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Walnut whips are smaller!!!

il cacciatore

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Not just walnut whips. Has anybody eaten monster munch recently? I used to have to dislocate my jaw to eat one the last time I bought some (granted that it was 20 years ago).


Havent seen that evil "Highland toffee" for many years either. That stuff took out quite a few loose milk teeth! It was like iron, in fact toffee doesnt taste right anymore if it isnt taken with a couple of pints of my own blood. Happy days, jumpers for goalposts......



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wish my midriff would get smaller as i get older :D:/


mind you bottles of shampoo last longer these days





I know the feeling :(


I can remember my Dad bringing back mars bars from work (he worked at the choc factory) No not willy wonkers :good:


The Mars bars THEN were like the Kingsize now :(


Wagon wheels used to nigh on fill a tea plate and now you can almost get one in a CUP :D


I was more akin to running round the street with a Stick of Rhubarb and a cup of sugar than chocolate!


I can still remember going to the shops with a sixpence :D


I can remember making my FIRST phone call and tha machines only took 2p or 5p :/


Black Bullets


Bon Bon's


Millions and trillions and trying to count howmany you got in a 1/4 :D


Pink panther Choc bars when i was about 8


Wham Bars Mojo's Texan bars and Pontefract cakes :)



It's like the difference between the US gallon and the Imperial one :yp:


Still childhood was fun the sweets were cool inc space dust and coca cola mixed and try to hold your mouth shut :D


I think there is a online shop which sells the sweets you used to get as kids i will try and hunt it out.



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black jacks and fruit salads half p each


1/2p each?


I can remember when they were four for a penny (1d not 1p)!





And another thing, when I was lickle it was nesels's milky bar, now it nestleys (prounance it and you will understand) milky bar :good:






Nice to know it's not just me that gets p*ssed of about that :lol::lol:

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Mate you are a blooy Diamond....................... No one has ever heard of SPANISH GOLD when I ask em about it........


And there it is.............front page.............guess whats on its way to me.......................


I LOVE YOU................DO you want my babies.................

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