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It's been a long Battle!


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Well I've been involved in this "battle" for for my variation for the .243 four and a half months now but after much "wrangling," "worrying," "cursing", and arguing over points of law with with the Firearms Office and with the much valued help and knowledge of Ian Clark from the SACS my certificate arrived on my doorstep with the .243 rifle and moderator slot on it. It is conditioned for Fox (Unacompanied) and for Deer (With a Mentor). Although I don't fully agree on the Firearms Offices insisting on me being mentored I am not unhappy with having the mentoring condition for deer as the friend I have as a mentor is also going to take me through my DSC1 anyway - Plus I have unlimited invitations from him for accompanied deer stalking.

I went and picked up the .243 this morning and had the scopes fitted and set up with a Bore Sighter. The rifle is a Semi Customised Remington P14 with a brand new Satin Chrome Barrel (1 in 10 twist) which has been glass bedded, and the scopes that I have fitted on it (Just to get me goping for the time being till I can afford some "quality optics") are a set of Simmons Pro-Hunters 3-10 X 44, maybe not the best but they are nice clear optics and will see me through while I get used to the rifle. I managed to get 60 rounds of Partizan 100g Soft Points to start of with for £27.50 as well, which isn't a bad price as they are mainly for bedding the new barrel in, then I will try some "better quality" ammunition options.

I've been out this afternoon to get the barrel bedded in and to get the scopes "fine tuned". I ran 30 rounds through it using the following method - 1 shot then clean (ten shots), folloowed by 2 shots then clean (Ten shots) (I also used these 10 shots to zero the scopes in) and then another 10 shots then clean! I have ended up with it being able to shoot a 2 inch group at around 120 yards which I am happy with but will be working on to get the accuracy better as I get used to the rifle! A better quality of ammunition might well help the accuracy also but that come when I have finished putting the other 30 rounds of Partizan through it.

All in all I am as happy as a pig in the perverbials with the rifle, so much so that I am now hoping that the weather will hold so that I can get the lamp out tonight and try to get it's "first blood" as I have a couple of farmers who have been waiting for me to get this rifle so that I can sort out a few foxes that are causing them a bit of grief! There is a bit of mist coming in at the momets but the farms that I want to go to are not as high as some of my permissiopns so there is a bit of hope. I will see what it looks like in an hour or so and make the decision regarding "safe visibility" then. Fingers crossed that I will be able to photograph the new rifle with it's first Charlie later tonight! Even if the weather doesn't allow me to get out tonight there will always be another night when Charlie, Me and .243 will meet up and hopefully I will come away smiling! :good:

One thing that this has taught me is that patience is a virtue that I am not overly blessed with! :no::lol::no:

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The firearms offices seem to make applying for firearms a real ball ache when there is no need, if you have a need/reason for a certain caliber and the land is cleared then thats it why mentoring, its like they're saying in one breath your safe to have an FAC and have that cal but in the next your not and you need someone to mentor you.


At least you got it, in a few months send a letter in and one off your mentor and get it lifted.


As for the rifle it sounds sweet but personally a 2" group inst satisfactory for me,


I know your using Privi ammo which more than likely explains it but as soon as you can either buy better a brand that your rifle likes or try reloading and get the full potential.


2" @ 100yds could be at least 4" @ 200yds and that could be the difference between a clean kill, injuring an animal or a miss completely


not knocking you or your rifle just a friendly bit of advice,


best of luck with it and hope you get to christen it soon.


atb Richard

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I have the Simmons Aetec 4-14 x 44 IR on my Remmie 700 in 243 and they are brilliant and will not be changing them for a while.Have always liked simmons since I bought a Whitetail classic for my first .22lr and they are in my price range, the Aetec has sidefocus too. Though Simmons now assemble their scopes in China rather than in the phillipines the glass is still Simmons own made in the US.I used a mates rifle with leupold scopes and couldnt see the differance. Mine get knocked about abit on stalks and climbing into highseats but they have never lost their zero and I feel totally confident with them.

Brilliant getting the 243 isnt it, your in for some fun and a few frustations getting the right ammo, reloading is the way forward,mine didnt like the cheap stuff. Not sure what other guns you have but if its your first centrefire be a little patient with it, it will take a little getting used to.

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Great news, FB. Here's to many a night of foxing and like you said the mentoring isn't that much of a problem if you intended to go out with a mate anyway.


Happy shooting!


Too true mate. I went out last light for a bit of a shine but I was very restricted on where I could go as it was foggy on most of my high ground farms. :hmm::no::hmm: I did cover one farm but only saw one fox and that would not offer me a safe shot before it dissappeared through a ditch, so it was a "no go" :no: but good exercise and it showed the landowner that I was willing to try! :good: It's a bit foggy this morning so I will have to wait to see if it clears before I can see if I can get out and put some more rounds through the barrel. :angry: This rifle is taking a bit of getting used to and then I have to start trying it and practicing "off the sticks" as well! :hmm:

That's life though, and great fun with it! I will try to get some photos up soon! :yes::good::yes:

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practice and finding some ammo it likes is the key, we were out with my new one on Saturday and though I was shooting like a twit GB managed a tiny group, now all I've got to do is get the windage adjusted properly as we couldn't get it spot on and its good to go as well.

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:good: :good: :good: about time what a joke. i no pete's been on this for a while now cant belive its taken so long he had the land, permission, deer on the land, and the lands allready been passed i really could not see a reason why they did not sort it there and then . but now its hear enjoy mate. all the best
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Great news! Well done for sticking with it Pete, I'm sure it will be worth it :good:

It was well worth it mate but I don't mind admitting that I felt like tearing my hair out by the roots at times with frustration! If you believe you are well within your rights sometimes you just have to really fight for it and not roll over and give up!

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2" at 120 with a new barrel and gun you are not used to isn't to be scoffed at.


That barrel will take a few more rounds and more cleaning to properly bed in anyway, not bad so far I'd say.


Keep it up and check everything stays screwed tight.





PRVI is good stuff for the money, (actually it's pretty good period) but as always it's what you need to do with the ammo and what suites the barrel!

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I was always relatively happy with Partizan Ammo in my .222 but I did find a difference with a "slight" improvement when I changed to Sako. I have been out today and fired a few more rounds through the .243 and found that I was feeling more "relaxed" and managed to get my group down to about 1.5 inch at 140 yards. To me that sort of grouping is satisfactory for "engine room shots" on foxes but do I realise that there is still room for improvement and will keep working on it, I suspect that things will improve a little more as I get more used to the rifle and the rifle gets a little more "bedded in"! I have now put 50 rounds of Partizan through it and have 10 rounds of that batch left. I went up to visit my Mentor/RFD this afternoon and he has given me a few hints on how I should try shouldering and holding the rifle which he feels will help me to take even steadier and more accurate shots. He has also given me 10 rounds of Winchester Balistic Silvertip 95g ammunition to try (Naturally booked onto my ticket). He would have given me even more but he ran out and is getting some more within the next few days so if my rifle "prefers" them I can have as many as I want in the future! Weather permitting I hope to get out again tomorrow to try these "hints and tips" that my Mentor has shown me while I fire a few more rounds of the Partizan as well as trying the Winchester Ammo in the hope that I will be improving even more!

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Well guys, at last I have a reasonable photo of the gun and me using it with another of the results. The target was shot at about 80 yards with Mark The Hat witnessing the shots and the black "Bulls Yey" is exactly 1" in diameter. This was shot using Winchester Silver Tips (95g GXP2) Ammunition which the rifle sems to quite like!




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