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Foxpro caller


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I just used a spitfire tonight and a quiver critter to the detrement of a poor inquisitive fox. i turned them on and was playing with the settings on the remote as i was walking back to my ambush point. By the time i walked 70 yards i noticed a fox at the edge of a woodline 150ish away looking at the quiver critter. well lets just say thats the last rabbit he ever looked at!

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Great piece of kit,the best e-caller around in my opinion.

Are they overpriced ? you bet !

but I still love mine.I have the older model fx5 which is the same as the fx3 but a better remote and memory.

I have called in wolf,lynx,coyote,fox and lots of birds with mine


Edited by trapperdan
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All Foxpro's are excellent. If you want to save yourself some money, go for the Spitfire model. This is the cheapest in their range, but certainly not rubbish. It has 25 built in sounds,and you can change them, or add new sounds yourself, via a micro SD card.

I have one,and its brilliant. :good:

Spitfire has been discontinued
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Just bought a Altec ipod player,downloaded calls including silent tracks, I will (depending on weather) post pictures tomorroow night of the results.


Not a foxpro I know but like others its allot of £££


Not the £25 I paid for my gadget lol

Edited by Dougy
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  • 5 weeks later...

Foxpro's are way over priced IMO, ....


You could put a 1000 calls on the Foxpro, & you'll end up only using a dozen or so regularly, the rest useless in the UK.


+ they are not the be all & end all of Fox calling as some who would have you believe..... :yes:


Comments like "they work ever time I've used it" are BULL... :lol:

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Good pieces of kit and will over their lifetime save a shoot a lot of money. Agree with BJ on the amount of calls being excessive and that you will only use a few but sometimes a wee change will get a positive result. First time I used one a fox came out of the ditch I was sitting by at a few yards range and I nearly missed him and sometimes the fox don`t pay any attention at all, hope they do tonight :D

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the key to them is that you can place them out in the field which tends to make it easier to stop foxes approaching unseen from behind you etc and also focuses their attention well away from you. I've got bits of ground they work well on and some where I'd hardly ever use it as they seem clued up, cubs they are simply devastating. The other thing with the caller being away from you is its easier to stop the fox rather than them running straight up to you till they wind you.

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Agree that for the most part you wil lhave maybe 5 go to calls. However, I tried all 5 of mine the other night then decided to saty for 20 mions lobger and switched to the young rat distress adn had a ncioe dog coem running like a train. Yes maybe it ahd heard one of the other calls and was on its way but maybe not...Ive watcheda fox sat in a filed interested in the calls but not moving, start walking away and try 2 more then the thrid stopped it in its tracks and came running...Who knows what they hear or what goes through their mind but having a good few calls to try is only a positive thing.

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I was thinking for longer range as ive noticed the remote distance isnt quite 100 yds im going to by a small external speaker and put the speaker out to desired distance and have a longish cable running on it and move the spitfire closer to make the remote quicker to operate. There is a foxpro speaker for sale on bushmaster but its £70 i think. F That you can buy a small speaker for £10 on the fleabay.

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I was thinking for longer range as ive noticed the remote distance isnt quite 100 yds im going to by a small external speaker and put the speaker out to desired distance and have a longish cable running on it and move the spitfire closer to make the remote quicker to operate. There is a foxpro speaker for sale on bushmaster but its £70 i think. F That you can buy a small speaker for £10 on the fleabay.


Yes, you can add a speaker but make sure its the correct ohms rating as per the manual..

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