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Making a Gunning Punt and Punt Gun


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Only just got round to reading all of this and putting Wildfowler and you together as one ... doh

would of loved to of seen the Punt when i came up to get the Baikal off you last year. From kent to you and on to Liverpool is quite a trip ... haha .. what a chance missed.


You seem to have it all mate ..... really decent piece of work . It's a credit to the work you have put into it

Maybe the name of the Punt should be "Legacy" ..... build quality like that is certain to see you out and give your kids many years of pleasure


All the best, Simon

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Hi Simon!

If you're ever passing or in the area give me a shout, you're more than welcome to come in for a cuppa and have a look over the punt...

I like the name too! That was one of the ideas behind building it, to give them something that can be handed on. Definitely going to look into that one further!

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Yep last time I looked into it before I got three phase new motors were the best cheapest options ! ;)

Can you get 3 phase to your house? Someone had said to me that they don't like taking it to residential buildings?... I'll investigate this one further as I'm pretty sure the farm next door to me has got it!

Edited to say, yep 3ph to a house is possible so need to speak to my electricity supplier! If its £1500 or less then its a no brainier but knowing them that will just about cover the call out! :)

Edited by Wildfowler
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My pal bought a 3 phase lathe some 20 years or so ago. He thinks a "converter" from single phase cost about £100 then. Try Model Engineer magazine, that's where he found his. He reckons they're made by little firms.


Love the job you're doing, first class throughout, I'd have been cutting corners long since! Keep on with the details & photo's, fascinating! Thanks.

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Can you get 3 phase to your house? Someone had said to me that they don't like taking it to residential buildings?... I'll investigate this one further as I'm pretty sure the farm next door to me has got it!

Edited to say, yep 3ph to a house is possible so need to speak to my electricity supplier! If its £1500 or less then its a no brainier but knowing them that will just about cover the call out! :)

Im sure it costs per pylon+labour from your nearest 3 phase supply. If your nearest is a few miles away, you could end up spending hundreds of thousands just to get a mains incomer!


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Im sure it costs per pylon+labour from your nearest 3 phase supply. If your nearest is a few miles away, you could end up spending hundreds of thousands just to get a mains incomer!

Yeah I did look into it a bit and it seems to depend on where you live too... Some people have paid less than £1000 for the connection having laid the cables themselves which wouldn't be an issue for me. My bigger concern is that they bundle it with your existing domestic supply and then it cuts down your options for suppliers and 'packages' and it puts approx 20% on your bill... Not so keen on that so converter, inverter or motor change is in order. I might have found an alternative motor but I really want to get the lathe here first and see exactly what in working with...

I will of course keep you all posted...

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Have a look on the Bay for a 5.5kw inverter(that is what 7.5hp equates to) single phase in three phase out should be about £300 or so and very easy to wire in.

We use them at work to test some big conveyor systems and should work from an household supply.

Edited by Andy H
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Have a look on the Bay for a 5.5kw inverter(that is what 7.5hp equates to) single phase in three phase out should be about £300 or so and very easy to wire in.

We use them at work to test some big conveyor systems and should work from an household supply.

Thanks, i have been looking on there but couldn't find any that take single phase in and give three phase out... not for £300 anyway...? Have you got any links???

Any assistance gratefully received!

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I spent all day Sunday cleaning up the workshop ready for the lathe to arrive!

A bit random i know but i bought this today and picked it up tonight... Now i can get the lathe from the workshop door to the back wall with relative ease (i still need to make a lifting frame of some sort). At 1.3 tone it isn't the easiest piece of kit to move about!

I have the loading arranged with the seller via fork lift, i have a flatbed transit booked so it can be loaded and unloaded easily and my neighbor has a lorry with a hiab to get it off at my house, now i just need to go and get it! :)


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Them pump up trucks are damn good, we had a two poster car lift balanced on one last week to get it out of the workshop!


Please make sure you put plenty of photos of the machining of the big gun for us budding engineers on here!

Of course! :good:

I'll take pictures of each step and post them... just looking forward to getting started now... I still need to sort out the single to three phase issue and im now in the process of getting a DRO so i can make sure it is machined extremely accurately...

