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I would look to go and shoot the following for this budget:


Browning 725/Ultra XS Titanium

Caesar Guerini Maxum/Challenger

Perazzi MX8

Beretta 682 Gold E

Beretta DT10

Zoli, Antonio & Co. Kronos

Miroku MK 38 Grade 6

I had up to this post assumed new only doh!

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I would look to go and shoot the following for this budget:


Browning 725/Ultra XS Titanium

Caesar Guerini Maxum/Challenger

Perazzi MX8

Beretta 682 Gold E

Beretta DT10

Zoli, Antonio & Co. Kronos

Miroku MK 38 Grade 6



Thats my gun, lovely bit of wood, nice to shoot



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Easy,,,,,,,,,,,,Beretta 682 Gold E 32" barrels everytime.


chiefy :good:



The first and last gun you'll ever need. You can sometimes pick up a used DT10 for a tiny bit more which may just be even better but the former would leave you change for shells even new.

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With MX8 look out for shot out trap guns well abused and needing lots of work like a new trigger mech


I've owned several Perazzis and my current MX8 I've owned for 22 years and shot countless of thousands of cartridges through it without any problems with the triggers. I don't know anyone who's had problems either. Where did you get that snippet of information?

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