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Safe distance


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I chose not to take a fairly flat shot at a crossing woodcock yesterday as I knew the beating line to be about 75m in front. Later in the day I also chose not to take a pheasant although it was at a decent height, the beaters were on high ground to the front and I knew shot would go through the trees above them.


It did occur to me that whilst I'm fairly clear on my effective range with a 12-bore; I have no idea whatsoever what the 'safe' range is. I err on the side of safety and probably refuse more birds than I should as a consequence.


Could someone enlighten me as to the 'safe' distance for a flat shot?

Edited by DNS
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I think what you are doing is excellent! It's always better to err on the side of safety.

I'm not sure on the effective range in terms of endangering beaters etc but, something like a 24 degree shot will carry for up to 300 yds. Ok, at that distance it will only be like hail stones and I'm sure most beaters are used to that! Pretty sure someone will be better placed to give a more definitive answer, which I too will be interested to read.





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no matter how far the beater line is/was i wouldnt shoot flat, as its not the done thing also you dont know what my be closer. its ok in a pigeon hide. i am a beater and i would go made if someone shot flat towards me no matter how far. and less it was a long long way but you know what i mean. was always told to shoot above the sky line when out on beaters day or with other people walking. then you cant go wrong. anless on a hill then you just think abit more and dont shoot low.


You did right :good:

Edited by Shooting Tom
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Thanks to all above for constructive comments.


So - Cockercas is first in with a 'you can shoot at me from 75m' - if I'm trying to establish a safe distance for a flat shot from a 12-bore; who is prepared to go lower than 75m?

Edited by DNS
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put it this way mate, id let u shoot at me at 75 meters with a shotgun. BUT you did the right thing most people dont appreciate a shotgun pointed at them at any range.


Madness, a shotgun with 5 of 6 shot will kill pigeons at 75 metres. It's the pattern that fails before the penetration.

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I wish I met more guns with an attitude like yours, I've heard the excuse several times when beating, " you were miles away" or the real gem " I didn't know you were there!"


I wish I met more guns with an attitude like yours, I've heard the excuse several times when beating, " you were miles away" or the real gem " I didn't know you were there!"

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Never shoot flat when game shooting full stop :good:


The most basic bit of advice I can offer is make sure there is sky around the target :good:


What You are doing is fine, if in doubt, You dont shoot - You will never get any stick for that! I would not want/let anyone shoot directly at me or the beating team, no matter what the range, pure madness to even consider it,I beat/keep a shoot - and I would give any gun who did his marching orders.


You are spot on - stay safe :good:

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I chose not to take a fairly flat shot at a crossing woodcock yesterday as I knew the beating line to be about 75m in front. Later in the day I also chose not to take a pheasant although it was at a decent height, the beaters were on high ground to the front and I knew shot would go through the trees above them.

your way of thinking is bang on right . i applaud you , wish every gun i have shot with stuck to your rules . hats off to ya fella


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put it this way mate, id let u shoot at me at 75 meters with a shotgun. BUT you did the right thing most people dont appreciate a shotgun pointed at them at any range.


Let me say i have seen foxes dropped stone dead at this sort of range with the right load- I do not recomend it as good practice mind you but to stand infront of a charge at 75mtrs is just plain stupid

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I have been out when someone lost an eye due to a ricochet I have also had a shot ball and punch a hole in a vixen taking a cub out its side, my daughter refused take a shot at a fox when we were out with hounds cos she could see another gun in her site picture and it upset her but I always say you CANNOT criticise some one for refusing a shot they do'nt feel is safe.I NEVER want to see the result of Two shooting accidents if in doubt DO'NT SHOOT. :no:

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