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Nice job.


Have you thought of a name? (Do punts *have* names?) If not, then I'd like to suggest "The Dreadnought". :)






Got to be named 'Linnett' after Walter Linnett, the well known Blackwater punter who lived in a little hut by St. Peter's Chapel at Bradwell (the hut is still there I think). I think that this punt will be used on the Blackwater.


My username was the name of Peter Scott's gunning punt as mentioned in 'Morning Flight', as well as part of the Wigeon's latin name, which is where he would have got it from

Edited by Penelope
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Wildfowler, what a fantastic thread!!! I have spent the whole morning whilst at work reading it, and getting ****** all done.


Truly a work of art.


I'll assume that you'll be out on the Blackwater in her, given an earlier post in the thread.


I had the privilage of going out on the river punting twice in the early 90's, launching from Heybridge, down on the ebb to Osea, over to Stansgate and then back up on the flood to Northey Island, where I had 5 wigeon with the big gun (1 1/2"BP muzzle loader).

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One of the best series of posts on PW ever.


I have never been punt gunning and I suspect I never will, but having read your posts and seen the pictures I can imagine the enjoyment you will get once you take the punt out. Good luck with it and let us know how you get on.

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Got to be named 'Linnett' after Walter Linnett, the well known Blackwater punter who lived in a little hut by St. Peter's Chapel at Bradwell (the hut is still there I think). I think that this punt will be used on the Blackwater.


My username was the name of Peter Scott's gunning punt as mentioned in 'Morning Flight', as well as part of the Wigeon's latin name, which is where he would have got it from


Thanks for the comments!

I'm not currently a member of the Blackwater Wildfowlers so don't have any plans to use it there at the moment... I have access to a few other areas of marsh and estuary that i know like the back of my hand so i'll start off there and no doubt get more adventurous as time goes on...

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Well, what an eventful couple of days! I had a day off work this week to go and collect the lathe. After the guy selling the it said he could deliver, it turned out that he couldn't... as it was a good price and there haven't been too many come up for sale i decided to try and collect it myself. I asked a few mates if they were able to collect but none of them could take their vehicles into the low emission zone so after a lot of faffing about I decided i would rent a flat bed transit to put it on. I have to admit it wasn't the most comfortable drive I've ever had! As the lathe stood up quite high the centre of gravity made cornering interesting to say the least! Anyway, I got it home ok and my very accommodating neighbor builds lorries for a living so he popped back with one fitted with a hiab and lifted it off for me.





It would have been impossible without the pallet truck!



After A LOT of manhandling we got it in place.


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Whilst i was there the guy selling it said, 'i've got a drill press that needs to go if your interested'... I thought, well... a pillar drill is always useful and if i can lay it down next to the lathe then it would be a right result! Anyway, we've walked through to have a look at it, blow me its a full sized Bridgeport turret mill! I had a quick look over it and asked how much he wants for it, expecting him to ask for more than i'm in a position to pay.

'As you're having the lathe you can have it for£100' he replies!!!! Now this puts me i a bit of a difficult position as i only have the truck for a day and its 1:00 in the afternoon already and i still had 1:30 drive home plus unloading it, if he had said £1500 - £1800 (which is more like what it is worth) it would have been easy to turn down but for £100 how could i say no! :)

So i agreed that somehow i would pick it up as soon as possible. Thankfully my neighbor is extremely good on a hiab and we had it unloaded in no time so i put the lathe in the workshop and jumped straight back in the truck and back into London!

As it was gone 5:00 the guys were pretty keen to get it loaded quickly!


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Here here but as you don't want the milling machine I'll give £110 for it so you make a profit!!!

The mill was next on the list, and I had planned on getting a bridgeport too! It was just one of those coincidences that he had one, he needed to get rid of it, and that i entertained him by looking at what had been posed as a drill press... I just didn't have the cash to buy one at £1500 - £1800 so at £100 i couldnt believe my luck! I got the lathe and mill, both collected for about 2k! :D

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