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almost......an altercation in asdas car park


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OR wait till he has gone into ASDA and write "cock" on the bonnet/roof and doors in DOT 3 brake fluid.............


My counsellor says I'm passive aggressive (but i dont agree.........so i abused him on facebook)


EDIT: Biting ones lip normally prevents a physical altercation if it doesn't your not biting hard enough



very good.. :lol: :lol: thats a nice deep sense of humor :good: lets see what the responce to your solution is...my councillor said.....kill em all and let god sort them out...terence,,sniper instructor 22sas..no i wasnt in the sas..he is my best mate and ex next door neighbour


look below in red type...the reason he said....the one you dont get will kill you


Edited by mikky
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Ive bitten my tongue and risen above it a fair few times, id rather walk away and let karma take its toll. One day he will do that to a guy who just batters the hell out of him and with luck you may witness it. And then call the police obviously!


i could hear my missus saying...mick,,dont knock him out..i dont know which is worse,,putting up with idiots like him or shopping after a hard days graft

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Maybe I'm just strange but why is having a FAC/SGC the reason you assault someone or not... the fact the thought is going through your mind would suggest you have an aggressive nature or tendency and that would be an area of concern!


In 46 years I have had 1 fight.... I was 12 and it was in the playground at school... I have had plenty of 'run ins' with people, been threatened, had people become VERY aggressive and threatening towards me but not once have I felt the urge to getphysical or violent or hurt them... I have resolved the situations diplomatically and always to my advantage.


Don't misunderstand, I would have no hesitation in defending myself or my family but have never been in that position... situations have always been resolved before they have reached that stage. Being shouted at in a car park is hardly grounds to 'WANT' or to feel the need to drop someone and would suggest anger management issues!!!

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Wouldn't have even happened if you'd gone to sainsburys mate!





Or Waitrose where everyone would have left the scene exchanging phone numbers and being jolly good friends. :lol:


Seriously though Mikky.The best way of dealing with a situation like this is to blow em' a kiss in a provocative way (makes no difference is they're male or female) and give them a cheery wave-it drives em' nuts.This way you've done nothing threatening and 99% of the time they dont know how to react so go away.I do this whenever i encounter a numbnut on the road and its never failed me yet.


However,im probably tempting fate by telling this and no doubt the next chap will be a bit ginger beer and might like it... :blink:

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Maybe I'm just strange but why is having a FAC/SGC the reason you assault someone or not... the fact the thought is going through your mind would suggest you have an aggressive nature or tendency and that would be an area of concern!


In 46 years I have had 1 fight.... I was 12 and it was in the playground at school... I have had plenty of 'run ins' with people, been threatened, had people become VERY aggressive and threatening towards me but not once have I felt the urge to getphysical or violent or hurt them... I have resolved the situations diplomatically and always to my advantage.


Don't misunderstand, I would have no hesitation in defending myself or my family but have never been in that position... situations have always been resolved before they have reached that stage. Being shouted at in a car park is hardly grounds to 'WANT' or to feel the need to drop someone and would suggest anger management issues!!!





Sounds like testosterone overload to me

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I live in a pretty rough town in N.wales mate.

Even walking passed the bus stop on the way to work everyday morning is a challenge in itself. Back in the day I wouldn't have taken any of it, but since receiving my SGC I seemed to have turned into Jesus Christ himself.


From reading your post it doesn't appear that you were violent at all, that seems to be a very basic form of communication where I live, and that's the only language some people will understand.


Good for you bud, no surrender!

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Next time call the Police and then call the store and get their security on it.


Do not touch anyone...don't swear back, don't loose your temper.


If the other guy lashes out...infront of witnesses, you are allowed to take reasonable action to defend yourself.


It doesn't matter how weak you think you may look...the other guys may be on drugs and have a knife.


I know how you feel...but you have to be reasonable.



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sound advice,,,just standing up for people who have been on the wrong end of bullies and loud mouths






get some more popcorn........19 posts ,,,mikky

you want to knock some idiot out in a car park over naff all but you not stopped your kid being bullied...what is that all about

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***, some Muppet almost causes a crash has the cheek to have a go at the innocent party then follows him about abusing him and all he does is escort him back to his car and sends him on his way. I think that shows amazing restraint, the natural thing to do would be to smack the silly s-o-b but he had the brains to not do that which i think is very high minded and civilized. Some people in this world need a good smacking, what if he did hit his car? i guarantee the insurance wouldnt pay out he would say he ran in the back of him and you can guess the long lasting ramifications of that.

