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If you could have any job.


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Go round Evil Elvis' house and live the dream. I'm sure he wouldn't mind turning the thermostat up a bit to complete your experience.


EDIT : Come to think of it, where is he? Not seen any posts for a while.


I have my own reptiles and amphibians, would just like to work somewhere that they were in my garden rather than in tanks :lol:

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Law enforcement preferably in the US or Canada... hindsight is a wonderful thing... wish I'd stayed in the RMP. Sadly too old now for that kind of career change although I have been considering re-training for some time now. Financial Services isn't what it used to be and the future is bleak for the industry with tighter and tighter regulation...


Was thinking about training as a paramedic or something along those lines but crapped myself when I saw the cost of a 3 year plus paramedic science degree!!! I need to do something I can train for while still running my FS business (I'm lucky that I can!) any input welcome :yes:


Also looked at doing a surveilance / CP qualification but again, probably a young mans game and not much in the way of opportunity out there... could be wrong.. It also didn't help that my wife burst out laughing when I suggested it as an option! :rolleyes:

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Police officer that's my dream and I'm working towards it so when they take on I'm hoping to get in,


But also...


Marine commando the training, disapline and the lessons I could learn then pass on in life.


And finally


Warehouse shift manager, I'm kind of doing now and then, and want more, looking for a job now but it's very hard

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If time travel were possible I would have loved to have been one of the first aviators, read all about them when I was a kid but the modern computer thing sort of sucked the romance from it for me!


If modern I'd like to be the guy who reinvented airship travel for modern cargo transportation (along with canals)- you'll see - in 10 years time there will be WILLXX AIRSHIPS floating above every motorway clearing roadspace for pretentious knobends in BMWs to get to their meetings 2 minutes late rather than 5 minutes!

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Some really interesting answers.


My ideal job would have been, as with at least two others, to fly, airliners but preferably mach 2 fighters.

Next and more satisfying, less adrenalin, would be 'Gentleman farmer', owning a large estate with no need to make a living at it, just offset some costs and concentrate on mixing the farming with the shooting.


Technically I would like to have developed a love of geology and searched for minerals.

Tried upholstery and drawing/sketching for fun but loads more to do now retired, until I win a major lottery amount and look for that estate !

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A vicar cos they only work one day a week?


Joking apart I don't really know what vocation I would like to follow if I had my time again. I had hoped at the start of my working life to be a Waterguard officer in Customs and Excise - shows how long ago that was because the term Waterguard ceased to be used years ago.


Probably something creative and lasting like a blacksmith or woodworker. Had both in the family on both sides in the past and have seen their creations still in existence 100 yrs or more later.


Good question and I wonder how many actually get to do what they really wanted to do in life? Do we mainly drift into things?

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