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Should I be honest?

Snap Cap

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Nice to see we got some honest members here :hmm: Being dishonest is that a good trate to have as a shotgun/firearms user what other crimes would you be willing to commit.


I think not and thats how the police will see it.


And being dishonest only drives up RRP prices along with stealing which is what would accur if the OP listerb to some of you guys.


Remember most carriers use real time global tracking PDAs so can track a signed for item to your postcode and precise time.


Regards OTH

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Nice to see we got some honest members here :hmm: Being dishonest is that a good trate to have as a shotgun/firearms user what other crimes would you be willing to commit.


I think not and thats how the police will see it.


And being dishonest only drives up RRP prices along with stealing which is what would accur if the OP listerb to some of you guys.


Remember most carriers use real time global tracking PDAs so can track a signed for item to your postcode and precise time.


Regards OTH


My sentiments exactly. People think it's a victimless situation but in the end we all pay with prices being driven up. No harm in reporting the fact that they have been delivered incorrectly and then it's up to them to collect.


As for signing for things with a false name and then claiming they haven't turned up. That's just wrong. :no:

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Commendable OTH, commendable. I'm glad to hear that you are completely honest, like the rest of us really. well you imply it. How many endorsements on your drivers license do you have, or have you had, the truth now.


But these 3 aren't....click here to expose


Neither is this one... Another Thief


And these are our children's role models, and ours.


Do you think they would send the boots back?

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Commendable OTH, commendable. I'm glad to hear that you are completely honest, like the rest of us really. well you imply it. How many endorsements on your drivers license do you have, or have you had, the truth now.


But these 3 aren't....click here to expose


Neither is this one... Another Thief


And these are our children's role models, and ours.


Do you think they would send the boots back?


I have never had points on my licence.


I have made mistakes in my life but I have learnt from them not encouraged others to follow suit by saying I done X when I was a lad so crack on.


Kind regards OTH

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Commendable OTH, commendable. I'm glad to hear that you are completely honest, like the rest of us really. well you imply it. How many endorsements on your drivers license do you have, or have you had, the truth now.


But these 3 aren't....click here to expose


Neither is this one... Another Thief


And these are our children's role models, and ours.


Do you think they would send the boots back?


But why lower yourself down into the gutter along with MPs? Does anybody see an MP as a role model? I certainly don't and wouldn't want any of my children to become one.

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My sentiments exactly. People think it's a victimless situation but in the end we all pay with prices being driven up. No harm in reporting the fact that they have been delivered incorrectly and then it's up to them to collect.


As for signing for things with a false name and then claiming they haven't turned up. That's just wrong. :no:


I am very surprized ME says he does this with his own freight business I wonder how he would feel if one of his clients done that with a 30K load .


Regards OTH

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i had a large bosch angle grinder and a load of cutting discs delivered by parcelforce about 2 years ago,it had no senders address on it or in the box so i kept it but if i'd known where it had come from i would have returned it.you should do the same.

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But why lower yourself down into the gutter along with MPs? Does anybody see an MP as a role model? I certainly don't and wouldn't want any of my children to become one.


Now that's a statement worth considering. I stopped voting a long time ago because that is exactly my view.


But they run this country and are constantly in the public eye and reported on by the press.


How can they not be looked up to and have an influence on youngsters?


It's very unlikely that what your children end up doing will be under any control of yours, maybe.


I still don't think he should send the boots back.


I don't believe either, that you and OTH can be that squeeky clean.

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I am not squeaky clean I done stupid things when I was young and older but and BIG but is that now I am older and hopfully slightly wiser I would encourage others to do the right thing .


Yes some MPs are stiffing me you and ever other taxpayer and by not voting is only spelling the end of the right to vote .


But then we are off on a tangent on that one.


Cheers OTH I am just spraying some WD40 on my joints to stop me squeaking :lol:

Edited by Over the hill
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I'm literally yawning over the SGC and FAC protection comments. How pathetic.


