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Some twit in a L200


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Some blokey in an L200 knocked me off my bike today. I was at a junction minding my own buisness and he went right in the back of me. I kinda shot out into the road and managed to keep the bike up as best I could until my back wheel locked up, which resulted in me being thrown. I sorta skidded across the road and I remember seeing a car come right for me, whcih was kinda scary. The blokey helped me take my bike across the road and gave me his insurance details and such, and two other guys on bikes stopped and gave me their numbers if I was gona make a claim or whatever. The guy put the bike in the back of the pick up and took me home but the damn thing is pretty mangled. My number plate snapped, my back light is hanging on my the cable, panels all scratched, bent stand, dented exhaust, the little box thingy on the bars with the horn and stuff on has moved up the bars and part has come off, ruined my nice new grips, the swinging arm has moved and the tyre hasn't, so the chain is mega tight and it won't move and my watch got broken. I'm not very happy but me and the guy agreed that it would be easier to try settle it without insurance and he'll pay for the damage upto a couple hundred. If its more then he said we'll have to go through insurance and stuff. Question is,if I make a claim now will I loose my no claims? I hope not because I have two speeding tickets so insurance will be a small fortune. Overall not happy in the slightest.

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Glad to hear you're alright. Make sure you ARE alright though - sometimes you notice injuries later or on even the next day when the adrenalin has gone and you've calmed down. I'm not suggesting making anything up, it's just that often it takes until next day before you realise you've got an injury.


Don't know what kind of bike you have but it sounds like 200 squid isn't going to cover the damage. You'd be more than that to replace the scratched panels never mind the exhaust, swing-arm and the other bits and pieces. Hope ti all works out.



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You should report the accident to the Police and your Insurance Company.


Settling for cash without going through insurance is a dodgy matter.

The only person it helps is the other driver, by saving his no claims bonus.

Why do you owe him a favour, he knocked you off your bike.


I had a car run into the back of me at traffic lights and I had what appeared to be minimal damage to my truck, the chap wanted to sort it as cash/no insurance.

He gave me his name and address and phone number.

I got a quote for about £350 and then had trouble finding him.

The address and phone number he gave me was his Mothers and he didn't live there.

She wouldn't tell me where he lived .

It took me about a month to find him and I eventually got my money (in instalments), with the help of a couple of friends.

He didn't want me to claim on his Insurance because he didn't have any.

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All I've noticed so far is scratches on my shin and knee, a sore *** and a sore right knee. I suppose it would be easier to go through insurance but at the time I thought I might loose my no claims. I think its gonna be alot more than he's prepared to pay though. Full set of painted panels is about £140 I think.

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As already advised I strongly recommend you to go the insurance company route. It is surprising how repair costs soon mount up and if you should need to make a claim later for injuries it wont help your cause if you have not informed your insurers of the accident.

Hope you are not to sore and can still hold a gun straight !!!!

all the best


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Go via insurance and see your doctor. Get a PI claim running and it will pay for your insurance next year. Piebob is right though, any whiplash, back injury or bruising will normally take a week to come out and so doing a deal now for pennies may not be right for how you feel in a week.


However, since knock for knock was done away with it gets too expensive for insurance companies to litigate RTA's. This now means that when you apply for insurance they ask if you have been *involved* in an accident regardless of fault.

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I trid ringing up my insurance guys a while ago but the offices are closed, so I'll do it tomorrow. Its revving upto 9000 now, so a slight imporvement and I fixed the swinging arm/ wheel problem. I think seeing the doc can't do any harm, and it sounds like a good idea. Mungler, whats a PI claim? I'll let the guy know tomorrow I'm letting the insurance company in on it.

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I wouldn't do any more to your bike yourself until your insurers assesor has had a look at it to see how much damage has been done.


As long as your insurers can recover their money from his insurance then you won't lose any no claims.


It was his fault he can pay.



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As has been said report it, sod him and his no claims :D


The throttle cable will probably need adjusting if the bars / levers have had a nock which is likely why its not revving, try manipulating the cable manually you will probably see its fine.


Not seeing and not knowing how bad it is, I would say thats at least £1000 to put right, plus anything else that crops up plus your injuries.


If you already have his insurance company details don't phone him, you don't have to and it will just end in agro. If you have his registration and name and address thats all you really need anyway.


Mungler is spot on, go for the compo too :P

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First off all I am glad you are on the whole ok but the law states that if there is human injury it must be reported to the police within 24 hrs. Make the claim that is why you pay your insurance if no blame and you claim off of his insurance it should not effect your no claims.




I had some idiot in a BMW smash into my jeep last january ,whilst parked at traffic lights.


I did not report it to the police but have put in a claim for whiplash and they have offered £2,750 but my solicitor has advised me to turn it down and they are claiming more.


So, my advice is put in your claim and go and see a doctor.


Dave K

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Well guys, I went to the doctors and he said I have whiplash. Also, the nurse at work said I have whiplash and now I'm on light duties (Cleaning lampposts and such) and can't lift anything over 5 kilos. I think I may clainm after all this.


Listen to Uncle Mungler,


Keep a diary of any and all pain / discomfort suffered. You will need a record, because if this goes to Court, it will get there in 1 years time and it helps to have a record of how you felt at the time i.e. now.


Keep a note of all the activities you have been unable to do - golf, swimming, shooting anything like that. If you are a member of a club all the better evidence that you liked that activity and have been deprived of that activity.


The people who deal with your claim will be looking at the contemporaneous evidence that you sustained an injury - they will want to see you going to your doctors, getting a prescription for high strength pain killers and then they will want to see the receipt for your going to the pharmacists to cash the prescription - if you then put them all down the bog that's upto you :good:


If your bike gets written off that's great too (on paper anyway). After all it's an accident involving a motorcyclist being knocked to the ground and the motorcycle being written off.


The bigger value claims involve a bit of time off work and serious immobility, however, if that's not you then it's not you.



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You should have rang the police straight away reguardless of his agreement to pay for damages (which to be honest is worthless)


And DONT settle out of court as all this means is HIS no claims bonus wont end up marred :good:


If he can afford a Lexus then he can afford his insurance. Contact your insurers as if your swing arm is bent and you took a good shunt the odds are the frame might also have been bent :no:


Also with the other damage you said has occured they will most liikely write the bike off.


Mine was trashed when a woman pulled out in front of me causing me to brake hard when cornering and me being highsided over the top :good: Mine broke the pick up cover bent the bars and frame smashed the fairings dented the tank and when i tried to start the bike it ran like a bag of spanners.


I paid £600 for the bike and the insurance evaluator made me an offer of over £1000 :no:


Then of course my injuries compen came to £1700 on top of the £1000 for the bike.


I am sorry if others disagree but the way I see it is IF he is so blind or braindead (either way) he can't see a motorcyclist he is a danger on a public highway.


You MAY even find he has no insurance hence telling you he will pay out of court and then you dont inform the cops and he gets away scot free only to argue he has no licence so how could he have been involved in the incident (happened to a mate of mine)


Ring your insurers and give them all the details and let THEM sort it out it's why you pay for it.


Oh and when asked HOW your injuries have affected your day to day life at your medical!!!


You CAN'T have sex and it's upset your wife - GF


You can't give the kids a hug (if you have kids)


It takes you a good 10 mins to get out of bed for the neck pain forst thing in the morning


You need your wife - GF to help you dress


KEEP going to your docs for stronger meds if you need them and go to the docs at LEAST 4 times and complain of the pain your suffering.



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