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Is this the way they run the country?


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I'm sure it would be quite easy to do with aides and bodyguards etc. pushing each of them around to maintain security and schedule...


Something you nor I will ever experience, understand or ever have to worry about!

Edited by Vipa
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I left my son at homeland went to the shops - had forgotten he was there he was so quiet. I realised pretty quickly and went home again. Anyone can make a mistake but few of us have our lives under the spotlight with a pub staff member quick to inform the media. That hardly reflects well on the informant. Whatever you think about Call Me Dave, he deserves time for himself and his family.



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What the hell has this got to do with Cameron? Bloke works hard all day, wife stays home playing with kids. Why the hell should he have to do her job when he's out relaxing?

Woman's job, if only he had the balls to come out and say it...

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They were in two cars, i can see how easily it could be done. David and his wife both thinking that the other one has the daughter with them.

Or to phrase that differently. David expecting that his wife knows her place and is rounding up the little snotballs like a good girl, SamCam shirking her responsibilities and thinking he's there to clear up after her as well as the former government.

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Can't see why the big defence, he forgot his child end of really. The guys is a tit and he is doing a crappy job, dam she probably spends so much time with nanny I can see why he forgot her.


Disgraceful, and no I don't want to go into the politics... just the act of leaving your child in the pub for gods sake.....



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my uncle lost my cousin for a few hours in the 60,s coming back from southport,,he fell out the sidecar coming back from southport and he didn,t even notice :no: :no: when he got home he had to travel back and found him sitting by a roundabout crying,,its still the talk of our family even now,,sadly my uncle has since died and after that escapade aunty made him sell the motorbike and sidecar and buy a family car :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I can't stand Cameron and this Government.


There's a thousand reasons to hate Dave, but this isn't one of them.


A mix up between wife, protection teams and possibly others, I'm sure there feeling bad enough as it is.....I know I would.


If you've got to dislike him (As I do) then dislike him for the way he's treating the armed forces, Fire brigade, NHS, Police, working man etc.



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