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ok...ufo sightings


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There are over a billion stars in our galaxy and there are billions of other galaxies.


And good ole planet Earth is the only planet that has life on it...yeah right.


The thing is, we haven't yet got our head around warp spead...mind you we could just about fly 100 years ago.


What if one of the planets out there are just a wee bit more intelligent than us and say been doing hard sums for say a million more years than us...and they haven't sent drones to see what the heck we are doing transmitting I Love Lucy?


Oh yes...we are being watched and no-one will want to strike up a meaningful conversation. Just remember what our approach is to lower lives on our own planet.




I can well believe there might be some form of life elsewhere. I just struggle with the concept of an intelligent life form who only popped up in the 1950s and do nowt but fly alongside airliners to do fancy aerobatics, cut crop circles or abduct banjo playing red necks to "probe" them. So advanced that they constantly show themselves to Roswell conspiracy theorists and people who believe in werewolves and ghosts, but never to ordinary people. They never attack us, nick our resources or just pop in to say hello (unless to aforementioned abductee fruit loops). Those that want to believe in this stuff will find their own "evidence", the rest of us can carry on normal jogging :yes:

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I can well believe there might be some form of life elsewhere. I just struggle with the concept of an intelligent life form who only popped up in the 1950s and do nowt but fly alongside airliners to do fancy aerobatics, cut crop circles or abduct banjo playing red necks to "probe" them. So advanced that they constantly show themselves to Roswell conspiracy theorists and people who believe in werewolves and ghosts, but never to ordinary people. They never attack us, nick our resources or just pop in to say hello (unless to aforementioned abductee fruit loops). Those that want to believe in this stuff will find their own "evidence", the rest of us can carry on normal jogging :yes:


People were seeing these things before the 50s. They have been seen by many ordinary people all over the world. If we disregard the crop circles, abductees etc, we are still left with high quality witnesses such as aircrew and military personnel who have seen them and have risked their careers in reporting them.

Edited by paul65
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definitely a camera glitch, the spot is exactly in the center of the sun and is overloading or confusing the camera, the second pic is the same but slightly covered by a cloud so has half come through.


Aliens have better things to do than fly billions of light years to earth to stick probes up a shaved monkeys **** and harvest farts :)

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People were seeing these things before the 50s. They have been seen by many ordinary people all over the world. If we disregard the crop circles, abductees etc, we are still left with high quality witnesses such as aircrew and military personnel who have seen them and have risked their careers in reporting them.


Then why don't they do anything other than fly in formation with charter flights to Torremolinos then?

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Is there not a mention in the Bible about chariots accending and decending from the heavens.Anyone who looks up on a frosty clear dark night and can say there is no life out there must have had a better education than most. We have known about space chatter for many years. One word WOW!! is now part of the english language. I for one hope there is other life out there. But are we fit to make freinds with them when we cannot get our own world in order.



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There are over a billion stars in our galaxy and there are billions of other galaxies.


And good ole planet Earth is the only planet that has life on it...yeah right.


The thing is, we haven't yet got our head around warp spead...mind you we could just about fly 100 years ago.


What if one of the planets out there are just a wee bit more intelligent than us and say been doing hard sums for say a million more years than us...and they haven't sent drones to see what the heck we are doing transmitting I Love Lucy?


Oh yes...we are being watched and no-one will want to strike up a meaningful conversation. Just remember what our approach is to lower lives on our own planet.




Are there / has there been / will there be other intelligent being out there? The odds say yes.

Do the timelines coincide? Probably not. Being at the right stage of evolution to find earth and contacting it in the miniscule (in terms of the life of the universe) time window that we have been around is much less likely than them being around at all.


If you think you have seen a UFO, that contains aliens, you haven't. (And a few stories in a book written thousands of years ago and translated hundreds of times and amended by the authorities whenever they see fit certainly shouldn't convince you otherwise!)

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i believe in aliens and ufo's etc,i also believe in ghosts even though i've not seen either.i know folks that have seen stuff and they're not the kind to make things up.i've only seen two things that didn't seem to ring true,one i didn't go back to check as it was creepy enough first time round,and the second thing i saw was a split second thing that was gone when i looked again,but didn't look right when i first spotted it.

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Are there / has there been / will there be other intelligent being out there? The odds say yes.

Do the timelines coincide? Probably not. Being at the right stage of evolution to find earth and contacting it in the miniscule (in terms of the life of the universe) time window that we have been around is much less likely than them being around at all.


If you think you have seen a UFO, that contains aliens, you haven't. (And a few stories in a book written thousands of years ago and translated hundreds of times and amended by the authorities whenever they see fit certainly shouldn't convince you otherwise!)


