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Locked threads and warnings from Mods


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ok folks first off I want to be clear I am not starting this thread to upset or dredge up previous closed threads so please keep this thread on topic :good:


I am still a newbie on here and learning on the way, I realised after the first time I swore in a thread and was sent a message giving me a slap on the wrist (felt like a wee school lad) that swearing was not allowed on here. However being a member of several different forums where certain words are allowed in one place but not allowed in others I again today used two words that are obviously not allowed :blush: and was sent another warning PM from the Mods telling me that is the 2nd time and next time could lead to a suspension!! Ok rules are rules I suppose BUT I thought this was a forum for like minded shooters who will no doubt use some choice language when they are together? I know we dont want a forum full of folk Fing and blinding all the time but if a word is xxxx out by the filter on here is that seen as a problem? I pretty often will type in slang (I know bad habit) and as a result maybe swear words that would have been caught with the filter would slip through which may have happened on this occasion I really cant mind!


Anyway I notice loads of folk have their swear words xxx'd out and wonder if they are also being warned off like myself? or is it only if your swear word manages to get through the filter that you are in the xxxx!


The second point was around the amount of threads that seems to get locked on here! I dont think I have ever been on any other forum where the mods feel the need to lock topics becaues members are bitching at each other :lol: I for one would leave them to it unless things are getting out of hand or going round and round getting no where, but some I have read are just heating up when they are locked down so to speak. Is this the normal on here and is everyone in favour of this type of moderation?


As I said at the start I am not raising this to start a war or upset the mods! I like this place and enjoy reading some very interesting threads and dont want kicked off for a slip of the tongue er slip of the finger! em both sound a bit dodgy :lol: :lol: I am interested to know what you think?

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I think the mods on here are a quite a fair bunch. :good: Some of the threads that they lock should have been locked i.m.o. Some of the threads get a bit out of hand at time.Don't mind a disagreement of opinions etc but some do get a bit insulting and rude again that's my opinion. I have made some good mates on PW and long may it continue. Terry :good:

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If swearing is against the forum rules why use it filtered or not ?.

there could be many valid reasons that threads need locking ,some could be seen as bullying others may have legal implications and some may contain information or advice which would disgust those of us that think our quarry should be given more respect,all in all I think the moderators do a excellent job though as with most things in life it is difficult to please everyone.

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I think I understand where you are coming from, however not everybody wants to use 'bad' language, and it gives a good forum a very bad name if it's full of swear words. Think how it may look to someone looking on the forum for the first time, as they consider getting started in shooting. Do we really want to be considered an uncouth bunch, with every post full of ****'s or whole words?

It can sometimes be hard finding the right words to keep it clean, and some words get blocked that perhaps shouldn't be, especially where they have different meanings.


I think it's worth a bit of hassle and annoyance in order to keep it clean and respectable.

The same goes for locked threads, sometimes people get carried away and the 'discussion' ends up serving no more purpose and looking bad on the forum - so locking them seems sensible.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think the moderators do a great job.

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The moderators, like on most forums, will give freely of their time to run the board. They will have a set of rules, which must be adhered to.


If you don't like the way the board is run then ask for your money back.

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NO I think some are missing my point here. I am not having a go at the Mods, like on other forums they are doing a fine job, surely I am allowed to think that sometimes they lock threads without good reason though?

On the swearing I totally agree if its no swearing its no swearing it makes no ******* difference to me (thats a joke by the way lol) only wondering if I need worry about getting kicked out if I end up with some xxx coming up when I didnt mean it? will this result in a ban or only if it gets through the filter?

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NO I think some are missing my point here. I am not having a go at the Mods, like on other forums they are doing a fine job, surely I am allowed to think that sometimes they lock threads without good reason though?

On the swearing I totally agree if its no swearing its no swearing it makes no ******* difference to me (thats a joke by the way lol) only wondering if I need worry about getting kicked out if I end up with some xxx coming up when I didnt mean it? will this result in a ban or only if it gets through the filter?


Only the mods can answer regarding what will cause a ban, however look at your post when you've submitted it, if something has come up accidentally just click the edit button to change it, and then worry no more!

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xxxxx are not swear words nor is *** if the words not the word its not the word so i guess its a fine line most forums allow the xxx or the **** but dont allow the actual spellings. so far iv had no problems or warnings and i agree if bullying happens people should be banned or thread locks thats why we have mods.

so far i feel the mods have been fairly sensible as sensible moderations where its at not censorship

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Given the legal nature of holding s/guns etc. I think that the mods do a grand job. Remember the media can view quotes on here. I haven't been banned but have had a correction applied to a post (fair enough) It is a family forum after all.

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The bad language question is quite simple.

We have an auto censor that will automatically replace certain words with *****'s, those members that try to bypass this by posting part letter and part symbols to spell bad language, will get their posts edited and receive a warning.

If you feel you have to post bad language, then post all *******'s with no letters.


From the House Rules.

"The use of bad language, or mock bad language, is prohibited."

("mock bad language" is the part letters and part symbols mentioned above.)


This is a public access Forum with a good reputation, we intend to protect that. :)

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NO I think some are missing my point here. I am not having a go at the Mods, like on other forums they are doing a fine job, surely I am allowed to think that sometimes they lock threads without good reason though?

On the swearing I totally agree if its no swearing its no swearing it makes no ******* difference to me (thats a joke by the way lol) only wondering if I need worry about getting kicked out if I end up with some xxx coming up when I didnt mean it? will this result in a ban or only if it gets through the filter?

Hi mate you asked a fair question, don't think anybody is trying to upset you.Hope you are enjoying the forum.Good bunch of lads on here :good:

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The bad language question is quite simple.

We have an auto censor that will automatically replace certain words with *****'s, those members that try to bypass this by posting part letter and part symbols to spell bad language, will get their posts edited and receive a warning.

If you feel you have to post bad language, then post all *******'s with no letters.


From the House Rules.

"The use of bad language, or mock bad language, is prohibited."

("mock bad language" is the part letters and part symbols mentioned above.)


This is a public access Forum with a good reputation, we intend to protect that.


I think Cranfield has answered my question spot on :good: I am thinking I maybe put the F letter at the begining of my word and then *** the others out and thus the warning, I thought that sort of thing was ok but now realise the error of my ways lol :lol: Fair play :good: and I promise to be a good boy from now on :lol:


Dare I say it????? The mods can lock this one down now if they want :D :D :D :D

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I think this site is tolerant and moderated fairly.


For opposite ends of the spectrum try THL where just about anything goes, or a certain air gun forum where they will impose a lifetime ban to the catacombs of hell for bad grammar!!




I like many people do not have the best of spelling skills and then there are also those that are dislexic, but I would love text talk to be banned :yes: at least people should try !

Edited by fenboy
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