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Playing the devil's advocate, if one can't be bothered to obey the speed limit in a built up area with both young and old folk, not to mention the infirm, about and which takes no effort to comply, are you going to bother unloading that rifle in a public place which does?


Oh purleeeeeeze :rolleyes:


Have you ever broken the speed limit anywhere, and if so do you think you deserve to own any kind of firearm.


If the answer to the first question is no, then you're lying in which case you can't be trusted to own firearms and if it's yes then you clearly are too irresponsible to be trusted with firearms :rolleyes::rolleyes:


This wan't reckless driving, it was merely getting caught a little over the limit.


It's what's called a sledgehammer to crack a nut :yes:


On my last application I just referred them to their own records as any offence was so long ago I can't even remember what they were :innocent: No problemo :good:

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Oh purleeeeeeze :rolleyes:


Have you ever broken the speed limit anywhere, and if so do you think you deserve to own any kind of firearm.


If the answer to the first question is no, then you're lying in which case you can't be trusted to own firearms and if it's yes then you clearly are too irresponsible to be trusted with firearms :rolleyes::rolleyes:


This wan't reckless driving, it was merely getting caught a little over the limit.


It's what's called a sledgehammer to crack a nut :yes:


On my last application I just referred them to their own records as any offence was so long ago I can't even remember what they were :innocent: No problemo :good:

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

I draw your attention to the opening phrase in my post in question and also, perhaps, my other posts in this thread. If you do not understand said phrase, please, just ask.

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Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

I draw your attention to the opening phrase in my post in question and also, perhaps, my other posts in this thread. If you do not understand said phrase, please, just ask.


I would have revoked it for CAPITAL LETTERS and bad speeling myself :lol:


I'm just surprised that another shooter can try and justify an over the top reaction to a fellow shooter and long standing licence owner who broke the most trivial of laws.


As an aside, we should start a thread on police cars breaking the limit because they seem to be a law to themselves around here, esp when it's nearly closing time at the do-nut shop :lol:


Merry Xmas ;)

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I would have revoked it for CAPITAL LETTERS and bad speeling myself :lol:


I'm just surprised that another shooter can try and justify an over the top reaction to a fellow shooter and long standing licence owner who broke the most trivial of laws.


As an aside, we should start a thread on police cars breaking the limit because they seem to be a law to themselves around here, esp when it's nearly closing time at the do-nut shop :lol:


Merry Xmas ;)

Obviously, the devil's advocate in this instance will not be another shooter, let alone me. However, I recognise your conciliatory tone and also wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas. :lol:;):P

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Sitsinhedges sorry but saying "most trivial of laws" is tripe m8! speeding is the number 1 killer on the UK roads, having a loved one killed or seriously injured due to a clown driving above the speed limit is far from trivial! Having seen what happens when people drive above the speed limit I can confirm that the outcome is without doubt not trivial!!


To the op, I think it would have been sensible to have contacted the FEO at the time for advice on wither you inform them or not (they are going to find out in anycase, most likely) so a quick call is surely a sensible move? Anyway nothing you can do about it now, but wait! I would imagine it will be re-issued without any problem and she was just covering her backside ;) In any case good luck

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God this thread is one of the worst I've ever read on here a load of tripe written by cretins for want of any other word the swear filter would remove.


Ok you were caught slightly over the limit everyone does it. The police offered the course as its a minor margin over the limit, then you asked if it needed declaring so did everything by the book. Then checked with your feo who then over reacted possibly as she wants to check. Sit back and don't panic it will be fine for starters you haven't lied on any forms they were submitted before the incident. Saecondly motoring offences very rarely go against you unless its drink driving or something that questions you as a person. 38 in a 30 is none of them

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Sitsinhedges sorry but saying "most trivial of laws" is tripe m8! speeding is the number 1 killer on the UK roads,



first reaction - No it isn't. Proof please.





Speed never killed anyone, its the unexpected rapid deceleration that does the damage! :lol::lol::lol:


....and to join the masses, this thread is getting daft!


