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Irate farmer


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you get rude people everywhere. But the next time a farmer responds like this, try this trick. A few years ago I came across a field of sprouts that was blue. I duely went to farmer and asked for permission and he started down the same track as your good friend. just so happened I had few birds lying in car from the day before. So, I popped into the boot lifted a bird and promptly asked the farmer to put has hands out. He obliged with an odd look. I split the crop open. Out came a handful of green. The conversation then went something along these lines:


ME "I reckoned there is around 2000 birds on that a field at any given minute."

FARMER "#### I never ####### knew they ate that ####### much."

ME "yes, there won't be much left of those sprouts left by the time they get off that field"

FARMER "well I have boys shooting here but could you shoot today?"

ME "Yes"

FARMER "right go ahead then"


I've been shooting that land ever since. Mind you, he's still a rude #######

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Well I have had similar situations with Farmers and landowners and You just have to take it on the chin BUT how about this then! Gets a call last week from local Farmer who would like Me to deal with Woodies over his Rape, he got My number from another farmer I shoot for, No problem at all I said let Me know when and I shall get the lads together and do the Buisness for Him he then announces that He wants to ******* CHARGE ME £55 for the privilige!!!!!!!! Have I got this wrong or is this how it works thesedays? I have paid to shoot clays I pay good money to shoot Game but I aint paying to do someone a favour! Please tell Me i aint got this all wrong!

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taking the **** ent he, id say well mr you better pop to your nearest countrywide store and buy 2 gas bangers, and good supply of gas bottles,


2 of the farmers that land that i shoot on , phone me to say how did you get on, and next time im passing pop in and collect a slab of cartridges :good:

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Well I have had similar situations with Farmers and landowners and You just have to take it on the chin BUT how about this then! Gets a call last week from local Farmer who would like Me to deal with Woodies over his Rape, he got My number from another farmer I shoot for, No problem at all I said let Me know when and I shall get the lads together and do the Buisness for Him he then announces that He wants to F-----G CHARGE ME £55 for the privilige!!!!!!!! Have I got this wrong or is this how it works thesedays? I have paid to shoot clays I pay good money to shoot Game but I aint paying to do someone a favour! Please tell Me i aint got this all wrong!


Farmers want to make a quick buck anyway they can. He might already have people shooting that he charges, and wants to edge his bets and get greedy.


I however only shoot on land that I'm asked too, and would never want to pay for doing so :no:


Shooting in general is expensive enough these days, without coming across greedy people :lol:

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No one had the right to eff and blind at you, total lack of respect and very arrogant. You should have laid the arrogant man out, your word against his and all that!

Sorry everyone, it was meant tongue in cheek, a joke if you like. It seems we have a lot of sensitive righteous people on the forum who suffer from mock indignation. Of course you shouldnt lay him out, and of course i wouldnt have laid him out.

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Sorry everyone, it was meant tongue in cheek, a joke if you like. It seems we have a lot of sensitive righteous people on the forum who suffer from mock indignation. Of course you shouldnt lay him out, and of course i wouldnt have laid him out.

Fair enough, but your post didn't come across as a joke.

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Decided to have another day out in my quest for another permission as since I have not shot a pigeon since August I am starting to get a little rusty !

Anyway saw quite a few birds on some rape so after a few enquiries as to whos it was paid the farmer a visit and asked him if there was any chance he would give me some pigeon shooting, as aways I was nice and polite in the asking.

What I got in return was a 5 min rant about people wanting something for ******* nothing and if i want pigeon shooters I will put a big ******* sign in the field etc,etc .

Must say I was rather shocked as where I have had more knockbacks that I thought possible over the last couple of years or so I have never experienced anyone react so badly,personally I now hope the pigeon leave nothing but stalks !. :blush:

just a longshot but did you ask to trim his drive and tarmac his connifers before you asked about the shooting :lol:

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Sorry everyone, it was meant tongue in cheek, a joke if you like. It seems we have a lot of sensitive righteous people on the forum who suffer from mock indignation. Of course you shouldnt lay him out, and of course i wouldnt have laid him out.


Its probably not sensible to post a joke on a serious topic, unless you add an appropriate amount of smilies.

Otherwise people could think that you are rapidly back pedalling, having received the responses to your post that you have had.

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Take a punt and go back with a bottle of something and appolphise for upsetting him then leave, might not work but then again it might and for the cost of a bottle could be worth it.


I will save the bottles for the ones that treat me with respect,as far as I am concerned I have nothing to apologise for, I am desperate to add to what little permission I have but not that desperate, ultimately we would have been doing each other a favour but clearly he does not see it that way so i will leave him be and the search will continue elsewhere !

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Take a punt and go back with a bottle of something and appolphise for upsetting him then leave, might not work but then again it might and for the cost of a bottle could be worth it.



Exactly what went through my mind, yes true you have nothing to apologise for and he doesn't deserve it but such is life, as others have said he must have been having an off day so nothing wrong with you rising above it at all. I would be tempted to write a shortish letter explaining you feel bad for catching him at an awkward moment and want to let him know you are a committed, insured and reliable pigeon shooter who far from wanting something for nothing tries to protect the crop from damage and never forgets a small gesture at this time of year as a mark of gratitude. :yes:


Yesterday I did a good 100 mile round trip to do my farms and it's obvious from their pleasure that few bother with this simple annual call. I really feel it could lead to a long term permission for you as long as you don't milk it too much, just leave the drink and letter with your contact details or if you bump into him just hand them to him and walk away politely unless he wants to talk to you. Let us know if you do.

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Well I have had similar situations with Farmers and landowners and You just have to take it on the chin BUT how about this then! Gets a call last week from local Farmer who would like Me to deal with Woodies over his Rape, he got My number from another farmer I shoot for, No problem at all I said let Me know when and I shall get the lads together and do the Buisness for Him he then announces that He wants to ******* CHARGE ME £55 for the privilige!!!!!!!!



You could have asked him what sort of cartridges he's supplying, tell him you'll need 250.





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Its probably not sensible to post a joke on a serious topic, unless you add an appropriate amount of smilies.

Otherwise people could think that you are rapidly back pedalling, having received the responses to your post that you have had.



very diplomatic :yes:




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Decided to have another day out in my quest for another permission as since I have not shot a pigeon since August I am starting to get a little rusty !

Anyway saw quite a few birds on some rape so after a few enquiries as to whos it was paid the farmer a visit and asked him if there was any chance he would give me some pigeon shooting, as aways I was nice and polite in the asking.

What I got in return was a 5 min rant about people wanting something for ******* nothing and if i want pigeon shooters I will put a big ******* sign in the field etc,etc .

Must say I was rather shocked as where I have had more knockbacks that I thought possible over the last couple of years or so I have never experienced anyone react so badly,personally I now hope the pigeon leave nothing but stalks !. :blush:

you aint alone in this experience 5 years at a farm/tractor shop and 65 % of them were cantankerous want discount .free samples young man dont you realise i pay your wages mr types.the other 35% were real gents most respectful but walking away is the right thing coz they all realated or married to each other n you dont wont blacklisting .good decision

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