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Pedofile in your street


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i went to collect my mate on sunday from his house to go rough shooting, and noticed one of those camera things up lampost right by his house.

on questioning mate about it he said yeh it went up 3 days ago thats not to protect us, its not a bad area or anything, its the pedo he is out of nick again for the fifth time.


He says not only do we get cameras spying on us to protect him from attack but the local coppers are round here every 30 mins or so, one has just gone by in his van. i said yeh i just passed one on the way in.


while we were loading stuff into my car which took approx 20 mins which included the chat two walking coppers then appeared round the corner and strolled down the street.


mate said this goes on day and night.


i said to my mate this is crazy he gets protected! and yet hes been done 5 times and he is still here.


mate replied yeh, he even has a camera ( which moves) on side of his house which is scanning the street.


He said local residents have complained to the police but they were told they could not do anything about his camera and regarding him being back at his old address it better if he was there atleast we know where he is.


My mate did say to me i suppose if he's here aleast we know he is here, if he was moved then he could go into an area and locals to that area would not know.



To me what a lot of tax payers money is being spent on this ................ person, to protect him UH! oh where is the justice.



i might be wrong so i am sure someone will put me right but i said to my mate he does not have a warning sign up on his house stating

cctv in operation with reason for cctv, name of operator and contact details of the operator, and i said i think there is someting about having cctv that can be turned remotly etc


you can only imagine what he is using this camera for, and i bet it ain,t for his own safety and the road is on road near school


your thoughts and suggestions would be most helpfull, locals want this chap out of thier area



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Its an outrage,

How much is that costing me, the law abiding tax payer?

They should bring back asylums for sick people like him.

I saw a thing on the news last week about a pedo ring who communicated through writing on public toilet walls and they drugged a 5 year old girl amongst other disgusting crimes

It makes me sick.

They need putting in a secure unit or an alternative option chemical castration.

Edited by Daveo26
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one was rehoused in our area, and guess where? yep straight across road from primary school.

I would think there has been a mistake or someone has turned a blind eye,

like the so called professional people in the baby 'P' incident, god rest his sole..

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To a point I feel sorry for them. Imagine how you would feel if someone told you that you shouldn't find that 25yo blonde with big norks attractive but should actually be looking at a 5yo kid. It can't be easy for them. Having said that I like to think that if I felt that way I would be able to see how wrong it was and fix the issue by kissing the front of a fast moving train?!


One thing's for sure they shouldn't be allowed out to mix with society. Especially repeat offenders as it's clear their "treatment" isn't working. I don't really know how we should go about punishing someone like this? To a point it's not a punishable issue and especially if they've not actually done anything physical. They just need controlling in some form of secure housing.


It's quite easy to say "hang them" but really I tend to see them as a seperate issue to violent criminals who are just plain nasty. They don't choose to feel this way and it must be a real fight for them to resist such a deep programmed urge for their whole life. I certainly wouldn't want to be in their shoes!

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To a point I feel sorry for them. Imagine how you would feel if someone told you that you shouldn't find that 25yo blonde with big norks attractive but should actually be looking at a 5yo kid. It can't be easy for them. Having said that I like to think that if I felt that way I would be able to see how wrong it was and fix the issue by kissing the front of a fast moving train?!


One thing's for sure they shouldn't be allowed out to mix with society. Especially repeat offenders as it's clear their "treatment" isn't working. I don't really know how we should go about punishing someone like this? To a point it's not a punishable issue and especially if they've not actually done anything physical. They just need controlling in some form of secure housing.


It's quite easy to say "hang them" but really I tend to see them as a seperate issue to violent criminals who are just plain nasty. They don't choose to feel this way and it must be a real fight for them to resist such a deep programmed urge for their whole life. I certainly wouldn't want to be in their shoes!


I feel the same way as you on this one, why would anyone choose to be this way? perhaps its some form of mental illness?

I think they should be placed in a secure unit away from possible victims.

Not allowed to wonder the streets, also as i mentioned above chemical castration to take away any "desires"

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Shocking. Chemical castration all the way. If as above as mentioned it is a disease and they are attracted to children then surely they are aware of this and they should know it is wrong. Maybe we should offer a voluntary chemical castration service for volunteer peado's to enroll on for the greater good. Surely the desires would go away once they have the chop?


But then how do we explain Female peado's? Spade them? Mmm I dont think this is going to work.. Just hang the lot of them :good:

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By whatever means such a person ends up as one (they are not usually the stereotypical dirty old man in a raincoat), it is the liberal attitude towards such criminals that I find shocking. I'm not one for ending some one else's life if they commit such a crime as that system is too flawed, but life has to mean exactly that for sexual crimes against children. It has been proven through umpteen studies that many of this type will and do pose a significant threat of re-offending - I for one would gladly pay higher taxes for keeping them inside forever.


As for those that pity them, you're a better person than I - I have nothing but loathing for them, whatever their circumstances that brought them to offend/attempt or even consider such crimes.

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As for those that pity them, you're a better person than I - I have nothing but loathing for them, whatever their circumstances that brought them to offend/attempt or even consider such crimes.


I'm with you on this one :yes:


PITY......just how much PITY did they have for there victims :blink:

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I don't see how you can't pity them. It's a terrible position to be in. I do agree 100% with you when you say that they need to be locked up for life. You can't brainwash out one of the strongest natural urges man has so there will obviously always be a risk.


Like I say mate, you're a stronger person than me as I cannot pity such a person, I have nothing but utter contempt. Although many may have got to that position by being an innocent victim of such abuse, to carry on the circle defies all human boundaries. The most shocking element is the amount out there.

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