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Brian May


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In todays Mail on Sunday the above has written an impassioned piece proclaiming his objections to the badger cull. Or to put it another way ageing has been bangs on about animals having rights. If someone could post the link its worth a read just to see how daft the man is. Big up Mr Cameron for annoying him.

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He seems to think the aim is to wipe out the badger. With native species like badgers, the aim is to control, not to exterminate.



"So we who have elected to be a voice for animals must fight peacefully against pro-hunters and cullers who are, by definition, motivated by violence"


How exactly are cullers "by definition motivated by violence"?


As has been said on the comments on the article, sentimental claptrap.

Edited by Reece
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If Brian May died with immediate effect, preferably from TB, the world would be a much better place and I make no apologies for thinking this.


He should be sectioned or simply destroyed like any TB reactors, not given a stage to preach the absolute shower of nonsense that freely flows from his pretentious mouth.



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i havent read the article and dont really want to as although i always had a great deal of respect for brian may, he has done so much in music, done so much in astronmy (he is an astrophysicist) but he is coming out with so much **** lately...

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By peacefully, doggedly, sticking to his [Nelson Mandela] principles, he achieved for black South African citizens what we must now achieve for the other creatures with which we share this planet – a recognition that they have feelings and rights just like us.



SOooooooo........ He thinks he is to Badgers what Nelson was to back South Africans??




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Absolutely hilarious..."the wishes of the common man" ??!! How would he know? He comes from an incredibly privileged background.


To compare culling badgers to AIDS and Slavery...I'm lost for words...he's rich rock star who has no contact with reality. It's shameful that he's been given a platform of influence without a brain of equal size to his mouth. Once again, cheers Daily Mail.

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So badgers dont eat hedgehogs, its gardeners to blame. Also glad to know his knowledge of controlling urban foxes is a man putting down bait! I know a guy who shoots them at Charltons football ground and another who has shot 96 this year not two miles from central Croydon. The comments on his rant are the usual " cuddly wuddly animals and beastly farmers / landowners " tosh. He really is an odious wally, how many animals had products tested on them so he can keep his ridiculous hair? typical veggie, bet his car has leather seats and his shoes are leather too. numpty

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So badgers dont eat hedgehogs, its gardeners to blame. Also glad to know his knowledge of controlling urban foxes is a man putting down bait! I know a guy who shoots them at Charltons football ground and another who has shot 96 this year not two miles from central Croydon. The comments on his rant are the usual " cuddly wuddly animals and beastly farmers / landowners " tosh. He really is an odious wally, how many animals had products tested on them so he can keep his ridiculous hair? typical veggie, bet his car has leather seats and his shoes are leather too. numpty


And his gimp mask, bet that's leather too :yp:

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It's the same old claptrap from a clapped out old (never) has been.


He keeps banging on about badgers/foxes being 'sentient beings' but what about new born lambs? Free range birds? Tb riddled cows? Are they not 'sentient beings' too?


Of course they are, but it doesn't fit with his vegetarian agenda to stand up for what he doesn't eat.

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So badgers dont eat hedgehogs, its gardeners to blame. Also glad to know his knowledge of controlling urban foxes is a man putting down bait! I know a guy who shoots them at Charltons football ground and another who has shot 96 this year not two miles from central Croydon. The comments on his rant are the usual " cuddly wuddly animals and beastly farmers / landowners " tosh. He really is an odious wally, how many animals had products tested on them so he can keep his ridiculous hair? typical veggie, bet his car has leather seats and his shoes are leather too. numpty

y do us veggie,s get a bad press :cry1: it them wappy vegan you have to wach out for there nutts :whistling: Edited by fruitloop
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I didnt read much more than the first sentance had had a brief scan of the comments. I really cant be bothered with these 'champions of animals' people. Apparently all those who are involved in the cull and field sports in general are either rich toffs or cabinet members. I suppose that becuase I'm a non rich furniture design student I'm not involved in field sports after all.

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I dont particularly like May or his animal rights views , Ive hunted in the past with the VWH and the Berkeley so am not at all against Hunting. I was also involved in badger gassing programmes in Gloucestershire for Defra in the 70,s and again in the 90's what ever your views on it from a shooting perspective......it just didnt work and I dont personally think it will again.


Try it by all means but it will only be months before neighbouring badgers move in and repopulate the region.


How do we control all the badgers which are suburban and might move 5 or 6 miles every night into the countryside foraging.


Im not against a properly controlled cull of badgers but to be honest more are killed on the local roads around here than we could ever locate and destroy.


I think in the Governments plans to instigate a mass cull are flawed and we would have to eradicate every badger from Glos and Somerset and the surrounding counties and then fence the county boundary to prevent repopulation

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you are kidding he was never a never has been he had more success than you will ever dream of lol


To be fair, most of his success comes from being a part of Queen and Freddie Mercury was the energy and vitality that fired that group into super stardom, he went along for the ride. While undoubtedly a talented guitarist, he has lived off his time in Queen ever since. I don't honestly believe most of us would know who he is if it weren't for the band.

Edited by -Mongrel-
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The thing that I can never understand is why people would care what all of these so called media personalities have to say about anything there are lots of people that I admire what talent they have but dose that make them good people I do not think so the problem is I'm afraid to say that lots of people do listen to them how sad is that.


Just for the record I am against killing Badgers if cows get this disease in an area the simple solution is do not put caws there grow stuff on the land and put the caws in another part of the country simple. :good:

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I think he's becoming a figure of ridicule of late, really.He can pose with as many Labour politicians as he likes,but it's hard to tell who is profiting more from the relationship;the politician furthering his career by posing with the former pop star,or the former pop star furthering his agenda by posing with any politician happy to jump on the 'anything to have a pop at the tories' bandwagon,which is what they're both doing in reality.The article was meant to be regarding the badger cull,but he's involved Nelson Mandella,apartheid and the hunting act.All a bit sad really.

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