Time to move on! :good:

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I'm not having a go at you but you were lucky to be offered the option of the course.


38 isn't a bit over 30, it's a lot over, that extra speed could easily mean the difference between life and death for someone.


Yes I have exceeded the speed limit, don't know anyone who can honestly say they haven't but on 30mph roads I'm very careful to avoid it, we have a lot of children where I live and none of them have much road sense and will often just run out onto the road.


I think your FEO is just covering her backside and you should get your ticket back OK.

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Right calm down children!


Firstly, all that has happened is that the renewal was issued on the info that the Firearms Manager had at his disposal at the time.


The FEO has come out and during the interview, the OP has quite sensibly mentioned the speed issue.


The FEO HAS to go back to the Firearms Manager to check that all is still well - the FEO has no authority to dismiss it.


No one has revoked him, it's just gone back to be confirmed all is fine before it's released to the OP.


As for the speed being the biggest killer, all I can say is that after 27 odd years Police service and 7 years supervising Fatal RTC investigations, that in my experience, the majority of crashes are caused by poor driving standards and /or a complete lack of concentration.

Edited by Rushjob
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Playing the devil's advocate, if one can't be bothered to obey the speed limit in a built up area with both young and old folk, not to mention the infirm, about and which takes no effort to comply, are you going to bother unloading that rifle in a public place which does?


Hmmm... you've NEVER gone over the speed limit in your life??? not even a little bit???

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It seems to me the link between +or- 8mph and an unsuitable person to own and use firearms is a bit of a tenuous one, if one exists at all.

I am the first to condemn inappropriate speed but speed cameras seek to suppress the likelihood of inappropriate speed elsewhere as well as at the site. Cameras have to be placed where there is a history of road traffic casualties but they dont have to be speed related.


We have all got lost in this mess of speed limits and casualties.

There's covering your backside and there's being unsuitably indecisive for your job.

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I've got convictions on my record for driving, speeding 60 as I thought but turns out it's only 50 in a van. An no insurance when I was test riding a bike. Put it on my form and when the interview came he said driving doesn't affect your gun licence, just be patient it'll come back. If you want to know what's going on ring up and ask for an update.

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Hmmm... you've NEVER gone over the speed limit in your life??? not even a little bit???

Oh, for crying out loud! A dimwit who doesn't understand something but that fact does not prevent him commenting instead of checking on it first.


Devil's Advocate: advocatus diaboli, the Promoter of the Faith, an advocate of the papal court whose duty it is to propose objections against a canonisation.

This is transferred in both lay and common usage to mean someone who is giving the possible point of view of the opposing side in an argument/discussion so that his own side is prepared to counter it.


That's it, I'm out of here!

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Mr Logic you asked for proof, have a gander here http://www2.dft.gov.uk/pgr/statistics/datatablespublications/accidents/casualtiesgbar/rrcgb2009.html I stand corrected as in 2009 (sorry didnt look at 2010 stats) it was actually loss of control that was the highest contributing factor = 36% whilst speeding/driving too fast for conditions was attributed to 13% off ALL accidents on the road but from this 13% they accounted for 27% off ALL road fatal accidents. So is it a trivial law or not you decide?


Rushjob have a gander at the stats m8 :hmm: Surely you aint agreeing with the speeding is trivial if thats your back ground??


In 2009 in Scotland there were 195 people killed on the roads 38 of those killed "travelling too fast" was one of the contributing factors.

Edited by m3vert
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Playing the devil's advocate, if one can't be bothered to obey the speed limit in a built up area with both young and old folk, not to mention the infirm, about and which takes no effort to comply, are you going to bother unloading that rifle in a public place which does?




Edited by Muddy Funker
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good ol pw , always drags down to a shouting match .


refer to first two replies , ring basc then ring yr fao .


speeding fixed penalty isnt applicable to your fac , but you should put it down as a matter of course mine said .


calm down fellers , this is getting silly .



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