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Remember when


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If you watched Grange Hill and Worzel Gummidge , had 3 TV channels, started school with singing in the main hall, played in the woods, made a den, a game was Kick the can , Kiss Chase or Bulldog with not a computer in sight, rode your bike, had to be in before dark, got grounded if you were late, not even the home phone was mobile,… vandalism was scratching the school desk with a compass, you recorded the top 40 off the radio on tape, got 10 sweets in a 10p mix and you turned out ok, THIS IS WHEN BRITAIN WAS GREAT. :good:


Thing is times have changed and some of the things you've mentioned might be politically incorrect.


For example:


1)Grange Hill-Back in the days of Gripper this would be seen as glorifying bullying and violence.


2)Kiss chase-You'd have a sexual assault charge slapped on you within minutes by a dinner lady.


3)Worzel Gummidge-Being seen to sexually harrass Aunt Sally with a cream bun constantly.


4)Bulldog-Inciting violence.


5)Recording the top 40-Music piracy.


6)Kick the can-Not recycling.


7)Playing in the woods-Dogging???


8)Scratching the desk with a compass-Compass's are banned due to the sharp point being regarded as a weapon.


I am joking by the way! :lol:

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Trollys made from a few planks of wood and some old pram wheels with 6" nails bent round always going home with cuts and scratches , mum or nan would patch you up and tell you off for being stupid , then you would go straight back out and do it all a gain :lol: gawd!!! can you imagin Health and safety .


we use to make Bow and arrows ..we would nick some green garden sticks, bang a knife through the botton half and insert a playing card for a flight :lol: then go hunting for rabbits


Not forgetting the game of Doctors and nurses :lol: and having nan shouting up the stairs "I hope your not being dirty" :lol::lol:


they were great days..we made the most from nothing...

I honestly feel , youngsters have to much these days and having to much cuts down thier concentration..

the sad thing is..its our fault, we wanted to give them more than we had...

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I bet even now if a two inch thick womens catalogue is put in front of any bloke they would be able to find that section one handed first go :lol: Either that or drop slightly wide and end up in the shoe section

:lol::good: We would build dens from bales of hay in the latter weeks of the school hol's in which the long hot summer days seemed to go on forever.Razzing around a mates farm in an old Austin of some sort;seat pushed right up to the screen so we could see out;jumpers for goalposts;knock 'n' nash;returning bottles to the shop for the tuppence deposit(and I mean 2D not 2p);putting pennies and farthings on the railway line for trains to run over;riding down town on the cross bar of me Dad's pushbike(he could drive but we had no car until I was about 8;which was a Hillman of some sort);a garden shed full of rabbit hutches full of rabbits(to eat);going fishing with my Dad and only being able to catch eels!Ratching about on the local tip;putting aerosols in the constant fires that were on the tip and waiting for them to explode.Happy days!

There were downsides of course,but there always are.

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Watched the moon landings in black and white,had to go next door to watch Batman as we didn't have a BBC 2 aerial,outside toilet and a zinc bath hanging on the coalhouse wall.The wooden Tops,Andy Pandy,and Banana Splits a bit later.Buying my first Action Man with a ten bob note,decimalisation and realising I now only had to save 100 pennies to make a pound!

Thinking the Ford Capri was the coolest car on the planet!Browsing me Mams home shopping catalogue for the women in the lingerie!Dickie Davis on World of Sport,Les Kellet and Kendo Nagasaki,football coupons,Tudor crisps at 2and a half pence a pack!20 Embassy Gold for 20 pence,35 pence for a gallon of 2 star petrol.High waisted flares,platform soles,tank tops.....bloody hell I feel old! :blush:

+1 :good:

When happy days and the 'fonz' was the coolest thing on the telly and you changed channels by pushing the buttons.......on the telly :blink:

I had a raleigh chopper :D ,bolt bangers,every boy had an air rifle and a pen knife :o,flared jeans and bomber jackets,snorkel coats with real rabbit fur :yp:playing rugby in plimsols and being in skins,when we had real snow and farmers got their snow plough out,space invaders was as techo as you could get,the only take away was either chinese or fish and chips,£10 of petrol lasted a week,we made camps and played football in the street,cow horn handle bars on ya bike,10 no6 smokes in the bike sheds,old english cider,proper blankets on the bed and nylon sheets :no: and the absolute dream of all when old enough .....................a triumph tr7 that really was cutting edge style :lol:

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:lol: :lol: :lol: Mark used to go to Aberystwyth for a night out bus fare, get blotted, chinese, and still have some change out of a fiver.Oh and some CONDOMS if you got lucky. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hi Terry

Kings hall, the farmers, the angel,the railway the white horse,the students union, same place same time didn't bother with condoms in those days.Carefree days mate, if you were unlucky you got some bird up the duff or if you caught something penecillin sorted it out. I was lucky.Nowadays you catch something it can kill you


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Beg to differ on that one Mike the seventies were far from ****,yes the hooliganism at football matches

was nothing to be proud of but you could jack your job in and walk up the road to another,I suppose it

would depend on where you were brought up but in Norfolk as a teenager it was pretty good,ran an old Anglia

and a BSA Golden Flash on just over a tenner a week as an apprentice, beer was pennies a pint and 10 No.6

fags were less than 10p,happy days indeed atb handy

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Hi Terry

Kings hall, the farmers, the angel,the railway the white horse,the students union, same place same time didn't bother with condoms in those days.Carefree days mate, if you were unlucky you got some bird up the duff or if you caught something penecillin sorted it out. I was lucky.Nowadays you catch something it can kill you


Hi Geordie yes good times mate.Kings hall demolished,Farmers closed,others still open. Some good sessions then with our late friend Rob who passed on to early in life sadly missed :sad1: Give me a call when you up next mate.Terry

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Enjoying this thread....keep remembering things I'd long forgotten about.

