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Gay marraige in church.


"Gay Marraiges" in Church.  

163 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the church allow "Gay Narraiges?

    • YES
    • NO

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I have just seen on Granada Reports that the first "Gay Couple" (Two men) have been "Officially and Legally Married" in a church in Liverpool. I personally think that this is wrong, especially as the bible says "A man should not lay down with another man". So with this in mind I believe that it is going againts what the bible says and the church, by allowing it is being hypocritical. What are your thought? - As this could be a "touchy" subject and that this is a "Family Friendly" forum please bear this in mind and keep your replies "reasonable" so as not to get this poll closed and removed.



I think its more to do with is religion more important than the happiness of two people. The bible quotes this and that, but at the end of the day, its just a book. There is no truth in what it tells us, as it was all made up. All religions are the same. Ill not knock people for believing in something that gives hope and comfort, but what i dont agree with is why should somebody who hides behind a religion be allowed to say who should be married and where. Gay people? personaly, its their choice so leave em to it. There is enough badness going on in the world (most caused by religion! oh the irony), so if two blokes are being made happy by what they want, fair enough. Rather than bash gays, why not bash religion. The bible?? what a laugh. Gay men being married in church goes against what the bible says, i understand that, but why live by what a book tells us. Its just an instruction booklet for comformity. (thats just my view by the way).

Now come on, lets all have a group hug!!


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I'm not "bothered" either "way".


What "people" get up to is "their business" :yes:



Some of the biggest "hypocrites" are those who "pull" on a "dog collar" or grow a "bushy beard"




also in the poll where is the "not bothered either way option,


its all rather black and white in your poll



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I think its more to do with is religion more important than the happiness of two people. The bible quotes this and that, but at the end of the day, its just a book. There is no truth in what it tells us, as it was all made up. All religions are the same. Ill not knock people for believing in something that gives hope and comfort, but what i dont agree with is why should somebody who hides behind a religion be allowed to say who should be married and where. Gay people? personaly, its their choice so leave em to it. There is enough badness going on in the world (most caused by religion! oh the irony), so if two blokes are being made happy by what they want, fair enough. Rather than bash gays, why not bash religion. The bible?? what a laugh. Gay men being married in church goes against what the bible says, i understand that, but why live by what a book tells us. Its just an instruction booklet for comformity. (thats just my view by the way).

Now come on, lets all have a group hug!!




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Civil marriages should, and hopefully will be legal. This has nothing to do with religion and has no logical argument for opposition frankly.


Churches, on the other hand, should not be forced to marry homosexual people. If the church wants to deny, more power to them I couldn't care less. But if a church is okay with marrying homosexual couples who the hell are we to say they cant?


If two consensual homosexuals adults want to marry in a church, and the church is consensual and okay with it.... what in the name of Zeus does it have to do with any of us?

Edited by gazzthompson
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Am I missing the point here or are people seriously advocating that if two consenting adults want to get married in a church, and the church it self wants to marry them, they shouldn't be allowed? Is that seriously what the majority of people are voting for here?


Don't be surprised, a lot of religious types are unreasonable... After all, they do believe in a bloke in the sky who killed his own son who was actually him in order to save us from sins that we are yet to commit... And that by ritualistically eating his son/selfs flesh and drinking his blood we may be forgiven for further sins we have committed...





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Live and let live. life is short so make the most of it, that's one of my (many) motto's. I have a lot more faith in Love for a couple, whatever sex they may be, than our religious establishments.


I haven't been on a good stagg do for ages so I'll be off to find some gay mates, I bet the pre-wedding weekend in Brighton is a right hoot.

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I personally think that this is wrong, especially as the bible says "A man should not lay down with another man". So with this in mind I believe that it is going againts what the bible says


Frenchie, as far as not going against what the bible says, it's full of exhortations to commit rape, murder, take slaves etc, just one of many, many examples:


Anyone who is captured will be run through with a sword. Their little children will be dashed to death right before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked and their wives raped by the attacking hordes. For I will stir up the Medes against Babylon, and no amount of silver or gold will buy them off. The attacking armies will shoot down the young people with arrows. They will have no mercy on helpless babies and will show no compassion for the children. (Isaiah 13:15-18 NLT)


It also says you should put to death for striking your father, or committing adultery, or for committing blasphemy, for not keeping the Sabbath etc, etc. So I ask you in all seriousness, do you REALLY believe we should not go against what the bible says?

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Well the decision should be the Church's, nobody else should choose whether the Church should or should not do it. Gay marriage itself should be allowed as it makes people happy and does no harm, but the Church can make up it's own mind - they have their own beliefs and can sort it out among themselves.

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Well the decision should be the Church's, nobody else should choose whether the Church should or should not do it. Gay marriage itself should be allowed as it makes people happy and does no harm, but the Church can make up it's own mind - they have their own beliefs and can sort it out among themselves.


Wouldn't disagree with any of that :good:

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I clicked No..because I don't think the church really wants that...

as for me..I don't care either way..i have friends who are gay and they are fantastic people who would help anyone..

I also know many a person who's religion rules thier lives..yet they would turn away from helping people


My beliefe is..there is no god and aslong as people are happy..let them get on with it..

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The thing people forget is that it isn't gay marriage in a church, it's a gay wedding in a church. The 'gay' marriage is the bit afterwards.


Weddings are as much about tradition as they are with religion. I got married in a church not because I'm particularly religious but it was the local village church where my wife was from and that's what you did. Gworing up in the 70s and 80s our christian festivals made a mark on me (easter, christmas, hymns, nativity plays etc) and whether you like it or not it leaves an imprint on you. I wanted to get married in a church for the occasion of it and the fact that it's part of my cultural heritage. Now some might say that's hypocritical, but I don't think it is at all. It's just adhering to the customs with which one was brought up.


Turning to the gay marriage question. There is (AFAIK) no such thing as a gay wedding, as performed by the church, therefore it's not actually possible to have a 'wedding' (as measured ny normal standards) in a church anyway.


But if the coupe in questions want to do it and the vicar is happy to make up some service to suit, then fair play.

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When I married my dorris 37 years ago I'm sure something was said about procreation of children, now until a couple of gays can naturally produce children it should not be blessed in church, so I voted no.

And my true feelings on the whole gay thing is that it's wrong, wrong, wrong. Sorry but I just can't be doing with it one bit. :no: :no: :no:

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Actually that's an interesting point about kids. My hairdresser is gay (I know, amazing isn't it...), he's the same age as me and I know, when we talk about my son, a wistful look comes into his eye and I know part of him would love to have been a father. Don't get me wrong, I think he's pretty much 100% gay but I know him pretty well and personally I think he would have made a great dad.


Shame really.

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I believe that they should have every right to be legalally joined, however, I believe that the Church (organisation) should be made to accept it and conduct the ceremony as it is againt thier own teachings, nor should churches (the buildings in use by the organisation above) be used for such services for the same reason. Legal marriage for gay couples? Yes. In a registry office? Yes. In church? No.



Should be in the closet where it belongs .


Harnser .


I agree. Marrage is the union for the purpose of procreation. I have nothing against two single sex partners legalising their union but a church is not the place to do it.


If you look back in history where homosexuality has been rife, their downfall soon followed and I feel it is a slippery slope.


Also as a Catholic I think that if the church is ruled to marry homosexuals then they will start to stop marrage all together and it will be forced underground as it were...

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