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Boiler servicing


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OK one for the plumbers, apart from hoovering it out what else does boiler servicing actually entail?


Thats what they do for there £90 for half hours work



Checking that it's operating safely and that the safety devices are working correctly.


Thats what plumbers tell you that they do.


Regards OTH

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don't forget the 'air in a can'that they blow the **** out with,that must be expensive :yp:







































to be fair your paying for their qaulifactions and knowledge,i know it looks alot of money for nothing but i don't think it's cheap to be gas safe.i know corgi was'nt and know alot of plumbers who let theres slip

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I like the non-specific 'checking safety' do I have to pay some money for a bit of detail?



Depends on the boiler. An old boiler only really has a thermocouple and an overheat stat, new condensing boilers have flame recognition, air pressure switches etc as well as case seals which need looking at etc. Knowledge is power, and expensive! You sound like you've had a problem after having your boiler serviced, is that the case, or are you just miffed at being charged for someone coming out to service your boiler and not finding any problems with it?

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I am fairly practical person and in last two years have fixed two problems with our worscester boiler that so called qualfied gas safe plumber failed to fix or pinpoint the problem.


I found a pin ***** in the diahpram causing water to over pressuixe the system .

His recommend we bleed the rads ever day :o


And the cold snap we had water gurgiling nosie from the flue plumber not a clue wanted to pull the boiler and fit new one.


Guess what 10 mins later I had found the condensator pipe was frozen causing it backup into boiler.


So I trust the average plumber no.


But the regulations stae there the most qualifed person .



Sorry spelling bad OTH

Edited by Over the hill
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You sound like you've had a problem after having your boiler serviced, is that the case, or are you just miffed at being charged for someone coming out to service your boiler and not finding any problems with it?

No, our boiler is a few years old and under certain conditions it smells when it first fires up, this is normally when we have the open fire roaring so my guess is it is struggling for oxygen? I must stress this doesn't happen all the time, if it did I would get a plumber out ASAP.

Having had a look at it there is fair amount of dust and debris round by the burner area so I was going to give it good clean out - so I was curious as to what more is involved in servicing.

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If the boiler's not room sealed you need to keep the air intakes clean. Also the room should have a given amount of ventilation to the outside to allow sufficient air into the room for the boiler. Smelling on start up isn't that likely to be lack of ventilation though I wouldn't have thought unless there are severe issues with the flue? I'd certainly be keen to get someone experienced there to check it out as you could have a real problem there.


Good plumbers are worth hanging onto once you find them. If you can trust their opinion it's worth paying a bit more to have them do an annual service etc. I would say that of course, but the amount of places I've been to which have had things mucked up by getting any old plumber in on a lowest price available basis is frightening.

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We have a Baxi Bermuda that was fitted in 1974-serviced every 2 years for £50 cash and seems to work fine.When the housing association took control of some of the houses on our road they converted them all to the new condenser type boilers-3 of the 10 have failed this winter and the houses have needed oil filled radiators brought in as a tempory measure.When the new condensors were being fitted i got the plumbers to save me the best back boiler and fire front to use as spares-these are now in my garage.Sometimes i think i,m a diddy.

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Condensing boilers are fine if they're a decent quality make and most importantly, installed properly! Most condensing boilers that have failed over this cold period have failed because the condensate pipe has not been installed well. Unfortunately housing associations use contractors of varying quality, who usually have to tender on price. They tend to get cheaper boilers, unless specified otherwise, and the installers aren't necessarily the most concientious. They're unlikely to be the ones who get the call on Christmas evening if a customers boiler conks out!


Back boilers are potentially lethal, the sooner they're replaced the better!

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flame picture,flue flow/spillage,thermostat,safety devices,co/co2 ratio of flue gas,case seals,condition of burner/fan/flue,correct gas pressure,correct gas rate through meter,soundness check,cleaning of condense trap,efficiency check,etc,etc


a lot of these checks are carried out visually as well as with some very sophisticated equiptment


as a gas safe engineer with 23 years experiance including 3 years of teaching i think you should leave it to the proffesionals

if you are having spillage problems you should have the boiler attended to immediately


although £90 is a bit much (i charge £55) is your families life not worth it?

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One thing I'd add is don't necessarily go with the local bod who does all types of boilers as they can be useless if you have one they don't know. made this very expensive mistake and had the pump PCB and heat exchanger changed when it should have only been the heat exchanger. When it went 2 weeks later I got a guy from the boiler manufacturers in and he knew when he walked through the front door what was wrong job done in 15 minutes along with how to stop it happening again, Dunkield if yours gains its air from outside and vents to outside which it should do if its only a few years old then you do have a problem worth getting looked at. I hate to say it but after my agro I put mine on a British Gas service plan for £13 a month including an annual service its a bit of a no brainer really

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I had my Worcester/Bosch condensing oil boiler serviced in October - guy was here for one and half hours and cost me 95 quid - he filled all forms in and gave me printout's of emissions - he also put new main lead to it as fitter had used orange mower cord.

Have to say I had no trouble even though condensate pipe is run along internal wall of my unheated garage, - One of my jobs this coming year is to change pipe for bigger one and box in boiler.



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I put mine on a British Gas service plan for £13 a month including an annual service its a bit of a no brainer really


Thats what i did and the speed with which they have sent someone around when there has been a problem is impressive. :good:

yep me too,money well spent.Anual service and all repairs covered,even radiators and trv's and included all plumbing for an extra couple of quid :good:



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as a gas safe engineer i have to say that under british gas you will probably pay more in the long run but the peace of mind is worth a few quid

the best reccomendation i always say is if your boiler manufacturer offers a maintenance contract then take it ,it is in their best intrest to keep you happy and they will always use genuine parts

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