It does not convince me at all Diceman what I was trying to get across is that this quesstion has been asked for thousands of years and we are non the wiser.



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Some thirty years ago I used to live in Redbourn and frequented a pub called the Holly Bush. A guy in there was an airline pilot. On evening the conversation got round to UFOs. I was suprised how adamant he was that they did exist. He was not the sort to have strong views on other subjects. Thats about the extent of my experience of UFOs although I often suspect some of my customers are not from this planet.

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I am not prepared to say that UFOs exist or don't exist. I have never seen anything that I could not give a rational explanation for but how do you explain the various sightings that pilots (Both Armed forces and civilian aircraft) have reported and been told by the ministry and other "official bodies" to keep quiet about?


Until I see something myself that convinces me that they do exist I will stay "sat on the fence" but I see no reason why they should not exist!

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I don't actually believe what I saw to be alien craft but as we're told the galaxy is kind of limitless then you'd have to be pretty foolhardy to believe we're the only life form. What irks me is all this talk of conquering space, for what? There's naff all interesting up there compared to down here. They get all excited because they've found evidence of life form on planets a mere 500 light years away :lol: , give me a break, even half a light years distance means they can't come to us and we can't EVER go to them.


The same physical limits that apply to us must apply to them if their planet has similar life supporting properties?! Even if in 10000 years we develop limitless energy from oil seed rape :lol: , and so launch a voyage to that planet 500 light years away, by the time they're one tenth through they'll have lost interest and headed back anyway. There are aliens, but we ain't ever going to see one because of the distances involved.

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I don't actually believe what I saw to be alien craft but as we're told the galaxy is kind of limitless then you'd have to be pretty foolhardy to believe we're the only life form. What irks me is all this talk of conquering space, for what? There's naff all interesting up there compared to down here. They get all excited because they've found evidence of life form on planets a mere 500 light years away :lol: , give me a break, even half a light years distance means they can't come to us and we can't EVER go to them.


The same physical limits that apply to us must apply to them if their planet has similar life supporting properties?! Even if in 10000 years we develop limitless energy from oil seed rape :lol: , and so launch a voyage to that planet 500 light years away, by the time they're one tenth through they'll have lost interest and headed back anyway. There are aliens, but we ain't ever going to see one because of the distances involved.



But there really is a Santa Claus, surely you believe that. Good post Hammy :good:

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Stargazing Live conclusion - no Aliens!


The same physical limits that apply to us must apply to them if their planet has similar life supporting properties?! Even if in 10000 years we develop limitless energy from oil seed rape :lol: , and so launch a voyage to that planet 500 light years away, by the time they're one tenth through they'll have lost interest and headed back anyway. There are aliens, but we ain't ever going to see one because of the distances involved.


We have also got to remember that to travel these distances in a human lifetime we will have to be moving very very quickly, approaching the speed of light. Time slows down the faster we travel, so any traveller going on a 20 year jaunt to the stars and back will be ageing much more slowly than their contemporaries at home, so by the time they return after 20 years (in their experience), many thousands of years will have passed on earth and we will probably have forgotten why we sent them off in the first place.

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When you consider the magnitude of the universe, it would be arrogant to think that our earth was the only planet to be in the correct position to a sun to sustain life. I believe that we know **** all about the universe compared to its size. There must be the right conditions somewhere else where life is found, maybe a different sort of life or maybe just like here. I dont think that is make-believe, but i think the idea of flying saucers visiting us from these places is!! Remember it was only 200 years ago when we swore that the earth was flat!!

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Stargazing Live conclusion - no Aliens!




We have also got to remember that to travel these distances in a human lifetime we will have to be moving very very quickly, approaching the speed of light. Time slows down the faster we travel, so any traveller going on a 20 year jaunt to the stars and back will be ageing much more slowly than their contemporaries at home, so by the time they return after 20 years (in their experience), many thousands of years will have passed on earth and we will probably have forgotten why we sent them off in the first place.

I cant work out where you get that info from but a few things I find hard to swallow , for a start time slows down the faster we travel , If your actually still on this planet then time will remain the same at all speeds , If your talking about travelling the speed of light then to do that you would have to leave the earth , where time is different anyway.

Now even if your theory that time does slow the faster we travel then what you are saying is that our bodies then slow down to match this , which I very much doubt it . Our bodies will grow old and deteriorate as usual and no amount of speed will slow that down , So when you have been off travelling for 2 light years and 20 years( this is all just a guess) have passed down here ...........then I am sorry but your going to age with the rest of us .

I do however have an open mind but believe SEEING IS BELIEVING .......


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