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Tightening up on choke.....


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Been shooting for 2 years now but only 'seriously' for the last 12 months.


Im in C class and apart from the occasional off day (that we all have) I 'seem' to be getting into the upper 60's - lower/mid 70's fairly regularly.


Since I started shooting I've stuck religiously to 1/4 and 1/2 throughout, apart from the occasional foray into skeet/cylinder on the really close stuff - driven and rabbits etc.


Should I stick with this 'base' choke combination or is it time to go a bit tighter and if so what would you recommend?


I should probably also add that I prefer lighter loads (21g or 24g) in my O/U although I'm fine with 28g in my auto.


Thanks all,



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What do you hope to gain by tightening up the chokes, you certainly won't break any more targets as a result..?? :no:


Stick with what you're using now, although I would recommend 28g generally for clays.





Leave them be. It's pretty rare you'll need anything tighter than 1/2. :yes:

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Unless you are shooting at very distant clays then 1/4 should be able to break them easily without them going all round the clay, so you're unlikely to gain anything by tightening them up.

You could check how your gun is patterning, especially with the lighter loads, at the furthest distances you shoot at to make sure your shot couldn't miss an edge-on clay.

You could try it and see how you get on - I personally like having tighter chokes, but I can't say that it is doing you any real favours. The main thing is pointing the gun in the right place, do that and whatever you are using it'll break the target - or so I'm told!

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Thanks very much for the replies, looks like I should either stay put for a while or maybe try it out and see what happens.


I only ask as the guys I regularly shoot with (all better shots than me) all shoot tighter chokes and I know some folks like this as it helps them read the targets/breaks better etc.


Best not try to run when I've only just started walking...... :yes:

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Sadly we are not all George Digweed, but i am reminded of a saying that was attributed to him, TIGHT CHOKES, AND LEARN TO SHOOT. If you want to learn to shoot skeet well, put full choke in, it dont half make you concentrate hard on every target. when you have shot five 25 straights, drop back to 1/4 choke and it will seem like a walk in the park.

Rich g

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Both imp cyl ie 1/4 for Treetops English Sporting and everything at SW2000.


I have shot both ranges with full chokes with no inprovement in score.


I do wonder about the last fast right to left crosser (going away) at Treetops...goes like the proverbial bat out of hell and do wonder about full choke on this one...but can't be asked to change.


And for goodness sake don't change cartridges for faster...I swear by Eley Blues and I think they do 1090 fps.



Edited by Robin128
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Cheers Ed,


To be honest after reading the other replies as well I am planning on staying put for a while.


Mind you, after the way I shot at Shuggy today I'm tempted to remove the chokes all together and sling them in the 'cut.


Just when you start thinking you're getting the hang of this game it bites you on the *rse.


Anyone got a train set they don't want?

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Cheers Ed,


To be honest after reading the other replies as well I am planning on staying put for a while.


Mind you, after the way I shot at Shuggy today I'm tempted to remove the chokes all together and sling them in the 'cut.


Just when you start thinking you're getting the hang of this game it bites you on the *rse.


Anyone got a train set they don't want?


Sounds like you've had a day like i had last sunday, been shooting well all week then all went wrong on the sunday when it counted the most, clear it out your mind theres always next week :good:

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Do what I do- sack it off for a few weeks if not going to plan! I didn't go up to the England selection today, rather do dome lessons! I'm off for a couple weeks or so now, will see how it goes when I'm back, maybe be a bit keener.


Do you know I think that's probably the answer, I'm booked onto the Phil Coley/Carl Bloxham Masterclass jobby at MCSC at the end of April, so I may give it a miss next weekend so in fresh and a bit keener for that.


I was looking forward to shooting today like I always do, but when I was actually there I couldn't focus at all almost like I'd forgotten how to concentrate...It didn't help by starting on a tricky stand and dropping all 8. I managed to 'move on' as best I could, but a start like that can really throw you (me) off.


Mind you I have been fannying about with different chokes and shells this last week (not to mention a new recoil pad) so I guess it's no great suprise I shot like a big girl (nothing wrong with big girls, just in case)


Hope the short break works for you Ed :good:

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Iggy for F*%k sake. I sorted you out with a proper gun, Half & Half will do nearly everything.

Stop analysing and shoot the bloody things. :yes:

Have a small break if you think it will do you good, but most of all clear your mind and restart fresh. Never, never, never, ever shoot 0 ex 8. Do something different after every unsuccessful shot just to try and find the target.

Even if it means on the last pair walking out to the line of flight, grabbing your gun by the barrels and using it as a bat. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Iggy for F*%k sake. I sorted you out with a proper gun, Half & Half will do nearly everything.

Stop analysing and shoot the bloody things. :yes:

Have a small break if you think it will do you good, but most of all clear your mind and restart fresh. Never, never, never, ever shoot 0 ex 8. Do something different after every unsuccessful shot just to try and find the target.

Even if it means on the last pair walking out to the line of flight, grabbing your gun by the barrels and using it as a bat. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Ha Ha made me laugh :good:

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You're right, I do have a problem with changing something when its not working. It was 4 pairs of fast L-R and R-L crossers, and although I made small adjustments they were clearly not enough, so I definatley need to work on this aspect.


I did go back after my card had gone in and it was quiet to have another few pairs and I did start to pick them up, too late then of course.... :blush:


Also having spent the week faffing about with different chokes, shells and recoil pads, its true to say my heads full of counter productive cr*p which isnt helping much :no:

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