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i want to be single now

chris o

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me and mrs orrell had a row last nite thought all blown over. then half hour ago avon woman comes round we dont have any money spur so she goes in my wallet with out bleeding asking which i was keeping hold of for some tobacoo and she took it again with out asking and left me with nowt.

what would you guys recommend i do? to sought this out.


and this is a regular thing. and i am due to start a job thanks to chefdon which she winged at because of me travel money needs to be saved and she aint happy bout having to hold money back. i am so wound up at the moment.

do wot i do hide it in my gun cabinet

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me and mrs orrell had a row last nite thought all blown over. then half hour ago avon woman comes round we dont have any money spur so she goes in my wallet with out bleeding asking which i was keeping hold of for some tobacoo and she took it again with out asking and left me with nowt.

what would you guys recommend i do? to sought this out.


and this is a regular thing. and i am due to start a job thanks to chefdon which she winged at because of me travel money needs to be saved and she aint happy bout having to hold money back. i am so wound up at the moment.





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My girlfriend always asks for money or for us to go out, when I say no she goes grumpy, but if you tell her to go to the cinema it costs say £30 which I have to put to her in hours of work. She soon appreciates where money comes from. As that would be a full mornings work which I really need for diesel and housekeep. Just sit her down and tell her were it comes from an how bloody hard it is to get. I'm in a comfy job but there's always more important things than going out, chocolates, and make-up and nails. I have to give her the free pleasures in life, try taking the dogs for a walk, mooching about, enjoy the outdoors, picnics it's all cheap time together and time more importantly you can go an talk, just the 2 of you. If all that's wrong do you actually enjoy the time with her ? Anything in common ? Or does she just want your money ? How long have you been together ? Any kids all questio s to be asked

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I keep my money and valuables in the ammo safe, along with my documents. A mate of my came home one day his other half had sold his weekend car. She blew the lot, apparently the old bill could do nothing? What's hers is hers and what's yours is hers :o



Edited by Bigthug87
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Has anyone, in the entire history of pigeonwatch actually come up with the photo's in one of these My (wife/girlfriend/cat/sheep) (wont let me shoot/doent want guns in the house /wants all my money/is a total bitch) ( but I love her/she likes anal/lets me sleep with her mum) threads?


In the same vein:- Is the standard assumption that no photo = Munter?

yes me

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