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I blame footballers. Look at Beckham, everytime you see him he's got a new barnet and looks like he wears guyliner. Not to mention the 'sarong'(skirt) wearing a few years back :no:


These are unfortunately the sort of people youngsters look up to. What happened to the likes of Micky Quinn and Terry Hurlock?



Dunno..............I've never heard of them :look:


Sorry maybe thats me showing my age. This is from when players didnt give a toss how pretty they were:


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Speaking from a woman's point of view, I don't like feminine men! I'm pretty feminine my own self, I don't want a rival for the mirror in the morning or a man who whines at breaking a nail!

A look back at history shows various times when men have been the peacocks. Georgian dandies, medieval velvet and tights wearers, Norman pretty boys. Even the famed hard men of history, the Vikings....in the Viking Age English kings passed laws stating that the English were not allowed to copy the Dane fashion of wearing their hair long (it interfered with fighting apparently, though the Vikings would disagree) or of their fashion of wearing their trousers so tight they had to be cut off to attend to any leg wounds. Viking men also wore eyeliner on occasion, and pink linen (though that was more to do with cloth dyes than any aesthetic reason).


I like men who are pretty basic. Clean but not slapping on the new anti wrinkle creams for men that are advertised. Groomed but not with hair that uses an entire can of Silvikrin to keep it in place (I went camping with family once and the sisters OH wouldn't leave the tent until he had fixed his hair!!)

and who wear practical, clean and pragmatic clothes fit for work...I hate the fashion of men's jeans hanging round their *****, I don't want to see what kind of pants (or not!) he wears! It reminds me of toddlers I have seen with heavy nappies.....looks ridiculous.


Mind you my mindset probably comes from having been around bikers most of my life, and being raised my menfolks after mum died when I was very young. And being a reenactor...when you can watch men scaring the bejayzus out of the public whilst running full tilt at them whirling a double edged broadsword around their head, it kinda puts you off the effeminate dandies. :)

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I feel the same, some of my mates mosturise, and wear skinny tight clothes. I wear normal jeans, Timberland boots, Wool jumpers, shirts Ect. I clean shave, wear a nice watch, a Pinky ring that I had resized after my Granfather passed away, and a bangle for my wrist to help my joints. Thats it, I look plain but normal. Im 6 foot and well built, (ex rugby player) and to be honest I get more women than them as I make them laugh instead of using cheesy chat up lines ect.

My hair is normal looking, short back and sides and choppy on the top. I hate all these poof guys who hate the cold, the rain ect. I consider myself one of the older generation even though I am of the younger generation. My beliefs are quite old skool too.

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Anyone who has any concerns about his own masculinity probably isnt.

I think fashion is a lifestyle choice. When young you either dive in or make your own way.

Its perhaps a paradox that if you do your own thing confidently, whatever it may be, women seem, IMHO and experience, to admire the man, hairy or not, whether above or from the back.

I know what I like in women and they dont have to come in tight clothes and made up to the 'n'th degree.

Strangely, I find Mrs Sweepy's photo attractive, the photo not Mrs Sweepy of course !!!

There's nowt so queer as folk !

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It's a result of the gradual move from a masculine to a matriarchal society where the values of that system being impressed and expected. It is not radical feminism. Such values of emotional display, non-aggression and such are the ones celebrated, with traditional male values being poked fun at. Just look at the adverts and how they make fun of bumbling men/dads who are always the stupid one and the woman is the strong, together one.


Now, I'm not saying I agree of disagree, but it's a change of society that has been happening for many many decades.

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I think a lot of relationship breakdown is down to this 'crossing over'. I also notice that a lot of young girls dont seem to have boyfriends anymore like in the past, why?


I think there has been a major change for ladies. They are far more independent these days, they work hard for a career and have ambition. Many have no desire to stay at home or have children. Men are just not needed as the 'providers' anymore in term of financial security. :P

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Am afraid like my teeth

I don't wear them at night . :look:


I dont wear make up and never have had the urge to, teenage or otherwise so maybe, sadly (and of course having a Sweepy) we were not to be.

(Sticking chin out manfully with quivering bottom lip)

Yours in dstress Kes

P.S. have you got a sister?

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Probably because sex now seems to be an accepted recreational activity, there is no incentive to be in a relationship... the negative side also is that youngsters (particularly girls) expect and are expected to act in a certain way and partake in certain activities... this I feel is wholly due to the availability and accessibility of porn on the net... Kids these days think that sex is supposed to be like it is portrayed in the skin flicks (don't get me wrong... I love a good skin flick now and then... no prudes here!) Romance is dead, it's all kink!


And... if other teenagers are anything like my eldest daughter (18) god help the boys.... :oops:




We're all doomed I tell ya... doomed.... I must have landed lucky then... my wife prefers the proper grizzly, big bear man look :blush: Well, that's what she tells me anyway!!!! :hmm:







Why did she pick you then :lol: :lol: :lol:

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It's a result of the gradual move from a masculine to a matriarchal society where the values of that system being impressed and expected. It is not radical feminism. Such values of emotional display, non-aggression and such are the ones celebrated, with traditional male values being poked fun at. Just look at the adverts and how they make fun of bumbling men/dads who are always the stupid one and the woman is the strong, together one.


Now, I'm not saying I agree of disagree, but it's a change of society that has been happening for many many decades.


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I dont wear make up and never have had the urge to, teenage or otherwise so maybe, sadly (and of course having a Sweepy) we were not to be.

(Sticking chin out manfully with quivering bottom lip)

Yours in dstress Kes

P.S. have you got a sister?

It was the teeth wasn't it :look:

I have two sisters :yes:

am what you would call piggy in the middle ;)


and one is even single :good:


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if you think thats bad you need to go to a gay club night........ :lol:

A couple of mates and me(with our girlfriends at the time)thought it would be fun to go into a gay club in Blackpool a lot of years ago.Wasn't funny at all.Yeah,all the blokes were dancing with each other but I've never seen such a bunch of hard looking *******.They knew we were in their for the laugh;I couldn't wait to leave.Some truth in the saying;'some hards are really queer,and some queers are really hard'.I suppose in some cities,you've gotta be able to look after yourself if you're gay.

Doesn't seem to be the stigma attached nowadays,which is a good thing.

As for femininity,I find it's the younger teens males who appear to dress so.Metropolitan fashion influences are still slow to catch on up here 'int sticks',despite multi-media.We've still got a ducking stool!

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A couple of mates and me(with our girlfriends at the time)thought it would be fun to go into a gay club in Blackpool a lot of years ago.Wasn't funny at all.Yeah,all the blokes were dancing with each other but I've never seen such a bunch of hard looking *******.They knew we were in their for the laugh;I couldn't wait to leave.Some truth in the saying;'some hards are really queer,and some queers are really hard'.I suppose in some cities,you've gotta be able to look after yourself if you're gay.

Doesn't seem to be the stigma attached nowadays,which is a good thing.

As for femininity,I find it's the younger teens males who appear to dress so.Metropolitan fashion influences are still slow to catch on up here 'int sticks',despite multi-media.We've still got a ducking stool!


was it funny girls by any chance????:lol:

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