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Given up the fags?


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I gave up start of Feb, not much changed eating more, put on half stone. Thought it was getting too expencive and wanted to stop for daughter. Now started shooting, makes fags look cheap!!!!!!!!! better for me though.


Sences don't seam to have improved, or what people were telling me that you will feel loads better. Not convinced but should kick in at some time.


Probably should have stopped when I was playing rugby, might have made me quicker when it mattered.

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Off them nearly 2 years. I stopped eating some foods immediately because I could actually taste them. Blood circulation seems better as more oxygenated blood is getting to where it's needed, making it easier to walk. When I stopped my gums started to bleed. I wasn't worried at the start, but 2 years later they are still bleeding. The cause of this is wisdom teeth coming out, due to them having a healthier environment to grow apparently. Put on a stone and a half, but it will be worked off when the new treadmill arrives :good:


Stopping is also the reason I have been able to afford new guns. The cost of them nowadays is unbelievable, but then again the cost of caring for smoking related health problems is a major drain on the NHS.

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I smoked since I was a lad behind the bike sheds, gave up loads of times, finally gave up about 7 yrs ago, when they found I had smoking related cancer, but if I stopped, there was a good chance they could catch it in time. I must admit, since I have stopped, my sense of taste and smell have improved ++ and I am (a bit) less winded, and of course, the pension money stretches further to buy a lot more ammo now!. Of course I wish I had never started, but that is just wishful nonsense, it's done now, mind you I would be a lot richer now!


Must admit though, I still miss a fag in the morning and after a meal. As for the cost of smoking related treatment, ok, but what about the cost of Sport injuries, Heart problems from poor diet, etc, they all cost and come from the taxes (unless you are Jimmy Carr :lol: - puts up umbrella to shield from his supporters, "just a joke lads....").

Edited by Bloke
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Stopped 11 months ago and have to say my sense of smell recovered very quickly (not always a good thing!)

My smokers cough disappeared straight away too.

Put on weight but I have now made efforts to get rid of that too, lost over a stone in this last month. No massive fitness and diet routine, just cut out bread more than anything. Anyone wanting to lose weight I can recommend "Myfitnesspal" app for iPhone. It can't make you lose weight but it lets you know where you are going wrong.

Healthwise I feel no different through losing weight or stopping smoking, I think I must be healthier though.

I smoked 50g of Golden Virginia a week and have smoked for 40 years or so. (started at 8 :no: )

Only cost £15 a week so not noticed anything there.


Reason I stopped. For my Grandchildren. Strange because I don't have any. :lol:

ps. I still miss a smoke but its easy to resist.

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Stopped 4 months Ago. the fear of dying too young made me stop. A pal of mine dropped dead on thursday and was kn his early 40s. Also a smoker. Im really done with cigs. Id midd my kids far too much.

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Stopped 4 months Ago. the fear of dying too young made me stop. A pal of mine dropped dead on thursday and was kn his early 40s. Also a smoker. Im really done with cigs. Id midd my kids far too much.

exaclty same here stopped in february after 20 odd years of it. with two young kids and a third on the way enough is enough :yes: sorry to hear about your pal mate.

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What about Freemasons pooing in my garden?


:lol: :lol: You ***, it's not just funny - the trouble is, I've now got this vivid mental image :no: The grand poobah, or whatever he's called, In full regalia all pompous and full of himself. Sneaking behind a rose bush in my garden with a shifty look on his face, then squatting just out of view straining, grunting and red faced.

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