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Free gas & leccy ??


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What a ******* joke....i work my *** off, get nothing from any organisation and seem to have less and less free cash these days and all you ever see benefit suckers do is booze, smoke fags and have a mobile phone in their hand.


This country is **** up, completely the wrong way round....

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Funny you should mention light bulb - I have just converted a Quality Street tin into a heater - drilled hole in side for light fitting - drilled holes around it - put three bolts on bottom to keep it off floor and put half a brick on top - put 40w bulb in and it throws out quite a bit of heat - anyone want's a picture just ask.



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Funny you should mention light bulb - I have just converted a Quality Street tin into a heater - drilled hole in side for light fitting - drilled holes around it - put three bolts on bottom to keep it off floor and put half a brick on top - put 40w bulb in and it throws out quite a bit of heat - anyone want's a picture just ask.





Go on then dave lets see :yes:

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Don`t anyone take this the wrong way but i`m past caring about things like this, things will never change in this country and makes me sick giving these things any thought.


I know exactly what you mean. So many of these "Immigrants ate my hamster" circulars have been proven to be complete bullpoo or pressure group circulars that I dont even read them anymore, even though there seems to be an endless appetite for them.


Even if they are real, meh, because I've been spammed to death by BNP and EDL rabble rousers to the point where I assume that it is poorly contrived dribble for idiots to pass around to get all frothed up about (not aimed at the OP), I completely ignore them anyway.

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Urban myth.


Taken from Salford City Council site:


They are not allowed to claim mainstream welfare benefits. Asylum seekers benefits are paid by Central Government's National Asylum Support Service (NASS) and not from local Council Taxes, this is to cover their accommodation and support costs. From April 2006, a single person aged 25 or over receives £40.22 a week and a couple receives £63.07 a week this is 70% of what a person on Income Support receives and is below the official poverty line. A national report of asylum seekers and refugees, revealed 85% experience hunger, 95% cannot afford to buy clothes or shoes and 80% are not able to maintain good health.

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when i left the raf i got NO jobseekers because some numpty at inland revenue reckoned i hadnt paid enough national insurance... Luckily i'm working now, but how come i got nothing after working all my adult life, volunteering to join rnli, joining raf, and they get £40 quid a week just for turning up..?

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Funny you should mention light bulb - I have just converted a Quality Street tin into a heater - drilled hole in side for light fitting - drilled holes around it - put three bolts on bottom to keep it off floor and put half a brick on top - put 40w bulb in and it throws out quite a bit of heat - anyone want's a picture just ask.



You used to be able to buy lamp bulbs designed to give out more heat and less light for such equipment. Probably gone the way of the dodo.

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