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Shotgun Saftey Test Question


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Bit of an odd question, but I thought someone on here might know...


I work for a company which makes bomb disposal robots which are used all over the world including our boys in Iraq and Afghanistan.


I am responsible for developing a new vehicle and on this vehicle we have a semi-auto shotgun mounted...


I need to carry out some safety testing to make sure that the gun is not fired when we dont want it to i.e. by vibration causing a trigger pull.


The gun obviously has a manual safety which will have to be off throughout operation as the vehicle could be 1000m plus from the operator - what I need to make sure is that the gun does not go off whilst driving across rough terrain to a device.


The gun is mounted on the vehicle and basically a solenoid is used to pull the trigger - it is this that I need to make sure does not vibrate and pull the trigger.


I have looked for blank which are available for bird scaring but they are only available in big quantities and also I dont think I could carry out the testing in the factory then because of good old H&S...


Is there any way I could use an empty cartridge and detect a trigger pull from a witness mark on the firing cap? Does anyone know where I could get an inert empty cartridge from?


Thanks in advance for any ideas!



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why not just buy a pack of those sticky white circles used for wall year planners and stick it over the fired cartridge with the primer drilled out.....if the sticker is pierced then it has fired... :blink: :good:


EDIT TO SAY - it doesn't have to be white!

Edited by gixer1
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why not just buy a pack of those sticky white circles used for wall year planners and stick it over the fired cartridge with the primer drilled out.....if the sticker is pierced then it has fired... :blink: :good:


EDIT TO SAY - it doesn't have to be white!



Thanks! that is the sort of thing I was looking for! I will give that a go and drill out a fired cart. :good:

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you could just cut them empty lead and powder and use the primed cartridge, get a little bang but nothing much

doctor the carts as above then spray the inside of the primer with wd40, leave it soak for a while and test it in your gun, the oil should render the primer useless, then a strike will be seen as a normal indent in the primer :D

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Thinking about it I am going to try as a first attempt a snap cap with tippex on the firing cap...marked tippex = fired gun.


Thanks for the help guys...


PS. for those doubters whether I am making this up...if you were to type 'wheelbarrow robot' into google, you may see what I am working on (or probably an older version of it)...

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Why not speak to the proof house in brum and get them to run live testing for you? Issue i see is testing with dummy rounds you don't get the same scenario as you do in the field, simple answer is use a spent cart with some engineer blue on the primer........


But this wont test for taking a robot with 7+ capacity magazine out to a target firing a round or 6, then trundling back to the operator with a chambered round (dangerous scenario!) I would question the use of a Semi auto and suggest a Pump with electro/mechanical loading system (linear actuator?) which can be used to hold the bolt back in transport "mode" i suppose you could do this with a semi and use an electromechanical system to open the breach and make the weapon safe.

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