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Parliamentary Voting Rights



62 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Welsh and Scottish MP's be allowed to vote on English Law?

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Following on from Gillaroo's post yesterday about a Scottish MP (Thomas Doherty)and the way he was quoting English and Welsh statistics to reinforce his arguement, it got me thinking (again) about a topic that has vexed me for a while, so i thought i would find out the views of the collective wisdom of PW, so, here goes....


Currently, Scottish MPs can vote to support laws that are only enforceable in England. The same is true of Welsh MPs but to a lesser extent (as i understand it, the welsh assembly is less devolved). However, the reverse is not true, English MP's cannot vote in the Scottish Assembly on Scottish devolved law. This gives rise to the inequality of public services amongst other things, we currently see.


I dont want to get into a debate on whether free university education etc in Scotland is right or wrong, that is merely a symptom of the underlying issue.


Thanks, looking forward to your opinions.



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This has been asked over and over for years.It goes back to MP Tam Daziel and is known as "The west Lothian question".It boils down to such topics as education,law enforcement and health services,that mp's in Scottish constituancies should have no concern with but can vote on because they are part of Westminster.Could go on for pages on this one,but simple answer,No they should not vote on English business.



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Absolutely no.

What worries me is how many of the three english parties rely on the support of their Scottish, Northern Irish and Welsh M.Ps. The price they pay for thatt is in OUR money.

Its obvious how gordon Brown kept them voting with him, have you seen the road building in Scotland in the last years of his 'reign'.

A shyster and a criminal for his abuse of the system and failure to act to control the banks.

An immigration shambles to provide millions of new labour voters, thats new voters not new labour !!! Politics is dedicated to delivering to rampant self interest and its no wonder the average person is totally p'd off with them. Jeffrey Archer, Neil Hamilton, Gon Brown and his cleaning bills, etc.,

What would I do instead I hear you say - I would prefer the Queen, her family may all be odd balls but she is the one I actually think firmly believes in and delivers service in the best interests of the whole country. Sadly she is too old now to do all the work ld give her.

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Yes they should


If you know nowt about Welsh history and the decisions and that Parliament have made intensionally to break welsh culture at the start of the last century ( shrouded in official secrets act for many many years ) and the effects that those decisions had then you'd agree that Wales should have a say in the destiny of England too, as for Scotland i bet they have similar grievances


besides with out us you'd all die of thirst :lol:


and looking to the future may be it's a good idea, muslim clerics believe they can be in control of westminster within 25 years, voted in by their ever growing masses, england will need all the political help it can get :yes:


now say thank you in advance :rolleyes:

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A typical example of this are the licencing laws pushed through by the last (scots dominated) government with respect to entertainment.


In Scotland you can have any music in a pub - no licence required and no major problems.


In England you need a licence for any music/entertainment even one guy on a piano, schools need licences to put on concerts etc because of the dangers public disturbance, however a 50inch TV with footy on and a bar packed with fans does not need a licence as it does not constitute a danger. Go figure??? :mad: :mad:


I say same rule for all or they don't vote.

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I don't think the Cornish should have a say on English law either. There's a hard core few (which is probably the majority of Cornish residence in that case) that insist Cornwall is NEXT to England in the same way that Wales & Scotlad are. I don't mind if they think they can go it alone, let them. And see how far they get without the support of our Great Nation. Same goes for the Welsh & Scots. They'd soon be back, cap in hand.


Makes me sad to think our Government don't have the balls to stand up for this country of ours and that they let all and sundry give us a right royal rogering. Where's William Wallace when you need him?

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Where's William Wallace when you need him?


London Bridge will be a good starting point for a 'head' start, then there's a bit of him in Berwick Upon Tweed, another bit in Perth, another bit.........poor old William :lol:


Parliamentary voting rights such as the Scott's ability to vote on English issues is precisely the sort of thing which gets under the skin of voters and turns them off of politics. It's a hypocritical nonsense and one which governments are afraid of dealing with.


We need a strong government with a strong courageous leader who's not afraid of sticking up for both British and English issues, both at home and abroad.


Where's Maggie when you need her ;)

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keep them out, we can mess it up on our own,

it's not so much keep them out ,but let us go.Politically and financially we would be better off. I mean Scotland has only 10% of the uk population,so why does the English parliament seem to think they need us so much ?We have our own government,let us use it to it's full potential instead of collecting all our taxes and giving us back a block grant (reduced this year)to pay for health,policing and local government etc.Did you know Westminster spends nearly 3 times more than the whole block grant to Scotland on the NHS in England & Wales alone ? The uk as a whole is going down the tubes,and your dragging us down with you.


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I voted Yes.


I've had some lovely holidays in Wales, and believe this reason enough to support them.

Oh, and loads of other reasons I can't be bothered to bang on about on here.


The jury's still out on Scotland though................and the north of England.

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I voted Yes.


I've had some lovely holidays in Wales, and believe this reason enough to support them.

Oh, and loads of other reasons I can't be bothered to bang on about on here.


The jury's still out on Scotland though................and the north of England.

:hmm: I bet you have a holiday cottage eh?? :yp: :yp: :yp:

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it's not so much keep them out ,but let us go.Politically and financially we would be better off. I mean Scotland has only 10% of the uk population,so why does the English parliament seem to think they need us so much ?We have our own government,let us use it to it's full potential instead of collecting all our taxes and giving us back a block grant (reduced this year)to pay for health,policing and local government etc.Did you know Westminster spends nearly 3 times more than the whole block grant to Scotland on the NHS in England & Wales alone ? The uk as a whole is going down the tubes,and your dragging us down with you.


Agree. Why not cut Scotland (and Wales, NI if they want) loose? I'm getting fed up with Scotland propping up the rest of the UK.


And as for the bit in bold, I suspect that many people already know that the amount the inland revenue collects from Scotland in what could be Scotland's money far outweighs any hand-backs/grants/whatever you want to call it. Northern Ireland gets more than Scotland per person, Wales gets just a fraction less - but all we hear is the continual "Scotland gets this, Scotland gets that" because that's what's in The Sun. If you drill it down to regional level, then many parts of England get even more per head than any of the above - particularly parts of Northern England where various major industries have unfortunately declined. But given that the politicians can't agree on any of that then we're not likely to solve it here.


As for the original poll - no, MSPs and the other devolved MPs should have no say in matters that only affect England.

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