their army over here with a free UK passport is their human right innit. Thats four times the amount of benefits potentially going to a Muslim man than a Christian or atheist man for example.


No wonder the country is in so much debt. :yp:



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think everything in thid country has gone a bit backwards so am not suprised that mohammed is the most popular name. The fact that if a white person so much as looks at an ethnic the wrong way it is considered racist yet the protesting muslims are able to burn poppys laid out for every man white black and brown that have laid down there like for this country.


It really is disgusting. I have several muslim friends all called mohammed and they have really opened my eyes. I believe as custom every male muslim is called mohammed as standard, which is why I'm not suprised about its popularity. They do not have a first amd second name so rather than being called Mohammed Imran their actual name is Mohammed-Imran. Also every muslim I have ever spoken too completely condems the extremists and say that they are not muslim. A fundamental law in the koran is that if you kill one man you kill the whole of humanity. That being said there are still muslim extremists living in this country which they hate so much. I believe they should be deported without question.


I hope I haven't come across as anti english in this as I'm an proud englishman with a father in the forces and a military upbringing. The truth is that the cities in this country are already beyond repair and that over the years so many foreigners have been allowed in that it will soon be impossible to define an englishman as many of them will be several generations living in england and consider themselves english.


I'm just glad I live out in the countryside where there's nothing more than shooting and fishing to keep us entertained. The same people living here all their lives and very few new people coming in.


All the best



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Hot-Shot, I know what you are saying and I tend to agree with you on the Fruit, Veg and "General Unskilled Labour" side of things. My wife and I spent a good few years working in the Fruit and Veg "Picking" side of life earning or livings throughout most parts of England. In my experience you are quite right that many of the British workers would not stick it out and were always complaining and wingeing about the hour, the pay, the back ache, and anything else that it was possible to winge about! There is a flip side to this coin however - When we were in Hereford during the Strawberry season it was not uncommon for us to go to one particular farm and find a notice on the gate that read "NO ENGLISH PICKERS TODAY"! However I see the "Seasonal Workers" as a slightly different kettle of fish to those that I was mainly refering to. The ones that I am refering to are more the EU workers that are taking up all of the "Trade Jobs", Building, Plumbing, Electricians, Motor Mechanics, Welders, Nursing, and such likes! Our government is saying that our youngsters should try to learn a trade - I understand what the youths are saying when they say "Why should we spend 3 or more years of our life learning a trade when there are no jobe at the end of it for us because the "foriegners" have taken them all"?

In general it is the more "skilled jobs" that I was losely refering to with my comments!

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If you need any proof about the growing number of non-whites living in the UK, come to Oldham for a few days.

I can show you all the 4 and 5 bed houses that have been built over the last 3 years or so, all to cater for large families...all Asian.

We also have at least one Mosque plus a 'learning centre' in every borough, several council funded 'community centres' that are, on paper, for every religion, yet located in the very centre of asian communities, many converted shops offering help with immigration appeals, gaining British Citizenship, and help claiming all the benefits when arriving here. Then there are the money centres, where millions of our Pounds are sent to Pakistan, Bangladesh and India...

People in power who make the rules have not got a clue what is happening to our country, they live in their Ivory Towers in wealthy southern suburbs, and would probably die of culture shock if they stayed 'oop ere' for a few days :angry:

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We live in a diverse multi cultural society and have done on an increasing scale since the 40's.It's time to stop thinking about "them and Us",there is only us.where are you going to send them too,they are born here and share the same rights to express themselves as "we" do.

I'd like these facts answered

what is the % ratio of how many 3rd generations coloured families who have never worked compared to white families and are parasites to the system?

ratio of how many coloured people aged 15-25 are getting drunk and fighting,vomiting,urinating in our streets most weekends?

ratio of underage pregnant coloured claiming benifits compared to whites?

ratio of white crack cocaine and herion addicts compared to coloureds?

ratio of homeless whites begging on streets to coloureds?

how many coloured over 65's are left by their families to manage on their own.I'd like to see the cost involved in care for those poor white pensioners as their families quietly leave them to the goverment to foot the bill,where Asian families are more likely to take them in automatically?

The list is endless.And I'd wager the whites are more likely to be the higher %

The reason they take "our" jobs is because we don't want them jobs,because they are too hard,too early starts,too long hours or the classic "I'm better off on benifits"

At the moment I spend a lot of time in a London hospital while my son is being treated for cancer,i have met a lot of different cultural people here being treated and the fact is they are culturally different to White English,not worse not better,just different,some I like,some I don't,based on the individual,not their colour/culture.

I am appaled by the banners slagging of out troups,as I am appalled by the BMP,i think that they are very much the minourity,but if you slap 3 people with banners on the front page of a newspaper it looks like the majority.The same as if you put 3 British white football thugs on the front page of a paper rioting at a European match,everyone was!

We will all never get along,3000 years of human history teaches us that,we will never all see eye to eye,and the sooner we realise that the sooner we will all get along!

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