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What drives you mad on tv


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this might realte to people with young kids but ANYTHING on CBBC ...hate the channel but the little lad loves it...

I have always said the kids presenters must drop a couple of pills, half a bottle of vodka and then get in front of the camera....

and the names of some of the charachers (sp) makka pakka etc :blink:

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I know its probably on a lot of peoples hate list but i really like "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here"


but i'd like to see them go further, so much further. I think they should have more "celebs" in there, loads more, for longer with less food and I think they should make the winner the one who can get out of the jungle and back to the UK under their own steam :)


I think the first batch should include:


go compare man

buy one get one free man (good call)

any one who was produced by Stock, Aitken and Waterman

anyone who used to be a gladiator (especially Wilf)

All of Essex (the County)

anyone who watches programs about gypsies


I could go on and on

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I know its probably on a lot of peoples hate list but i really like "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here"


but i'd like to see them go further, so much further. I think they should have more "celebs" in there, loads more, for longer with less food and I think they should make the winner the one who can get out of the jungle and back to the UK under their own steam :)


I think the first batch should include:


go compare man

buy one get one free man (good call)

any one who was produced by Stock, Aitken and Waterman

anyone who used to be a gladiator (especially Wilf)

All of Essex (the County)

anyone who watches programs about gypsies


I could go on and on


Not jet. She was my favourite gladiator. She was lovely...

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go compere


The two women with colds.


All the 'just £2 a month' beggers.


Have you been in an accident. I want to squash that bloody underdog.


Here come the girls.


Coranation Street


East Enders






Jonathon Woss


Big Brother


Couldnt have put it better meself But you forgot the we buy any car fffffs

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All the celebs, luvies and presenters who tow the company line and have no opinion of there own, because if they did tell us what they really thought their careers would end.

They must condemn racism and the BNP, they must condemn anything to do with guns and hunting, they must tell us that homosexuality same sex marriages and civil partnerships are normal, imagration amd multiculturalism is good for the country and the banks are the villians and so on.................



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All the celebs, luvies and presenters who tow the company line and have no opinion of there own, because if they did tell us what they really thought their careers would end.

They must condemn racism and the BNP, they must condemn anything to do with guns and hunting, they must tell us that homosexuality same sex marriages and civil partnerships are normal, imagration amd multiculturalism is good for the country and the banks are the villians and so on.................




:good: Absolutely spot on.

I would add to that the habit the BBC has of inserting into film sequences images of things it wishes to habituate in the public mind because the little group of urban lefty homosexual friends of Polly Toynbee who run the BBC have decided these things are right-on and the plebs must be re-educated to accept them.

For a long time whenever a graphic of cash was shown, perhaps to accompany some economic statistic on Newsnight, or indicate on one of its numerous antiques buying shows that a deal had been done, the uppermost note displayed would always be a Euro. They haven't done that so much lately. I wonder why?

Their latest one is inserting images of wind turbines into any sequence about the countryside as if these pointless monstrosities where something to be celebrated.

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I tell you what ****s me off to a massive degree and that's the hand-wringing middle class lefties wheeled out on Radio Bloody Four (which I used to love but now, in the main, loathe) banging on about what's good for (what amounts to) the Lower Orders. Though they don't call them that obviously.


If I ever hear the Today programme going on about what causes cancer 'this week' I shall projectile vomit at my radio. And it's a nice radio.

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Go compere


The two women with colds.


All the 'just £2 a month' beggers.


Have you been in an accident. I want to squash that bloody underdog.


Here come the girls.


Coranation Street


East Enders






Jonathon Woss


Big Brother



Spot on :good:


Can I add


1. The volume increase when the adverts come on

2. We Buy Any Car adverts (not from me you f'in won't)

3. The way that all American programs (that my Mrs watches) have to have music playing on them the entire way through, something that is probably heading this way, The Bill tried it for a bit before it was axed.

Edited by Dr W
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At the moment the "sponsorship" by crabbies at the start and end of every ad break is driving me insane,this must be subliminal advertising.


So what makes you want to scream at the tv?

I tell you what else gets me screaming :angry: and thats the WEATHER FORCAST first they start by telling you what the weathers been :angry: I dont need to know that I was there !! then If anty beeb says its going to Rain bet your bottom dollar that uncle itv will say the Suns going to shine or vise verser :mad: I glad I've still got me sea weed hanging out side or I'd be ******* :mad: .




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1, sort out the audio levels on each channel so that they are all close or at a similar level.


2, please please stop having all the advert breaks at the same time on every station.


3, have a package that lets people have the dish but a real basic package that gets them to see all the normal channels free, and in doing this you have the dish installed and when thats done the temptation is there to go for more,


4, last but not least, if the economy is struggling, CUT THE FLIPIN PRICES.



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