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foxes with a .22


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of course it is, depending on each shot though of course, as the wouldent want to try it at 150yds, but at 30/40yds its a different matter, although your also bound to get different forces (FAO) giving different views


my ticket only has .22 on it, no other calibres

yet Im allowed to humainly dispatch ANY ANIMAL if they are suffering, or if pest control related, so technically I could shoot a dog/deer involved in a road traffic accident, but of course, wouldent be allowed to shoot a healthy deer out on a permission, Im sure the FAO, would not have worded my cert like that, if they did'nt think .22 was upto the job, so if its ok for deer/any animal, then my answer is YES, .22 is man enough to kill a fox, but again, each different shot would be judged differently

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i rang the FAO at notts yesterday as i'm thinking of applying for FAC to control foxes.he told me i'd only be allowed to apply for my first FAC for .22 rimfire or .17 HMR and both are capable for foxes.he said .22 rimfire out to 55 yards and .17 HMR out to 100 yards :good:

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i rang the FAO at notts yesterday as i'm thinking of applying for FAC to control foxes.he told me i'd only be allowed to apply for my first FAC for .22 rimfire or .17 HMR and both are capable for foxes.he said .22 rimfire out to 55 yards and .17 HMR out to 100 yards :good:

VERY IMPORTANT! he cannot tell you what you can "apply" for, speak to your shooting association asap get advice and help on this matter. He is in my opinion very wrong capable and suitable are very different things, a 12 bore and BB and the right shells / choke is more suitable for 55 yds than a .22 rf IMO so why would you even need a FAC? and many police areas BASC etc disagree that the 17 hmr is a fox gun. I have seen what the 17 hmr will and wont do well having used one extensively on quarry and no way would i shoot at a 100yd fox with one. Does he do much foxing then?

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I have seen people kill cattle with a .22RF so it is more than capable. You need to not push the range and be a good shot, head shots only. The only reason higher powered rifles are suggested is more scope for chest shots and more likely to kill humanely if your shot is 'off'.


If you had a fox in a cage trap it would be my first choice alongside a .410 shotgun.

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I'm confident with mine out to about 60 yards but no more. It's not ideal and never will be but if you place your shots well it will do the trick. Many that say it wont work have never tried it, are poor shots or have been unlucky. I'm the same to a point with the HMR - many trust it but I really don't. It's all down to personal experience.


I've never had a Fox run more than 20 yards when hit with a .22lr. Usually they just fall over!

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i say just a question because its caused alot of arguments amongst my shooting mates ,but what are your opinions on shooting foxes with a .22rf either with subs or supers is it man enough or not.



Of course it is capable in the right circumstances, what do you think your chances of survival would be if shot in the head with a 40g HP sub sonic round delivering around 100ft lb? :hmm::hmm::no::no::no:

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Yes perfectly capable at sensible ranges, head shots under 65 yards will drop a fox on the spot, its not the ideal tool for the job, I much prefer my .243 but last year the .22 took 23 foxes and none of them seemed to think the .22 wasn't man enough for them, just got to be sensible and remember It's not a centerfire, keep the ranges sensible and shots precise and you'll be fine

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Shot a 700kg cow yesterday as it had a rupture and pushed her intestines out. One shot, stone dead.


If my dad said he was going to get my CZ to dispatch livestock i would tell him where to go :lol:


Thats why we have an old .22 on the tickets as well


Edit: there used to be a knacker man who used to carry a .45 on his hip to dispatch livestock, that turned their lights out pretty quick :lol: he said he was granted it after a it took two bolt gun hits to dispatch a fully grown bull


Had foxes before with mine when out rabbit shooting but if i was going out after foxes only i would apply for a .223 so i knew i could take them a bit further out

Edited by spiceychilli57
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