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beggars belief!! and we wonder why the country is skint!


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It's the same reason that government after government will not cut back on benefits or do anything to do with the huge number of career benefits claiments. They now form a large part of the voters who turn up and they know if they keep the benefits the same it's a cetain vote.

Edited by Livefast123
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A mate was selling a car for £2995 and a Somalian family turned up to buy it. The woman handed over a cheque written by the DWP or some other "benefits agency" for £3000. My mate phoned them to see if it was real and they said it was. He asked them why they would buy someone a car and the reply was "It's cheaper than paying for taxis everywhere." :mad: :mad: :mad:


And we wonder why this country is getting so overcrowded.

Did she tell him to keep the change. :lol:
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Crikey, I thought i'd stumbled onto the EDL website!


Would anyone consider it sensible to start complaining about what they are not getting rather than the spurious dribble spouted the the Daily Mail.


If benefits are too high, ask for more reward for working instead of subsidising global companies who are paying minimum wage and taking maximum profits whilst the middling britons are paying for tax credits to keep the minimum waged (Workers) heads above water at exactly the same level as the un-employed.


Tax credits are a subsidy for multi millionaires paid for by ordinary workers.


Now back to shooting.

Edited by Clayduster
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I don't know many people who object to people of different races being over here. In most cases, it's the lack of a level playing field which people object to. True racists who just hate different races for being a different race are relatively rare.


This thread has hit the depths quite quickly.


Too much rubbish - published as fact.


What parts of the thread do you think are untrue exactly?

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Reece - these are hearsay at best:-


A mate was selling a car for £2995 and a Somalian family turned up to buy it. The woman handed over a cheque written by the DWP or some other "benefits agency" for £3000. My mate phoned them to see if it was real and they said it was. He asked them why they would buy someone a car and the reply was "It's cheaper than paying for taxis everywhere."


am afraid not Gordon i know employees of DWP and that does indeed happen!


Tax credits are a subsidy for multi millionaires paid for by ordinary workers.


Yep its definately going on down south (i know quite a few in the motor trade who have sold cars like this),
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I agree, but the open door policy was started by the last Labour government as a vote-winner. Don't think I'm pro-Tory, because they are all as bad as each other.


I am genuinely interested In what possible way anyone might think such a policy would be a vote winner? If the Labour Party believed such a thing I'm not surprised they lost the last election!!!!!

The sentiments expressed on this forum (which seems to contain a fair cross section of folk) whenever the subject of "immigrants" is raised, rather suggests it would only ever be nothing but a vote loser!!!!

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mind blowing case of a Latvian woman who moved here in 2008 with her 3 kids but now she has 10 kids and wants a bigger house her benefits amass to £34000!!! this country is the laughing stock of europe!! we are being mugged off by other countries benefits tourists!! its quite obvious there are possibly 1000's if not hundreds of 1000's of foreign people now living in this country as career benefits claimants!!


Ah, yes the wonderful welfare state of this country. Lets not forget that as we got our ***** kicked in the Boer wars due to the lack of health of our troops etc. (a kick back to the 1834 Poor law amendment act, iirc) then the govt. followed the lead of a few countries after putting in the state (means tested) pension in 1908 and the NI act in 1911. Around the 2nd world war we followed the Germans and into social reforms with the Beveridge report, education act and post war the family allowance act/NHS act...... all of which ad an affect on the physical and political wellbeing of the country and may well have meant that we are not speaking German now, so for 100 plus years it has worked to remove the dis-empower the 5 giants of want(need) squalor (poor housing) Ignorance (education) Idleness and disease, the only one we as a nation have not really addressed properly is idleness and a re-assessment is overdue.

I don`t think that we should throw the baby out with the bathwater just yet though as the system has worked, just tweak it.

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snapback.pngbeeredup, on 20 September 2012 - 09:25 PM, said:


Gordon my father works for the DWP and he is a cashier who prints out the cheques so i would not say it was hear say?


Just curious who are these cheques for buying cars made out to? Are they in the name of the seller of a particular car? Or a dealer?


I don't care who works for the DWP. It has not happened.


If your father genuinely does work for the DWP - he should not be telling you any information - it is a sacking offence - and he really should know that it just doesn't happen.


If you wish to insist that he is on the level - supply us with details. Was it a blank girocheque, ready to insert a payee's name? He / she must have had the accompanying advice note, saying what the purpose was.


It shouldn't be a problem for him to provide the details, as he has already allegedly brought it into the public domain by telling you. Are the rest of us to be privvy to the same tall tale?


The tale used to be that DWP bought TV sets for immigrants. That was junk and so is this.

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