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Airport security


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This might sound like a dumb question to some, but will a jacket that I have been wearing whilst shooting shotgun cartridges cause any problems with airport security? I don't know whether I should expect problems if they decide to do a random swab test on the jacket? I'm sure there must be some trace of gun powder on them..


I wouldn't normally shoot in my good coats, but with the crazy weather we have had lately I was wearing all the layers I could find!


Anyone else had this problem before?

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just keep your sgc with you in case.

Why? It's like "should i burn i the clothes i wore at a party where people were smoking dope, incase the drug dog pulls me out?" it might make it pull you out but if you arent smuggling dope you'll be fine.


Everyone is coverd in trace elements of stuff from all sorts of reasons if the dog signals you just explin its your shooting jacket, do check for spent and UNSPENT carts in your pocket tho!

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I flew out of Luton to Zurich last winter to go skiing. Wore my Harkila jacket on the plane. Queuing up to buy a coffee I went through the pockets and found 3 spent rifle cartridges. Casually dumped them in the bin and worried a bit about it all the way through security. They pulled the girl in front of me to one side (she was muslim) and swabbed her laptop keyboard.

I wasn't worried that they'd bang me up in Guantanamo, just that they'd make me miss my plane while they checked up on me. I think you'd be very unlucky to get tugged.

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I know somebody who flew from manchester airport then onto Schiphol and then onto Kabul in afghanistan, with a live .223 bullet in his bag and























got away with it,I wont mention any names to prevent any embarrasment :)

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I got swabbed and they found a type of plastic explosive on me at Gatwick. After a grilling for an hour I was free to go and they were confident I hadn't been up to no good. I now have a note on my "file" that I was stopped.

I have no idea what it was now but I remember it was a commen type used by the military. At the time I use to do alot of work for the Home Office, MOD, UK Immigration service etc.


This caused me major problems when I went to the USA for a Disney trip this June. Two and a half hours I got detained there. Wife got told I would be having a full cavity search, they made lots of threats and even mistook

Me for someone on the no fly list. Not going back there for a while!!!!

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I know somebody who flew from manchester airport then onto Schiphol and then onto Kabul in afghanistan, with a live .223 bullet in his bag and got away with it,I wont mention any names to prevent any embarrasment :)


Late spring this year, went "abroad", via East midlands airport and used Ryanair. Because of the luggage allowance, used my shooting jacket as well, as plenty of pockets. Ok, call me a tight ar$ed Yorkshireman :lol:. Thought I'd emptied all my pockets, when I got to my first lot of digs, starving and thirsty and wanting some nosh, chucked all stuff out of pockets and found, 5 live rounds of hummer ammo I'd slipped in a week ago for some late bunny bashing :o This jacket had gone through Xray :yp:

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Not had any problems when carrying through airports as long as ALL the paperwork is present and correct. Cannot over stress the importance of NOT accidentally carrying ammo in pockets. If caught in the UK you will almost certainly lose your certificates and probably go to prison - there have already been cases where this has happened.


I was with a party of shooters coming back (through a small German airport) from a very heavy shooting session on indoor ranges in Germany. One guy's boots and range bag came up positive when swabbed but we had all our paperwork so, no problem at all.


Also, don't get caught in Holland with empty cartridge cases unless you have a valid EFP covering the relevant calibre - told this by both Belgian and Dutch shooters / dealers.



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  • 3 weeks later...

not a dumb question i used my ruck sack to carry my ammo to the club took it on holiday sking to the states got pulled over at heathrow chap on the xray done a swab on bag had a chat with me explained i had guns shooting ect and a fac holder he said we know we have checked he said its ok with our side might be a problem state side advised i left bag here and buy a new one over in the states did so collected my bag on the return journy no drama really did not fancy all the questions when i got to the states

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Always worth checking the bag and your cost pockets :lol:





Arrest and imprisonment


Grooverider was arrested 24 November 2007 in Dubai after flying in for a nightclub gig with 2.16g of cannabis and a pornographic DVD in his luggage.[4]


Grooverider had been employed on a freelance basis and has not been paid by BBC Radio 1 since November.[4] Four years is the mandatory sentence for drug possession in the United Arab Emirates. "I must have forgotten the spliff," he said in an interview. "It was a small amount. Back home I would not even get prosecuted."[1]


On 19 February 2008, Grooverider was sentenced to four years imprisonment.[1][2][4]


He was pardoned and released on Wednesday 3 September 2008, during the holy month of Ramadan that traditionally sees the pardoning of select prisoners in UAE.[5] In an interview with BBC, Grooverider described his experience as "appalling" and described the conditions in which he was placed.[6]

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Flew back from Texas last October to the UK with about a dozen empty 9mm and .45 shells I had brought back from the pistol range as a souvenior. Frshly fired the day before I did think twice about taking them back home but decided to put them in an outside unlocked zippered pocket of my holdall, just in case they picked them up on the x-ray and needed easy access.


Got home to find the US side had cut off the padlock and inspected the contents of the holdall, the empties were still there in the outside pocket.

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