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Maybe I'm just strange but why is having a FAC/SGC the reason you assault someone or not... the fact the thought is going through your mind would suggest you have an aggressive nature or tendency and that would be an area of concern!


In 46 years I have had 1 fight.... I was 12 and it was in the playground at school... I have had plenty of 'run ins' with people, been threatened, had people become VERY aggressive and threatening towards me but not once have I felt the urge to getphysical or violent or hurt them... I have resolved the situations diplomatically and always to my advantage.


Don't misunderstand, I would have no hesitation in defending myself or my family but have never been in that position... situations have always been resolved before they have reached that stage. Being shouted at in a car park is hardly grounds to 'WANT' or to feel the need to drop someone and would suggest anger management issues!!!

Spot on :good: never had to hit anyone since I was a kid and punched my brother once. I ain't no pushover either just not a phsyco!!

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the natural thing to do would be to smack the silly s-o-b .


Erm.... no, actually, it wouldn't... :unsure::rolleyes:


The natural thing to do would be to ignore him and just walk away, if he followed you and kept spouting abuse just walk towards store security and let him follow you there, explain the situation to the security guard and let them deal with it.


If it got physical, do enough to protect yourself (that means restrain him... not kick 7 bells out of him!) and get someone to call security or the police.


The feeling of need to punch/smack/attack someone over anything other than in self defense is neanderthall and has no place in society... apart from dragging yourself down to thier level it just shows a complete lack of restraint and points towards aggressive tendencies... to spout that it is only fear of losing your ticket that prevented you from becoming violent is, quite frankly, disturbing!

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asda car park is far too public a place to grab someone around the throat, delete your post and forget it



He said naughty words, you assaulted him.

That could loose you your ticket. If its reported they will find you via your registration and quite possibly have CCTV.





Probably the best advice on here. :yes:

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Maybe I'm just strange but why is having a FAC/SGC the reason you assault someone or not... the fact the thought is going through your mind would suggest you have an aggressive nature or tendency and that would be an area of concern!


In 46 years I have had 1 fight.... I was 12 and it was in the playground at school... I have had plenty of 'run ins' with people, been threatened, had people become VERY aggressive and threatening towards me but not once have I felt the urge to getphysical or violent or hurt them... I have resolved the situations diplomatically and always to my advantage.


Don't misunderstand, I would have no hesitation in defending myself or my family but have never been in that position... situations have always been resolved before they have reached that stage. Being shouted at in a car park is hardly grounds to 'WANT' or to feel the need to drop someone and would suggest anger management issues!!!


This post is spot on.

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My 76 year old, 10 stone wet through, shooting pal had an altercation with a 40 year old 6ft cyclist recently. My friend is under severe pressure as both he and his wife have health problems.The cyclist became extremely abusive, the swearing finally tipping my friend over the edge. He picked the cyclist up by the throat and pinned him against a wall, telling him he was lucky he didn`t knock him out. The cyclist by this time almost soiled himself and my pal left him to regain some dignity and drove home. Two hours later he had a visit from the police re the `assault ` and the implications on his SGC.The matter has been settled but the incident has been put on record.

My feelings are that if he had been a younger man he may have lost his guns. He was lucky the investigating officer was a shooting man and put a good slant on the incident in my friends favour.

By the way, he was a successful amateur boxer in his youth and he told me the cyclist went white with fear when he took charge of the situation.The moral is keep hold of your temper as you don`t` know the abilities of the person you are arguing with and the consequences of your actions may leave you unable to enjoy your hobby.

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Recently I got a torrent of abuse from a guy who I wouldn't let in front of me in a queue ar sainsburys 'because he only had 1 tube of pringles', when I actually looked at him after the act I saw he had quite a nasty scar on his face and was slurring his words so to be perfectly honest I was a bit fearful of a knife being pulled or something, so I just dropped my eyes and carried on packing my shopping. Eventually he left but made an **** of himself as he forgot his pringles and had to come back in to get them.


Afterwards I was fuming, should I have just let him into the queue? Should I have stood up for myself more?


But looking at the bigger picture he will die alone from whatever his addiction is, iin a semen spattered bedsit with only a half eaten tube of pringles for company, whilst I will live a long and healthy life on fine wines and kettle chips. Why would I risk that?


It can burn a bit at the time but you have so little to win from an altercation with a stranger and so much to lose, best just walk away.

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