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Back in the Groove

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Following my return from my annual drive down to Greece for a holiday I alwasy try to return for the start of the barley shooting but this year I'm about three weeks early on my shoots. Anyway picked up DB and started to look at our barley fields but we only found one that was ripe but not laid. This field is always at least two weeks earlier that the rest due to it being covered by thick woods that protect it from the cold winds and form a sun trap. We did about fifty miles and found no birds on the barley at all. So we decided the drive till we found a flight line and follow that which we did and it lead us to a clover field which had been heavily grazed by sheep and had about fifty birds down and others joining. We informed the farmer that we were going to give it a try and set up, this was at 14.00. We set up as normal but the birds would vere of as they approached the pattern so we removed the rotary and they came in ok. We suspect that they had been shot at locally with a rotary in the pattern and this caused them the shy off. We ended the day at 18.00 and picked up eighty pigeons and four crows. It's nice to get back at after seven weeks.



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