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how much do .22 subsonics cost you ???

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Is that Bushwear? If so its been while since i've had to re-stock the rimmy there. Not much choice in Stirling accept Reekies maybe or Linlithgow but its not cost effective to drive all the way there just for ammo. Usually just stick to Bushwear cause its closer than anything else.

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winchester subs about same price at most places 35 quid for 500 so quite a good price i think i like them very much they expand quick and seem to be very accurate althow i was using some eleys the other day and i didnt get one jam with the ruger 10/22 after 50 shots and i was impressed with them also. i get the odd jam now and again with winchesters.

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Is that Bushwear? If so its been while since i've had to re-stock the rimmy there. Not much choice in Stirling accept Reekies maybe or Linlithgow but its not cost effective to drive all the way there just for ammo. Usually just stick to Bushwear cause its closer than anything else.


No it was Dalry mate, it's been a while since I've bought any, I've been using the HMR - given what everyone else seems to be paying it was probably £7 a hundred.

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No it was Dalry mate, it's been a while since I've bought any, I've been using the HMR - given what everyone else seems to be paying it was probably £7 a hundred.


He never budges on price either - ended up going else where when i bought a rifle cause he wouldn't throw a box in.

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Did the pepsi challenge over the Chrimbo holidays with Winchester, Eleys and RWS, all hollowpoint subs. My CZ seemed to like the RWS and Eleys better than the Winchesters, but not by much. Eley and RWS are both £10/100 and Winchesters £7.50/100 (Different RFD who doesn't stock anything else!)round here.


Edited to add:- All 3 brands kill very well indeed!!

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Winchester seems to be doing ok here, the bullet is very similar to Magtech which I use, and have excellent results with, ie a MASSIVE HP which does a lot of damage and hits with a real thump.


Many rate Eley Subs, Eley has it's background in competition ammo and most of their range is pretty accurate, but personally I have never been impressed with the overall performance of their Sub Sonic HP, it may be reasonably accurate but commonly it hardly expands at all in comparison with the likes of Magtech and Winchester.


It's all a bit of a toss up really, many people like the Eley, and if it's accurate enough then having very little expansion isn't really going to be a problem!



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hey guys, where you finding winnie subs for that price?! robbing ******** in litts (sportsman gun) charges me £7/50 last time i was in there! if i wasnt desperate id have put them back!!


details of the shops (south wales) for £40/500 please..! :good: :good:

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