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22:15 Today




The Last Tally Ho


Documentary telling the inside story of a traditional hunt and how it has been affected by the ban on hunting. It follows the men and women of Gloucestershire's Vale of White Horse Hunt over a year, from the last legal hunt to the opening meet of the first season under the new law


Duration: 60mins

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I'm not so sure. It portraid the old terrier man in a poor light, (I couldn't keep my old pair off the bloody foxes and B*****s).

The missus used to hunt down in Devon and she thought it portraid the hunt mistress in a bad light, (exactly what the antis are on about, "Tally Ho, I'm never going to to stop.").

I love hunting and the whole social scene that goes with it, I don't think the programme did it justice.


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i dont support hunting realy but every man to his own sport in the countryside i think we all should support the overturning of the ban as if not the antis will become bored and come after shooting . also in my opinion the labour goverment could spend there time better worrying about the health service and how they could best improve it and taking more drugs and crime out of this country realy gets my goat and could rant on on but wont

cheers kirky

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At a risk of becoming a Victor Meldrew. All this cr-p about a traditional English sport really gets me going. We are all British but our own government wants to stop its own traditions, those which this Country was built on. But if i was some off white immigrant i could do what i wanted when i wanted and this same load of c--ts in charge, supported by the tree hugging bunny lovers would be happy to let them. Come on what the **** is going on? Just a thought if we could get all the Muslims into Hunting Shooting and Fishing then just maybe all our problems would be over.


Sorry about that i`m just off to calm down.

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I have to agree in some instances with Pedro, the documentry was very informative but there were some parts that did show it in a bad light, for instance when the Narrator said the fox had been "savaged" - use of choice words there when it could have been toned down a bit perhaps.


At the end of the day the BBC had a whole lot more footage and could have portrayed it in a worse light than they did. It was reasonably balanced. I was never a fan of hunting and never really paid any attention to it but went and showed my support on the 19th Feb last year, as did many many other people because we all know that our sport will be next, no doubt about it.


The Hunting Act 2004 is a load of tripe anyway, as was said last night, if a fox jumps up then what can they do about it? 40 dogs in a pack, with the scnet running through them, doing what they are trained to do, will be hard to stop.


The blurb at the end made me think though, 900 foxes have been killed since the ban, either being flushed and shot, or because they jumped when they shouldn't have done - these are confirmed numbers from the hunts, not from the likes of frank for instance over in Ireland or others of us who protect game birds and stock, the figures aren't much different from last year so what have the anti's achieved?


I'll tell you what the purpose of the whole thing is and that's votes - the government have pushed a bill through to keep the majority happy to obtain votes in the next GE. The government know the act is floored and the hunts can carry on hunting, if the government stays schtum about it all then the anti's think they have won but the countryside can go on - which is what the VWH were saying last night, they don't want the publicity - they are still hunting as they were before and so are most of the other hunts. There were also 200 reports of misuse of the act to the police by anti's last year - not one single person has been proscecuted under the bill yet and i personally don't expect anyone to be for a while.


The police aren't there every weekend at every hunt to see what happens and if there is a report from an anti is it really worth the police's time to go and investigate - I think not.


A shabby act, rushed through to secure the votes of the non-understanding. They think it's in place so think Tony B-liar is wonderful.


I think he's a ####er and B*llocks to Blair :thumbs:

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Well said Waddy. I reckon that the Beeb _could_ have done it a lot worse than they did but, apart from a couple of times I thought were a bit iffy, it was overall a pretty balanced documentry.


The political aspects of it were pretty good too. I'd like to see more of the CA and what they did at the Labour party conference, but I'm guessing it would have been more of the same.



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Being to old to get on a horse nowadays i watched the programme without any forward thinking. I thought it fairly well balanced until the end when red herrings were chucked in "when our cameras were not allowed" ect. As usual one or two would have done better to keep their traps shut. I personally have never thought Blair,s mob had a hope in hell of stopping a way of life that folk have enjoyed for hundreds of years. I will now retire to my old chair and dribble quietly till the next time I have owt to say.

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Saw the programme.... very good..... My parents live a stones throw from the Kennels at Maisey Hampton.. Most of the VWH territory I know like the back of my hand.... fantastic hunting country.. used to follow the hunt by bicycle when I was a lad......... Also bloody good shooting country.


That Countess Goess- Saru is a fabulous Horsewoman and well known in the Point to Point circles.


Some nice pictures of the Bathhurst Estate, Cirencester and Bibury Court Hotel.


Thought it was a pretty fair documentary.


Hunting is alive and well in the Cotswolds and to be honest some of the members are so well connected an attempted prosecution would be a waste of time.. !



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Do you guys think the programe will have helped the hunt?


They seemed to get quite a few people on camera stating quite clearly that they hunted foxes post ban with the intention of killing them. It is one thing to do it but to admit it on camera was a bit daft.


At least it will **** the antis off seeing foxes being hunted a year after the ban :thumbs:

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At least it will **** the antis off seeing foxes being hunted a year after the ban  :thumbs:

Exactly, They'll go for an outright ban on hunting now.


Any publicity on hunting only causes more grief.

So what will the hunts do then ? Hopefully just carry on as before in open defiance of more bad law. Hundreds of hours wasted on the hunting debate. It's a traditional country pursuit and if as fellow users of the countryside we don't ally to some of the other endangered pursuits we will all be picked off one at a time like sitting ducks at a shooting gallery.


Time to get real out there people and see just what this government has up its sleeve for us !!! We've had a pointless pistol ban, they are looking to up the age for airgun ownership, new legislation regarding game handling, changes to the way we can shoot pigeons, tail docking ban in the offing..............I could go on.


These are all issues that affect shooters and field sportsmen of one kind or another, none of it is founded on fact or common sense it is all a sham to try and put an acceptable, humane face on a government that has totally lost control of the country.

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not from the likes of frank for instance over in Ireland

Waddy, i may have it wrong, but are you saying im lying? :thumbs:


Watched the documentry, tought it was ok, but i personally think it was more fuel for the antis. :lol:

Edited by Frank
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not from the likes of frank for instance over in Ireland

Waddy, i may have it wrong, but are you saying im lying? :lol:


Watched the documentry, tought it was ok, but i personally think it was more fuel for the antis. :lol:

No, not at all Frank, perhaps it came accross wrong - the 900 confirmed fox deaths are purely to do with the hunting fraternity, what I was saying was that they have not consulted you for instance on the amount you have dealt with or the likes of us that rough shoot - the Countryside Alliance has not phoned all of us up and asked how many foxes we have culled they were only hunt figures.


If they had phoned you I'm sure the figure would have doubled :thumbs:

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not from the likes of frank for instance over in Ireland

Waddy, i may have it wrong, but are you saying im lying? :D


Watched the documentry, tought it was ok, but i personally think it was more fuel for the antis. :)

No, not at all Frank, perhaps it came accross wrong - the 900 confirmed fox deaths are purely to do with the hunting fraternity, what I was saying was that they have not consulted you for instance on the amount you have dealt with or the likes of us that rough shoot - the Countryside Alliance has not phoned all of us up and asked how many foxes we have culled they were only hunt figures.


If they had phoned you I'm sure the figure would have doubled :D

;) Ok waddy, no problem mate, sorry for the confusion, i should of read it more carefully. :D .

Thanks. :o

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