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what is the meaning of life


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I was talking about now and from an outsider looking down at us, not long term. Long term we'll be burnt to a crisp by the sun anyway.


I reckon things will come back towards equilibrium over time, there would likely be a few disasters along the way but that kind of regulation is always going to be reactive rather than pro-active. Anyway that's a different subject and not the point I was trying to make. Sorry for not being clearer.

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Whenever life gets you down / and things seem hard or tough / and people are stupid, obnoxious or daft / and you feel that you've had quite enough! / just remember that your standing on a planet thats evolving / revolving at nine-hundred miles an hour / its orbiting at ninety miles a second / so its reckoned / a sun that is the source of all our power / the sun and you and me / and all the stars that we can see / are moving at a million miles a day / in an outer spiral arm at forty-thousand miles an hour / of the galaxy we call the Milky Way / Our galaxy itself / contains a hundred billion stars / its a hundred thousand lightyears side to side / it bulges in the middle / sixteen-thousand lightyears thick / but out by us its just three-thousand lightyears wide / were thirty-thousand lightyears from galatic central point / we go round every two-hundred-million years / and our galaxy is only one of millions of billions in this amazing and expanding universe / is this the meaning of live ?

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The meaning of life?..............................................................................................



There is no meaning. We've developed better than other organisms and have the ability to think in depth and therefor we analyse everything. Theres nothing to analyse. We are organisms on a planet much the same as other organisms on other planets. Our population will grow until the point that its no longer sustainable and then it will die out. In a few billion years time there will be other like us perhaps picking through fossils of designer labels and 60 inch plasma TVs sumising that we were all *****.

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Ah, you haven't heard, then...the earth is only 6000 years old and man lived side by side with the dinosaurs...ask any "Young Earth" Creationist (or 50% af all Americans :drool: )


...and some believe that the universe popped into existence from nothing, no creator, just sprang from nothing........imagine that. :P

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...and some believe that the universe popped into existence from nothing, no creator, just sprang from nothing........imagine that. :P

I find it relatively easier to imagine some form of life as we know it,to evolve,over millennia,as opposed to any other explanation.Some form of life will flourish eventually,given the right circumstances,rather like bacteria or some form of fungi.

The question of who created the creator is a good example,unless you're suggesting he/she popped into existence rather like a genie,similar to what you state above;'just sprang from nothing'?I'm not having a pop,I'm just looking at the whole thing rationally.

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I have just found the meaning of life, well, not me personally, my wife did.....


she don't come onto this site, so knows nothing of what goes on here.... anyway... last night we were watching the olympic opening ceremony when all of a sudden she looked up and said ,and i quote, "thats the true meaning of life" people getting the most out of what they have :good: that will do for me :good:



anyway!!! if we want to continue on how life started..thats a different question....Henry ! with all respects to your believes, many of us do have different believes, if a man can believe in a god coming from a different what you consider as time, then surely that can also work with our theory of the big bang.


I can understand that people who worship a god would find a hope and a inner piece... and like myself as a non believer in a god , I am happy being earth food ..when i die i will go into the ground or get scattered somewhere. and if I am good to others, then maybe the memory of me will live on

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....Henry ! with all respects to your believes, many of us do have different believes, if a man can believe in a god coming from a different what you consider as time, then surely that can also work with our theory of the big bang.


Totally believe in it 100% it`s one of the main reasons I came to have faith.

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You are indeed a unique human. I however have intentionally hurt people and may have been instrumental in killing many, yet I know I am forgiven, it is open to all though.


Henry - genuine question here, not trying to make any sort of point - I am assuming from your comments above you have a military background rather than just being a random serial killer - did you have faith during this time and how did you square your actions with that? Or did your faith come later as a consequence of what you had experienced?

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Many military men have a strong faith, and I don't think it's necessarily incompatible. Pacifism at any cost would let tyrants like Hitler triumph. If god-given free will is, well, god-given, then using that free will to help stop genocide etc could be seen as an act entirely in harmony with faith.

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I know i posted my meaning earlier,but i think this quote adds to it.


“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”

Albert Camus


Stop looking people,kick back, open your eyes ,enjoy the ride.

The human being has the inbuilt curiosity gene and also the gene to have fun,why waste them being miserable."To achieve something no matter how small is to have lived"

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Many military men have a strong faith, and I don't think it's necessarily incompatible. Pacifism at any cost would let tyrants like Hitler triumph. If god-given free will is, well, god-given, then using that free will to help stop genocide etc could be seen as an act entirely in harmony with faith.


I am reminded of a Dylan classic (...My name it aint nothing...my age it means less...)


I was mostly curious as to whether Henry's experiences affected or made him question his faith. As a non believer I see religious beliefs used to either justify or condemn exactly the same actions so it all seems to be down to the interpretation and a very personal thing. I tend to look for a black/white answer to everything so this is tough for me to understand.

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Henry - genuine question here, not trying to make any sort of point - I am assuming from your comments above you have a military background rather than just being a random serial killer - did you have faith during this time and how did you square your actions with that? Or did your faith come later as a consequence of what you had experienced?


Will send a PM.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There isn't one, it's just human nature to think we're here for something more when the sad truth is we evolved from a puddle to apes to man purely by accident! We created god, religions and stuff to control the masses by teasing our selfs with promise of something more if you do this, believe this or celebrate this when really all you need to do in life is fill in the gap between when it starts and when it ends, it's upto you how you choose to fill it but the outcome will be he same no matter what you choose.


That's my take on it I just try to enjoy it when possible and moan about it the rest with plent of shooting in between and try to treat people with he respect and kindness I'd like to be shown by them.

Edited by bicykillgaz
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The meaning of life is our inevitable death.

God did not create man, man created God because we are too arrogant to believe that once the mortal coil is popped that is it.

We are not immortal and our legacy will soon be forgotten.

We have a short span here so stop sweating the small stuff and live for the moment because one day that moment will be our last.

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