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Thank To All

Big Marty

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Just want to say thank to all you out there,I had a very bad accident a while back and am bed bound and really dont know if ill ever work again.. Not meaning to be depressing but I was in a pretty bad place, but use guns out there and this site has give me an interest..The way my arm is I dont have a big lot of use of it and dont know yet just how ill even go about shooting again,but I LIVE for it and hope to find away..Sorry for rambeling just thank to all................

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At my clay shooting ground many years ago, a man turned up, who everyone could see had only one arm. He booked on a 25DTL, and I watched, in amazement, as he shouldered his shotgun, called 'pull' and hit 22 out of the 25 clays.

Speaking to him later, he said that he worked hard to build up the muscles in his arm, to allow him to hold then gun without shaking.

I hope that in someway, you will be able to shoot in the future.




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I know a one-armed guy that shoots too. It's amazing to watch and he's a bloody good shot :)


Not sure of your other ailments but you seem to be thinkIng positive so that's a great start! Hopefully you'll get out soon and exercise that itchy trigger finger.


For the mean time, you can join the ranks as an armchair shooter...there are plenty on here so you'll fit right in!


Keep being positive and all the best



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Believe it or believe it not!


Last week I obeserved a clay shooting lesson, the person being taught was Blind.


The Coach instructed him by giving angles, elevation and timing and the shooter hit about 25% of the targets.

The shooter had to swing and fire at a couple of targets to gain a picture and memory of movement and then was able to put that picture into place.

It was a moving scene and something I will always remember.

I spoke with the shooter after the lesson, and discovered he lives near to me,I have offered to take him where ever he needs to go to continue his shooting career.

I will keep you posted as to how he gets on, as and when I can.


I will point out that the Coaching is nothing to do with me.

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Just want to say thank to all you out there,I had a very bad accident a while back and am bed bound and really dont know if ill ever work again.. Not meaning to be depressing but I was in a pretty bad place, but use guns out there and this site has give me an interest..The way my arm is I dont have a big lot of use of it and dont know yet just how ill even go about shooting again,but I LIVE for it and hope to find away..Sorry for rambeling just thank to all................


In 2009 I had major shoulder surgery had my arm in a cast fixed, I shot one-armed in the field and clays so dont be beaten the sad part is I poxy shot better then than have done since even with all the physio :lol: so dont give up.

If you want a lesson in one-armed shooting give me a shout I still have the cast and brace so I could slip it on, Suffolk shooter will confirm my ability one-armed. although thinking about I only had surgery on the other shoudler early Jan this year give me a few months Im still with the hospital physio.

You can do it :good:

Good luck


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