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A spot of ferreting


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Got out today for a spot of ferreting. As I have found out from Lamping most of my usual spots for ferreting don't have a great supply of rabbits this year. Anyway we headed today to one of the spots we were sure there was still rabbits on.


The weather wasn't promising; there was quite a bit of fog this morning and a bit of wind. We got started about 11 the fog didn't disappear until about 1. While the fog was there the rabbits weren't bolting great, however, in the afternoon things started picking up. We finished up about 3ish and we had shot 15 between us. A good day was had and there are holes we didn't do today which will do in a couple of weeks time.



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Good stuff, - I'm always very keen to read about peoples days out ferreting so next time make sure you write more and include more pictures!


I don't have any more pictures, it's hard to take more pictures when shooting over ferrets as it can be quite a fast and furious. I know what are saying about writing more; however, I find this difficult when ferreting as quite often you are presented with the same shots etc so it sounds as though you are repeating yourself. It's a lot different when you are rough shooting as you don't know whats going to happen next. Thanks for the post mate and next time I will try and write a more comprehensive report.

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I don't have any more pictures, it's hard to take more pictures when shooting over ferrets as it can be quite a fast and furious. I know what are saying about writing more; however, I find this difficult when ferreting as quite often you are presented with the same shots etc so it sounds as though you are repeating yourself. It's a lot different when you are rough shooting as you don't know whats going to happen next. Thanks for the post mate and next time I will try and write a more comprehensive report.



I know the feeling all to well! I'm just trying to compensate for the fact I can't currently go ferreting!

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