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Makes me well angry!!


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Allowing for the fact that most people would prevent any sport that inflicted cruelty to animals-why cant we all join.Imagine the caos we could cause if we were to be a sizable portion of their clan.And just how credible would an orginisation such as this be if it were leaked to the press, after a while.that many supporters were the very hunters that they are trying to ban?-bit like the KKK being run by Nelson Mandella.I wonder how the public would see them if the hunters in amoungst them were to reveal that any donations made to the League had been funded by the sale of dead game/vermin?Just a thought.....

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I wouldnt waist my time with narrow minded fools.


couldnt agree more with this post by "joe"


As a shooter I feel that many of the statements here a ridiculous, in particular the part about having both written and practical test before being allowed to own a gun. My response to this is how will the police find the time and staff (Oh, and money) to pay for this? As I suppose you would also be complaining if your taxes were raised. I would also like to ask, if dereck bird had killed all those people with a knife from his kitchen would you be calling for a ban on kitchen knives? Shooting is a historic sport which has involved shooting both live game and targets for many many years, parts of our culture such as this cannot be stopped because a small few have keen harmed. Anyway statistics show that you are more likely to be killed by a car than a gun - even if there were the same amount of each - and of course you will not be giving up your auto mobiles will you? Or even campaigning to stop the use of them because some animal are harmed by careless drivers are you? No i thought not!

Edited by Beretta Italy
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I agree with you jimbo,but if you read it again and leave out the writers bias,they have some concerns or ideas that could become law,you only have to look through some of the posts on here about what,where,when,how etc to understand that some do not know the answers to even the most basic of gun ownership.

I took a lot of time to research info about guns/quarry/seasons/law etc etc and the vast amount of guys and girls on here have experience,but there are some that have just paid their money and off they go,this can only give ammo :look: to the antis and ruin it for all of us,so maybe a test of sorts may weed out those that shouldnt be sgc/fac holders with no effect other than cost to the rest of us,but if it secures or future ownership and gets them off our backs wouldnt it be worth it not to be seen as some sort of criminal in the waiting :hmm:

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Their argument that there is no need to own a gun or have one at their home address as it's not required for work purposes solely sport or recreation is flawed!


If this is the case then ban all cars also as people can use public transport after all there are more people killed in the UK by CARS each year than firearms.


With the onset of ready meals and convenience foods such as frozen veg and ready cut meats then we can now ban all KNIVES from households also incase they are used for illicit purposes.


They will be banning darts next and bringing out a law to arrest and charge those who run with scissors :rolleyes:

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What got me with the article was that they went on about the fact that half a million people have firearms, air rifles or shotguns and why should they have them and be allowed to hunt with them? etc etc.

It just made me think how few accidents and deliberate shootings from legally held guns there were given the number of people who own them!

I think by and large, the shooting community keeps its house in pretty good order and self regulates quite well. The laws exist to prevent most cases of abuse of firearms and people being licenced or certificated who shouldn't be, hence the ultra low numbers of issues with legally held arms. Where issues occur with airguns or firearms here are appropriate laws to deal with them.


So keep up the good work chaps and stay safe :good::yes:

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I like the fact that we are all 'mental' 'unhinged' and 'lunatics' :blink: Im sure we had our medical history checked when we applied for FAC's and SGC'S. None of them have had to jump through hoops to buy lentils have they. Its not fair. :good:

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Its funny that for a LACS site, most of the comments were pro shooting - the LACS biased comments were mainly offensive, narrow minded and naive whre as the shooting comments were the opposite (yeah, ok, I'm biased but read them and you'll see what I mean).


ANyway, I must go and bounce around my padded cell whilst dribbling for I own a gun so I must be a homicidal maniac. :hmm:

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