We called them bogies too.There's a bloke in our town(must be nearer 70 than 60,rides into town from an outlying village on an immaculate Raleigh Chopper!

When it was too cold to hang about the streets in winter,us lads(no girls allowed)would sneak into the Con' Club and play snooker;cost us 10p for 30 minutes on the lights.Caretaker was a good sort and never threw us out so long as we behaved ourselves,which we always did.Some of us became very good players over the years.

Tattie picking on local farms(no doubt it's all automated now)'Bob-a-job' week in the cubs;all of us carrying sheath knives on our belts in the Scouts;Pearl and Dean ad's in the cinemas(they're back now)the first Chinese Restaurant opening in a town 13 miles away and a mate and me cycling through for a meal!Airfix fighters and bombers hanging from my bedroom ceiling;my Dad buying a Bullworker(still got it somewhere)posters of Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon, and Dennis Hopper in a scene from 'Easy Rider' on my bedroom wall;tye-dye t-shirts;Doc Martins;putting on a still wet pair of Levi's rather than a dry 'ordinary' pair;Levi jackets covered in 'splash' badges....God,this is sad!

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Yeah when teachers were psychotic and the sports teacher threw a medicine ball clean into my mates face, smashing his glasses just because he wasnt showing much interest. Nostalgia is a funny thing, but yeh some things were better and today some things are just ******* diabolical.!!


Our sports teacher was the football coach, and he used to say if you can’t get the ball, get the player…..and being lads of the early seventies copying chopper Harris and the rest of the football nutters, was a piece of cake..... :lol:




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No-one has mentioned white dog poo yet.




My theory on that is that dogs don't eat bones any more as there are not many proper butchers left. There's white dog eggs in my yard in the summer. I only let them eat them in the garden as they hustle so much.

Edited by ack-ack
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My theory on that is that dogs don't eat bones any more as there are not many proper butchers left. There's white dog eggs in my yard in the summer. I only let them eat them in the garden as they hustle so much.


It's actually EU legislation which prevents dog food manufacturers bulking their product out with crushed bone.



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We've talked about this before, and I mentioned making pea guns.

does anyone else remember them? had a trigger worked by rubber bands, and fired the pea from a rubber band tied to the end of the barrel, I've asked a few mates where I live now and they haven't a clue what I'm on about! :hmm:

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:lol::good: We would build dens from bales of hay in the latter weeks of the school hol's in which the long hot summer days seemed to go on forever.Razzing around a mates farm in an old Austin of some sort;seat pushed right up to the screen so we could see out;jumpers for goalposts;knock 'n' nash;returning bottles to the shop for the tuppence deposit(and I mean 2D not 2p);putting pennies and farthings on the railway line for trains to run over;riding down town on the cross bar of me Dad's pushbike(he could drive but we had no car until I was about 8;which was a Hillman of some sort);a garden shed full of rabbit hutches full of rabbits(to eat);going fishing with my Dad and only being able to catch eels!Ratching about on the local tip;putting aerosols in the constant fires that were on the tip and waiting for them to explode.Happy days!

There were downsides of course,but there always are.


Christ Scully you and me could have had the same childhood as we did just about everything you've listed, my mates farm was the most exciting place for getting into scrapes, rolling down hills in tractor tyres, hay bale bases, trying to cross slurry pit on the crust (very dangerous and pretty stupid), driving cars round the fields, playing in the tip (which past of the farm business), hammering shotgun cart caps, etc


We used to nick food from my mum's store cupboard and go down the woods (across the railway track) and camp down there, sticking a can of beans on the fire and running was great fun (you could never find a single bean afterwards) although the time my mum put out a cardboard box of empty aerosols which we dumped on a fire it was like rockets going off. Finally when camping down the woods we'd sneak back into the village at 4-5am and wait behind the bakers for him to load up the van and while he was inside nip out and grab a pie before running off to scoff it, never got caught thankfully. Happy days indeed.

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Here's another similarity Dr W;the Dad of one of my mates owned pigs,which he used to feed on the scraps from the local school canteens after boiling it all up in drums,and cured his own bacon.We were once playing on the edge of the pig slurry pit and decided to see who could get furthest across the crust!Guess who lost?None of us realised just how deep it was until I disappeared...right under.Can't remember how I got out as I couldn't swim at the time(too thick for breaststroke anyhow I would have thought!)but must have managed somehow...can remember his Mam hosing me down in the yard then being bathed and shampooed before getting taken home in some of his clothes.Thinking back,how we managed to survive to see adulthood is beyond me. :good:

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