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Advice Please, Serious Assault


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Hello all, looking for some advice info etc


My sister in laws partner and her went to a local village pub to see the new year in, however it didnt quite end how they planned


The inlaws partner was on the wrong end of an unprovoked assault, resulting in a broken nose, broken cheek bone, broken eye socket and various cuts and bruises, there is a high chance that he wont regain sight in his right eye. Mutliple punches and kicks to his head whilst he was on the floor resulted in the abo e. All done by one lad who is known to police apparantly for various issues including assaults and threatning behaviour.


The chap has got to see a specialist after being transfer from hospital to hospital in an attempt too save his sight


What are the chances in prosecution and what sort of trouble will the culprit find himself in?


Also the chap will almost certainly loose his job as a result too.


Any chance of a sucsessful injury type claim?



Edited by M.I.A
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Hope it was dealt with at the time so the police could look at the crime scene and canvass for witnesses and arrest the offender with blood on clothes and hands etc. Prosecution depends on quality and amount of witnesses plus cctv and what it shows etc......Sounds terrible.

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Sure is terrible, looks like hes been 10 rounds with tyson bare knuckled.


The police were not called at the time, but have visited him in hospital and have taken his clothes. Witnesses are plentyful, unsure of cctv

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If the Police successfully prosecute, the lad would be lucky to stay out of prison.


It will depend on CCTV, witnesses - although you say there were plenty - many will melt into the background and won't volunteer to become involved.


Given his injuries, he should be more worried about recovering than a claim for compensation.

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if the police are investigating then when it goes to court if they apply and the suspect has the means then if found guilty he may get forced to make payment.


however the level of injury you describe i doubt he will have the funds.....a criminal injuries compensation agency payment needs applying for (find them online) the injury has got to be worth at least a grand or they dont pay anything.


I had a torn ligament in a finger when trying to restrain a drunk.......he had to pay me 500quid and the cica made it up to a grand


google CICA


and hope he recovers

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Due to the serious nature of this assault, I would seek out a competent crimial injury solicitor near to you (not one of the no-win-no-fee type).

I hope he gets better soon.


Problem is if the thug who did has nothing then what are you going to get?


hope everything mends as it should

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Sure is terrible, looks like hes been 10 rounds with tyson bare knuckled.


The police were not called at the time, but have visited him in hospital and have taken his clothes. Witnesses are plentyful, unsure of cctv


Why on earth were the police not called at the time?


hopefully you have enough witnesses that the CPS can bring a case against him.


As for compensation to loss of earning etc just hope he's not unemployed otherwise you may not see a penny.

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Im unsure, i wasnt there. But with the serverity of his injurys the main priority was to get him medical help.


mmmm without being sceptical, i'm assuming someone dialled 999 for an ambulance, if it was a serious assault they would have requested police regardless if not just for the paramedics safety.


if its as serious as suggested it sounds like GBH with intent.

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mmmm without being sceptical, i'm assuming someone dialled 999 for an ambulance, if it was a serious assault they would have requested police regardless if not just for the paramedics safety.


if its as serious as suggested it sounds like GBH with intent.


Very true, the call was made by the in law and she isnt the sharpest tool in the shed.


Im not suggesting anything, just stating facts!



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Very true, the call was made by the in law and she isnt the sharpest tool in the shed.


Im not suggesting anything, just stating facts!




well my advice would be to get as many witnesses as you can, hope the chap is not one who is already playing the benefit system....


Good luck

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From what you describe the assault would easily fit into the classification GBH with intent. Aggravating factors would be the multiple long lastiing and life changing injuries and also the sustained method of inflicting them, ie the kicks / punches when the victim was on the floor.

I would fully expect a custodial sentence at court, I have been involved in cases like this with less injury that have seen the offender banged up.

Best way of seeking financial compensation would be via the CICB. They pay the money out but it is crucial that the matter is reported to the police. As for court awarded compo, don't hold your breath. I was awarded £400 back in 2000. I receive a cheque now and again for no more than a fiver. I doubt that I have had even 60 quid of the amount owed.

Get the matter reported now. Hopefully the police will arrange for photos of injuries. ( My force use SOCO officers to take photos which really come out good, very useful in court). The pub ought to have CCTV for many it's a condition of thier licence and should be available for 28 days.

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The police should take it very seriously,


He should press charges, name witnesses and the police will then purse the claim. Once the police are involved, the CPS will have to make a decision as to the cases viability, if there are witness statements, and if the police are now involved ( a catalog of pictures) then a GBH charge is a substantial start. If that isn't the case, then I fear you may not be in possession of the full story!



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Well the reason, if you can call it that. Was because the offenders friend got jelous (sp) about the inlaws fella talking to his gf. From what i can assume he went back to the offender asking for him to have a go! How pathetic is that.

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When i hear this my heart sinks and i could cry for the victim. If the perpetrator got 25years with no parole then i reckon people would think twice before acting so savagely. All this putting the boot in is pure cowardice, yet if someone who was about to do it had '25 years no parole' in their head i reckon a massive drop in these crimes would follow. I will be more than happy if my family never visit pubs or drink booze!!!

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I'm still finding it hard to believe this has happened and no body stepped in to stop it,I know stuff kicks off quickly but they are some injuries And would have took some inflicting so time for people to help.Did it happen inside the pub or did he go outside with the thug.

I hope recovers fully and the thug gets his sometime.


ATB figgy

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