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Shooting crows with a .22LR

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Hi All.


I heard today that one of my friends was thinking about going to shoot at crows that were in a tree with a .22LR.


I tried to explain that this was a very bad idea and should not even be attempted, only to be told that this is what his local gamekeeper and acredited stalker had told him thats how its done and you can get loads of crows doing it that way.

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Very dangerous and very stupid . Depending on what angle you shoot at bullets will be hitting the ground under power and could easily kill or maim . Ricochets off of branches could also be fatal . Whats wrong with a shot gun or an air rifle .?


Harnser .

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I new a lad years ago who got hit in arm with a 22 round doing the just same thing bounced of a branch

when he went hospital they treated for gun shot evan tho he said he did to him self cops were called gun s taken that same night bye bye guns and fac .


SO MAYBE not the best of ideas :no::no:

Edited by swiss.tony
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Very dangerous and very stupid . Depending on what angle you shoot at bullets will be hitting the ground under power and could easily kill or maim . Ricochets off of branches could also be fatal . Whats wrong with a shot gun or an air rifle .?


Harnser .


Thats what I said. :good:



Just goes to prove to many idiots are allowed guns.


That idiot is his mentor supposed to know better(been doing it for years type)



Yeah not a good idea at all, what sort of range, do you know? Just thinking whether a decent air rifle can do that job? I've shot crows stone dead with a .22 air rifle, sub-FAC.


A air rifle will do the job rather than sending bullets to the horizon. Thanks for replys all I will send him this link.

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TOO MANY assumptions being made here by respondants (perhaps the question could have been more informative), in principle the answer is don't shoot up, that is NOT the same as don't shoot them out of trees.


Also, anyone asked yet where this estate is, how big it is and how private it is!



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TOO MANY assumptions being made here by respondants (perhaps the question could have been more informative), in principle the answer is don't shoot up, that is NOT the same as don't shoot them out of trees.


Also, anyone asked yet where this estate is, how big it is and how private it is!





Sorry its next to public roads, in a farming community and its shooting up into trees in the grounds of a mansion house and elsewhere.

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Sorry its next to public roads, in a farming community and its shooting up into trees in the grounds of a mansion house and elsewhere.



That doesn't make it sound too good a plan!.....


......but if the public highway is behind you, farming community is not necessarily relavent, shooting up in trees in the grounds of a few 10000 acres of Mansion house "private" gardens (with a .22lr) just isn't an issue...see where I'm coming from?


As I said, too many made sweeping assumptions.


The easy/stock answer is DON'T do it!




Just by way of a daft example, this is the model for the new house about to be built on one of my sites (it's the back view..Lord knows what I have done with the front view..and it is very deep, this is one massive house)..put it like this, you could not shoot out of the estate from the house with a .22lr!


There are double electric gates and 8feet steel security fence all round the place...massive, massive, massive, massive, money, ALL my worldly goods would not get close to just paying for the fence!


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TOO MANY assumptions being made here by respondants (perhaps the question could have been more informative), in principle the answer is don't shoot up, that is NOT the same as don't shoot them out of trees.


Also, anyone asked yet where this estate is, how big it is and how private it is!



very well said dekers was just thinking that same thing. what is wrong with shooting crows etc out of the trees with a .22 rimmy anyway appart from the obvious?? squirrels , pigeons , rats , crows , maggies etc etc all get taken regulary out of the trees by me it is a very very effective form of keeping down the vermin

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I maybe too old to ask this question but here goes - when I was a lad there was a round called a .22 'short'. A fraction of the power of even sub-sonics but very useful at short ranges and the shooting of crows in trees (given safe circumstances otherwise). Is this round still made? If not would a low power .22 round be commercially viable for such applications as shooting in trees (given the above caveat).

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Iv got some CB "long" by CCI I think.

Its stands for "conical ball" and they produce about 35 foot pound of muzzle energy the projectile weight is 29 grains.

A warning on the box states they are dangerous to 1.5 miles, I very much doubt that.......

However have you ever had a .22 sub that seemed a lot louder that the last one? I.E supersonic

I would worry you could get a "bad" high powered one so I would never shoot up in the air.

Id use a .410 or an airrilke.

The CB longs are good for dispatching trapped foxes

Edited by Daveo26
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It is generally frowned upon,but I know loads of people who do this,especially at branchers in rookeries.Think there was an article on this very subject in recent edition of 'Sporting Gun'.


There was, it confused me slightly.

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Hi All.


I heard today that one of my friends was thinking about going to shoot at crows that were in a tree with a .22LR.


I tried to explain that this was a very bad idea and should not even be attempted, only to be told that this is what his local gamekeeper and acredited stalker had told him thats how its done and you can get loads of crows doing it that way.



:hmm: do your friend live in lincs ?? :lol:

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Surely there is a simple answer to this. Use a shotgun or an air rifle. Either one (In my opinion) would be safer as a generalisation.

There may well be cases where it might not be unsafe but as has already been said - What goes up must come down!

Just ask yourself one question and I am sure that you will come up with the answer to your original question yourself - "How would I feel if a stray shot from your .22LR did miss and injur someone when gravity took over because there might not have been a safe back stop?"

It's really up to you as the shooter to assess every individual situation before you take any shot!

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its easy to assume the 22 lr aint up to much when your used to far bigger, but with std subs this is very dangerous in almost every situation. Reduced power rounds like cb and zimmers etc might be ok, but personally i keep an fac rated rapid seven for just this sort of situation as every reduced round i have tried has poor at best accuraccy. familularity can breed contempt of safety with the .22 rf i have seen and heard of a few daft tricks over the years :rolleyes: as for cb caps being dangerous at 1.5 miles, is that when you drop them in a field and a cow chews on them :lol: Or dangerous to you reputation when the farmer 1.5 miles away sees you missing :lol:

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Yes I remember those short •22 in the 50s fair grounds had shooting galleries three shots for a bob and there was one that fired just compressed air well getting back to the crows get a good •22 silenced air rifle they won't even know that you are shooting you will get loads for the farmer and have a grate days shooting remember what goes up must come down even a little pellet be safe good hunting to you all

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