"oooohhh..... I dare not drink too much tonight or else I might get in trouble with the police, which will mean my licences will get pulled."


You lot are living a very pessimistic lifestyle.

Edited by Billy.
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Just thought....I got a parcel delivered a few weeks ago, I was checking my emails when the doorbell rang.

I signed the electronic box thingy and returned to my laptop. I had a new email....telling me that the parcel had been delivered :blink:

Amazing or what?

And you think you can keep a parcel that isn't yours........ :lol:

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If the OP chooses to waste his time emailing or calling a big faceless organisation to help them correct one of their **** ups and then wait in for a collection driver who probably wont turn up - then he is daft as a brush.



So that makes it alright? The converse of what you are saying is that if you make a huge cock up you'd be hoping that the the "big faceless organisation" would help you out. The faceless organisation will have a budget for lost/stolen goods but keeping them isn't right. If we all adopted your approach the country would soon become chaotic.


Look at it simple terms, if the poster keeps the boots then they are a thief.

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So that makes it alright? The converse of what you are saying is that if you make a huge cock up you'd be hoping that the the "big faceless organisation" would help you out. The faceless organisation will have a budget for lost/stolen goods but keeping them isn't right. If we all adopted your approach the country would soon become chaotic.


Look at it simple terms, if the poster keeps the boots then they are a thief.

Unless the OP believes that the faceless organisation wouldn't mind him keeping the boots, in which case he isn't acting dishonestly.

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I'm literally yawning over the SGC and FAC protection comments. How pathetic.


"oooohhh..... I dare not drink too much tonight or else I might get in trouble with the police, which will mean my licences will get pulled."


You lot are living a very pessimistic lifestyle.


Probably are quite pessimistic but why expose yourself to that level of risk? I'm always amazed when I see people in bars drinking over a period and then jumping into their cars. Work colleagues of mine were drinking in their hotel one night, 30 miles from the airport. Reported for work early to find they were breathlysed, over the limit and charged. Lucky for them they didn't go to prison but they lost their pilot licences and £70k jobs.....turns out the receptionist reported on them. All for a few pints of beer.


All actions have consequences, a lot of people don't seem to consider the implications of their actions. All it takes is one ****** off person and you never know where it's going to end up. If you wish to gamble your career, good character and savings for a £120 pair of boots go ahead. Personally I'd phone them and leave the ball in their court.

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personally i would keep them and send a quick email to say that they have been delivered...therefore you have still got them and let them know...

I am after some new boots and I am a size 12 :good: as been to look at the prologic max 4 today at Go Outdoors as they have a sale on Thursday with 50% off

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We send out a lot of stuff mail order and I can tell you exactly what has happened and how it will work out. Your road is probably something like "The Avenue" something in other words that when the courier put the road name into his satnav more than one choice came up and he has picked the wrong one. This happens all the time espescially this time of year because the courier driver is probably someone on benefits moonlighting cash in hand in a hired van who doesn't really care that much.


You will have the correct name and address on the box label so you have got the means to rectify it and do the honest thing. Should you choose to.


The customer will be complaining to the seller and the courier company will be insisting it was delivered and signed for and that the buyer is probably trying to scam the seller. After much to-ing and fro-ing the seller will end up refunding the buyer because the courier company will never budge on their position that they have a signature.


Being Amazon, the seller could well be a small one man business struggling to keep going at the moment.

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Am I really taking the morale high ground I dont think so I am just putting the point straight and direct which if somebody signs a deliver note with a false name in order to deceive the sender or carrier then I am wrong to think thats wrong :


I give up what the name of your freight company ME I fancy sending some gear to a friend for him to sign his name Mickey Mouse and then phone you to say he has not received it .


Still you got insurance so it would not bother you .


All your great work on the chartiy clay shoot has been undone for me by what your implying others to do and also by your own admission do yourself to screwfix.


I dont fancy writing cheque in your name again as you may become the Arthur Fowler of PW going on your statement.


Kind regards OTH

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