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Gypsy Blood:True Stories

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I understand what you are saying and I have no objections to what ever people need to do in the privacy of their own homes ,but please do not try to tell me that it is normal and do not try to tell my grand chilldren at the age of 8 years old that being gay is a normal thing .


Harnser .


Evolutionarily it does not make sense! Totally agreed. However should people who are born this way be made to feel like immoral, socially corrupt devil-spawn? How would you react to one of your Grandchildren (who I presume you have unconditional love for) turning around to you at 15 and saying he was a friend of Dorothy?

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Evolutionarily it does not make sense! Totally agreed. However should people who are born this way be made to feel like immoral, socially corrupt devil-spawn? How would you react to one of your Grandchildren (who I presume you have unconditional love for) turning around to you at 15 and saying he was a friend of Dorothy?



Libs ,you really are not reading what I am saying . I know I am a simple country boy and my communication skills may be lacking some what but please read my posts again . Oh , a simple word comes to mind . "celibacy " .


Harnser .

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Libs ,you really are not reading what I am saying . I know I am a simple country boy and my communication skills may be lacking some what but please read my posts again . Oh , a simple word comes to mind . "celibacy " .


Harnser .


Right on that odd note we'll end there. Its been a pleasure.



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No thanks! I would rather watch paint dry!!!!


Just another program making excuses for their behaviour! What ever next? Make celebs out of Terrorists?


Question time with Abu Hamza


I for one will be giving it a wide berth. The adverts for it were bad enough. Young Children running over the field with a Deer. Parents teaching their kids to knock each others blocks off? Some Society.


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What consenting adults do in their bedroom is their business . But please dont try to tell me that it is normal, it is not . And please do not try to teach my grand children in school that it is normal and acceptable , in my book its not its a perversion . What a shame that old morals and values have declined into what we are prepared to accept now a days . They used to be known as Nancy boys . To be called a Nancy boy then was about the biggest insult you could give . I expect its now a compliment in certain parts of the community .


Harnser .

Totaly agree mate i never thought being gay would be accepted ,let alone become celebrity making, every soap,s got one and as for gay tv celebs where have they all come from ,oh and by the way if that was normal humans would be extict!next they,ll be getting married,oops they already are.

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Bullet boy ,sorry for hi-jacking your thread for a short time . Back on thread I wont be watching the program tonight gives to much credence to this generally unlawful side of society .


Harnser .


No problem my friend.Its not a programme i am eagerly awaiting to see,not like Earthflight!

I just thought to put it up thats all.

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Dont bother with it . Just another way of trying to make their lifestyle look normal and acceptable . Same as homosexuality , enough celebs come out as being homos and it starts to look normal instead of being in the closet where it belongs .


Harnser .

You sound like a man is supposed to sound, you sound like my old man, Proper old school that needs to be reintroduced on a mass scale!! :good:

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What consenting adults do in their bedroom is their business . But please dont try to tell me that it is normal, it is not . And please do not try to teach my grand children in school that it is normal and acceptable , in my book its not its a perversion . What a shame that old morals and values have declined into what we are prepared to accept now a days . They used to be known as Nancy boys . To be called a Nancy boy then was about the biggest insult you could give . I expect its now a compliment in certain parts of the community .


Harnser .



Wow, where did you park your penny farthing? I expect you're outraged at woman wearing trousers too?!



I come from an era when men were men and women were glad of it . Now a days it difficult to tell whos who .


Harnser .



Certainly not to his face...


Fantastic banter


Dont know how serious you are all being but I nearly wet myself laughing at this lot

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i wont be watching that **** why are they giving theiving tax dodging scumbags the limelight,they are absolute animals, where i live i've seen them walking down the street letting their toddlers **** up peoples cars and one of my ex birds worked in a tanning salon and the ***** women who went in there for a sunbed used to religiously dump in the bin in one of the tanning rooms they are absolute animals and they should never have been allowed air time.


ps Harnser i think your bang on mate it aint right!

Edited by tomhw100
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I won't be watching.


I do not give a stuff what a person's colour, sexuality, religious beliefs etc are. What I do object to are sections of society operating outside the law and then appearing to be glorified on TV.


Certain people pay no taxes, don't insure vehicles, trash private land, steal, intimidate, assault and then claim they are an oppressed minority. Before any bright spark claims bias, I have had a fair number of dealings with travellers and have experienced all aspects of their misdemeanours. Many are fine, but there is a large part of them who are totally lawless.

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I cant work old 'libs' out, he says he's a tory' he says he's a right winger but whenever there is a touchy subject he always seems to go all lefty. I think he's mixed up. :hmm:


Don't need to justify my views, I know where I stand. To follow political dogma and agree entirely with one team would be foolish and strange.


Accepting decent, law abiding people for who they are is not 'lefty' behaviour. Giving them special treatment because of their personal choices is, and I do not support that.



i had same thought s i thought he was bating for other side as well :blush:


Fancy a bum?

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Getting back of topic :rolleyes:


I wont be watching it , as Im working .


Probablly would have if I wasnt .


Ive known a few traveller types , and theres a few that are ok , However , In all fairness most of them Ive dealt with have been "Intresting" to put it mildly .


Used to deal with some of the younger ones trying to come into clubs when I did the door in Portsmouth , I found that they seemed to try to live off their reputations as "Hard men" , bullying people to get their own way etc... nearly always moved on to a softer target when stood up to .


What I really dont like is the way they claim they dont have to obey our laws , as they are not part of our culture , but are the first to try to use the laws if and when it suits them!! cant have it both way guys!?!?


All the very best fellas .


Andy .

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I'll probably end up watching it. :good:


As for people calling Libs gay, rather amusing but slightly pitiful on your parts seeing as I can vouch for the fact he's probably had more girls in his two years at university so far than you have had hot dinners. :lol:


There will be gay people on this forum and I dare say most of you commenting on this post wouldn't repeat stuff to their faces at a meet up such as the North vs. South shoot.



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